Protecting My Sister No Matter What!


“Huh, did you guys hear that?” Franklin who was standing at the back of his gang thought he heard the brief holler of a wolf. His friends were too occupied dealing with Silvia’s wild behaviour.

She took the athame from her bag and aimed it at the LARPers. “I said stay back!” She swung the knife so viciously that it almost cut Arthur's hand.

“Chill lady. We’re not trying to hurt you.” To prove his verity, Arthur started backing away from Silvia slowly while raising his hands in a surrendering posture. Even by doing this, he realized that Silvia still had her guard up. Her sight was mainly focused on the sword in Barabis’s grasp.

Arthur leaned in closer to Barabis and said, “Hey, man get rid of the sword. I think you are scaring her with it.”

“You want me to get rid of my precious sword? No way, man.” Barabis refused. “Why the hell should I toss away my hand-crafted masterpiece to appease some crazy chick?”

Hearing Barabis’s refusal, Franklin suggested, “You don’t have to toss it away. Just sheath the damn thing. Can’t you see that she’s freaking out?”

“Alright, I’ll sheath it.” Before placing the sword in its sheath, Barabis held the sword up high and kissed it with his praiseworthy lips. “Alas, my sweet darling who has accompanied me on my lifelong journey of conquest. I shall now put you to rest at my side.”

“Dude just hurry and get rid of it.” Arthur wanted Barabis to stop messing around and quickly sheathed his swords but he kept on praising it with his words as if he was a true swordsman. Obviously, he was talking nonsense. This nonsense led to an unfortunate event.

“Huh, those men are crusaders?” Amich came out of the bushes just in time to perceive an ill perspective that looked to him like a handful of crusaders was surrounding his sister and one of them was about to strike her down with his Blessed Silver which was reflecting the glimmers of the bouncing sunrays hitting the overpass.

“I won’t let you harm my sister!” Amich lost all sense of humanity as he thought about his sister being in grave danger. As a result, he drowned himself fully in his protective nature by unleashing the complete essence of the diabolical beast dwelling within him. This he painfully achieved after biting his forearm fiercely.

The curse properties of his Silver Fangs erased his limiter completely and brought out his full potential. Under a few seconds, while rushing toward the overpass, Amich transformed into an 8.5-foot werewolf of monstrous proportions. His furs were of greyish silver tone, a vast difference from his partially transformed state where black and brown furs were most prevalent.

Amich not only became a full-fledged beast but he also summoned a gathering of dark clouds that responded instantly to his bloodlust. A flash of lightning struck his bristled furs that acted as a quasi-conductor of electricity. This phenomenon boosted his physical velocity beyond normalcy.

“What the heck was that?” Getting alerted by the lightning which struck behind them without any prior indication, the 3 LARPers turned around to witness first-hand the atrocious temper of an overprotective brother.

“Where the hell did that monster come from!” Franklin was terrified to the extent that he tripped and fell on his face while he and his friends sought escape from the beast. “Hey, guys wait for me! Huh???”


Franklin felt a swift gust blow over him in an instant. At first, he thought it was bad luck that he tripped, but now that he was looking ahead of him just a few feet in front of Silvia, he noticed how fortunate he had been.

“Huh… guy?” Franklin could barely utter a word, fearing that it was soon to be his turn.

Both Arthur and Barabis had been cleaved asunder. Their body parts were scattered across the floor beneath the overpass like the aftermath of a garbage dump when ransacked by wild animals.

Amich tore through them in an instant. He had the upper torso of Barabis held high in his large grasp; drinking of the blood trickling down his spine. According to Amich’s interpretation of things, Barabis was the crusader who held his sister at sword point with Blessed Silver, so naturally, Amich made his death out to be very painful.

“Grrr…” Finished drinking Barabis’s spinal juices, Amich tossed his corpse onto the ground like a piece of paper. Next, he turned around, giving his menacing attention to the only survivor.

“Oh my God! It killed them! That freaking monster!” Franklin was panting like an overworked donkey. His eyes were popping out of his skull. Although he feared staring at Amich, he just couldn’t avert his gaze from that monstrous presence. Internally, he was screaming frantically for a hero to come to his rescue.

“I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!” Franklin became the raw product of fear, shivering in death’s embrace.

“Grrrr!” Amich continued to move towards him at a slow pace. He was taking longer to kill him as swiftly as he did his friends. This only made Franklin’s fears more heightened and detrimental to himself. His heart sounded like it was going to run out of his chest.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

“Hm? That man…” Silvia thought it weird that the LARPers didn’t put up a fight against her brother. Even in the presence of the devil, the Grand Inquisitors’ lapdogs weren’t easily scared.

“These men… are they really crusaders?” Looking at the terror dancing in Franklin's eyes as well as his body language while he was being glared at by Amich, she was beginning to realize that something was amiss.

“Something is off about him.” Soon after this thought ran through her head, she uncovered that the Blessed Silver that she thought comprised Barabis’s sword wasn’t Blessed Silver at all. Its true element was wood, not steel. Moreover, based on how easily their armour shattered, she identified that they were made from cardboard boxes painted silver, not real metal.

“We’ve made a mistake.” Realizing the LARPers’ true identity, Silvia tried to warn Amich not to engage Franklin. “Amich stop! These men aren’t crusaders. They are regular people of this world.”

Although Amich heard his sister's warning, his animal instincts wouldn’t allow him to stop what he already planned to do with Franklin. He was going to pick his bone from his flesh and fillet him like fish.