Pressing Chad For Information

Sherlock became extremely curious as to why traces of Outer Burst energy was found on the pitchfork that chad was using earlier. He started thinking that Chad must have directly interacted with the Outer Burst or elements from it.

“That young man is hiding something from us,” Sherlock called over a couple of agents by his side to assist with detaining Chad as well as fully inspecting the farmhouse.

“You and you go around back, we’ll take the front.” Gadgil who was the assisting supervisor for the research team went with Sherlock to the front door while instructing the other agents to circle around back to make sure that Chad couldn’t escape.

Sherlock was cautiously scanning the area as he walked up the handful of steps leading to the front porch. “There is a faint trail of Outer Burst wave frequency. As I thought, that young man is definitely hiding something from us.”

“Hey, Mr Berkley open up!” Sherlock knocked on the door a couple of times but didn’t hear a response.

“If you don’t open this door right now we will be forced to break it down!” Gadgil’s intimidating voice was loud enough to be heard from the barn.

“You leave me with no other choice.” Just as Gadgil was about to kick down the door, he along with Sherlock saw it swing open.

“There’s no need to break down my parent’s door. It will be costly to repair.” Chad revealed himself to the CRC agents with guilt permeating him.

“Why didn’t you answer when we were calling?” Asked Gadgil roughly.

Chad fed them an excuse, “I was busy using the bathroom ok. Did you want me to cut my shit short just to answer your call?”

“Stop screwing around. We just saw you came in here, no one takes a dump that fast.” Gadgil forced Chad out of the way and entered the house. He was bigger in body compared to Chad so he couldn’t put up much of a resistance, plus these agents had guns attached to their waists which made him think twice about doing anything stupid.

“Hey, you can’t just barge in here.” Chad tried to prevent them from ransacking his home. “You said you would only be checking the barn. I want you guys out of my house right now!”

Gadgil restrained him. “Step aside. We know you are hiding something that may threaten national security.”

“What could I possibly be hiding that suggests that?”

“We’ll know soon enough.” Gadgil shoved Chad backwards and commanded the agents outside to enter and sweep the house from top to bottom. It didn’t take them long to notice some tattered wet clothing in the bathroom that carried high traces of Outer Burst energy.

“Professor, we’ve found these rags.” The female agent brought the old clothes over for Sherlock to inspect.

“These clothing are giving off readings very similar to the black stone I picked up.” Pulling the wet garment apart, he discovered a smaller set of clothes and deduced it must have belonged to a child, probably the same child whose footprint he discovered in the barn.

“They are 2 separate styles of clothing. This one looks like centuries-old garbs worn by traditional women and the other, a male child.” Sherlock stared at Chad suspiciously who was standing by the doorway. “Who do these clothes belong to? Don’t lie to me.”

“Ah…” Chad lowered his head and refused to give a straightforward answer. “What does it matter to you who those clothes belong to?”

“It is very important that I confirm my suspicions.” Sherlock went closer to Chad and asked him, “What did you see inside that barn earlier today? Did you come across a woman and a child that seemed out of the ordinary?”

“Huh!” Hearing this question made Chad certain of one thing. ‘So those 2 aren’t from this world after all.’

“Answer me!” Based on Chad’s terrified expression, Sherlock figured he was right. “So someone did come out of the Outer Burst anomaly. This is revolutionary!” Sherlock became so excited when he received this confirmation that he started rambling to himself.

“This proves my theory about trans-dimensional travel across distant timelines being possible for humans. Time isn’t a linear construct as many of us have misconstrued it to be. It is a continuous quantum strain of interconnected variants taking part in all sorts of realities simultaneously.

How marvellous! Today’s discovery has given me new ideas to implement in the Gyrocromin Synchronizer 2.0. The black stone will be a vast leap in its succession. Not to mention those 2 variables who came through the portal. I need to learn more about their biology to uncover how they survived the quantum shift. Instability in molecular transference is still an issue for us.”

Sherlock spared Chad his stern gaze and inquired, “Where are they?”

Chad replied, “I don’t know where they are.”

“You’re lying!” Shouted Gadgil.

“I swear to God I don’t know! When I came inside they were already gone.”

“Gone where?”

“I don’t know. They could be anywhere by now.” Chad really didn’t know where they went.

Sherlock demanded, “Tell me what you know about them. How do they look and what language do they speak? Tell me everything!”

“Alright! Alright!” Chad was forced to share all that he knew about Silvia and Amich with the CRC agents, otherwise, he would have been detained in a private facility until he spilt the beans.