The Unfortunate LARPers

“So Amich and I are twins?” Silvia became more knowledgeable of her origin. It was a shocker for her to discover that the boy she regarded as her little brother for all these years was actually the same age as her. Amich’s growth experience was delayed due to ancient time magic.

Silvia’s curiosity drove her to spin to the next page where she would be able to read more of the written knowledge by the Supreme Magus, Mariana Victain. Her fingers shifted the brown paper with such zeal and focus that the thought of her injured leg hopped out of her awareness along with the sense of danger.

Silvia became so engrossed in her reading that she failed to sense the approaching presence of 3 individual figures who were treading the gravel path onward to the overpass. Their attire was of fake-build metallic armour equipped with wooden swords coated in aluminium foil.

They were a small Live Action Roleplaying band who were just coming back from a community play where they raided the Dogamal Castle to rescue the captured Lord.

“Draw your swords!” One of the LARPers acted out a prior engagement that he had with the enemy forces. He slashed his sword about randomly. The unpredicted motion almost cause him to hit his friend in the head.

“Hey, Barabis be careful with that thing.” The friend on the right told him to lower his weapon. “You are not a real swordsman so don’t let the LARP get to your head. You might poke somebodies eyes out.”

The other guy supported this argument by saying, “Arthur is right, Barabis. Although that sword is made of wood, it can still poke somebody’s eyes out if you are not careful.”

Barabis smiled and remarked, “You guys are just jealous that your swords aren’t as cool as mine. Yours is the worst, Franklin.” He held his mighty weapon up for the heavens to adore. “This magnificent blade was hand forged by me in the pit of Obsidian Pandour.”

“More like the bottom of your basement, bro.” Barabis’s friends laughed at his ridiculous display of valour, moreover, told him that he was the reason why their siege on Dogamal Castle ended in failure.

“I am not.” Barabis tried refuting his friend’s statement but they insisted that he was the cause of their LARP ending so abruptly.

As the 3 youths continued to bicker among themselves, they arrived closer to the fated overpass where Silvia was currently engrossed in her reading. Her back was turned to them so she didn’t notice them.

“Hey, look there up ahead. Someone is lying beneath the bridge.” Franklin pointed out this discovery to his friends. They all geared their attention to Silvia. “It’s a woman.”

“What is she doing over there? Her hair is painted silver. Is she also a LARPer?” With Arthur at the forefront, he led his men through loosely growing thickets and round sediments until he came within a range where he could view Silvia’s form better.

“Hey…” Arthur was about to call out to Silvia to inquire about her reason for being there all alone. At first, he thought she might be a LARPer just like them but then he began to think she might have run away from home or been in some kind of trouble. His voice didn’t reach the audible volume to distract Silvia from her reading. This was due to the inexplicable happening he saw morphing her injured leg.

“What the heck is up with her leg!?” Barabis came forward and saw what had Arthur scared. This contributed to his outburst which spurred Silvia away from her reading.

“Huh!” Glancing behind her in a spit of fright, the first thing Silvia thought of when she laid eyes on the 3 armoured men was the crusaders who were employed by the Grand Inquisitor to scour all of Astasia with the great goal of ridding the land of evil.

“Knights from the inquisition? How did they find me here? Could they have followed us through the portal?” Slowly crawling away from the LARPers who she perceived as a harmful influence, Silvia began to stretch her thought pattern very wide to decipher how the crusaders had caught up with her in the future timeline. She eventually abandoned this thought when she identified the sharp edge of Barabis’s sword dangling out of its sheath.

“Is that Blessed Silver?” Silvia mistook the aluminium foil which surrounded the wooden sword for Blessed Silver, the very object the Grand Inquisitor forces used to slay the Lycans. This made her start to worry about her brother’s safety.

“If these expert knights discover Amich they might pierce his heart with their Blessed Silver. My leg is in the process of regenerating so I can’t flee as I want to. I have no choice, I have to fight my way out of this.”

Arthur noticed Silvia reaching for an item in her bag which caused her to accidentally cut her hand on one of the sharp rocks. He took an involuntary step forward to try and offer his aid but she interpreted his advance as a threatening gesture and started screaming at the top of her lungs.

“No! Get away from me!”

“Huh!” In the woods nearby, Amich had just sunk his Silver Fangs into the juicy neck of a 4 legged quarry. It was at this moment when his keen hearing perceived his sister’s distressing voice.

“Sister is in danger!” Amich’s wild instinct took over completely. His beastly features began to reveal themselves as he rushed his way back to Silvia’s rescue. Last time he failed to protect his sister from getting hurt by the train, now whatever the threat was against his sister he was going to make sure to rip it apart without hesitation.