Shackling The Wild Silver Lycan

“Amich! I said don’t hurt him!”

“Grrr…” He ignored Silvia and pressed his large foot firmly on Franklin’s back. His leg was so heavy that it made Franklin think that a tractor was on top of him.

“Kuha!” Franklin spat out a mouthful of blood that stained the ground red. The horror was evident on his face as he inches closer to death’s realm.

“Amich don’t kill him!” No matter how fiercely Silvia shouted, her little brother wouldn’t respond to her command. Well, he wasn’t a little boy anymore. He possessed the caricature of a bloodthirsty monster. The blood trickling down the corner of his mouth fell onto Franklin’s head. From there it travelled down the contours of his face and into his eyeballs. He became so overwhelmed by his inevitable demise that he passed out prematurely. His brain automatically shut down to avoid experiencing the hurt that followed death.

Amich extended the sharpness of his right claws as he prepared to burrow into Franklin’s body. When Silvia saw this blatant act of atrocity, she couldn’t sit by and left her brother unchecked.

“Amich! I’m serious! Stop it right now!” Again her command was ignored. “Alright, since you are being so hard of hearing. You’ve forced me to do this.” Silvia placed her hand in a small puddle of blood that was beside her. This was Arthur’s essence that she used to speed up the restoration of her injured leg. Now that her leg was healed, she got up from the ground and ran towards her brother.

During her sprint, she was whispering an incantation that made her eyes glow emerald. “Vatilies-Vataliae-Vatum.”

Arriving in her brother’s proximity, Silvia took a wild leap onto his broad back. It had so much width to it that a handful of dancers could run amok.

“Amich it’s time to shackle you.” The first thing Silvia did after she stuck her landing was reach for Amich’s neck. His silver furs were so sharp and pointy that they penetrated her palms. She overlooked the pain and continued with her ritual.

“Vatilies-Vataliae-Vatum. Heed my words oh beastly creature, henceforth your wrath is mine to command. I shackle thee with the collar of truth. No man’s lies can ever render the tether ineffective. On my command, you shall be set free and only then shall they mouth drink from the fountain of horror. Your silver furs shall forever be hidden, less the collar has been broken. Till then your beastly nature belongs to me! It is sealed and signed. The fiat of Will compels you! The fiat of Will compels you!”


A burst of emerald fire sprung forth from Silvia’s hands. A twisting blaze of infernal properties encompassed the entirety of Amich’s beast nature.

“Grah! Grah!” Amich was trying his best to shake off his sister and put a stop to her ritual. He ran into the walls, and hopped around like a bunny, he even tried swatting her off his back, but his arms were so muscular that he couldn’t properly reach her.

“Stop resisting me Amich! This is for your own good. I should have done this a long time ago.” Silvia felt responsible for the death of the 2 LARPers. If she was wiser about the ways of the new world, she wouldn’t have reacted the way she did which made her brother cast away his limiter and committed unwarranted murder of the innocents. She was hurting more than Amich was.


The emerald fire started acquiring a hue of orange at its most vulnerable peak. As Silvia continued to wield magical fiat, the flames compressed around Amich’s neck, forming an indistinctive bronze-jadeite collar.

“The collar has been installed successfully. Now I command you Amich to resend your transformation! Return to your youthful self!”

“Graaaah!” Amich had no other choice but to heed the words of his sister. Against his will, he struggled at first, but the magical properties of the jadeite collar were too much for him to bear. Eventually, his figure started to shrink as the collar gradually reshaped itself around his neck.

A minute later, Amich was in his nude human form curled up on the ground in the foetal position.

“Amich, are you ok?” Silvia knelt beside him to ascertain his condition. She shook his head lightly until his rational consciousness awakened. “Thank goodness, you are ok.”

“Sister, what happened?” Amich’s memory was slightly fragmented, thus he wasn’t fully aware of the damage he caused while he was a full-fledged Lycan. As he raised his head and looked around his environment, the pieces began to come together. The carnage he wrought weighed heavily on his consciousness, especially when he understood that the men he killed were innocent bystanders.

“Sister, I’m sorry.” Amich dipped his head in Silvia’s bosom as he tried to wash his sorrows and guilt away with his tears. “I didn’t mean to kill them. I thought I was protecting you.”

“It’s ok, Amich. I’m safe.” Silvia comforted him by caressing the back of his head. “Everything is going to be fine. We’re going to be fine.” She was more so trying to convince herself than she was convincing Amich.

Silvia took another look around the overpass. The sight of bloody guts disturbed her greatly. In the past, she had cut open the stomach of a few critters so she was familiar with the inside of animals, but this level of brutality that she sighted was too much for her to stomach easily.

During her inner mourning of the dead, Silvia noticed that Franklin was still breathing. This lightened her burned a bit. However, miniscule it was, it helped her greatly to keep on moving.

“We better get out of here, Amich.” Silvia withdrew her brother’s head from her bosom and went over to Franklin's locale. “Restoro Juvinarium.” She used her magic to heal his wounds. Later, she took his clothes, covered his privates with some leaves then return to her brother.

“Here are some clothes. Hurry and get dressed.” She gave him Franklin’s apparel.

Observing the size of the garments, Amich said, “Aren’t these clothes too big for me, Sister?”

“They are but they will have to do. You’ve ruined the clothes that man gave you and it would be unwise walking around here naked. I don’t believe it is customary in this world, so get dressed apace.”

“Ok.” Amich looked very out of place in Franklin’s garbs. The baggy shorts and spacious shirt were way too much covering for him. After walking around briefly, he complained to Silvia, “Sister I can hardly move around in these clothes. Can’t you use your magic to make them fit better? Before we left home, weren’t you developing such a spell?”

“I was but it wasn’t finished and I left my important notes behind. I’m not sure I remember the incantation at the top of my head.”

“It doesn’t matter. Please try it, sister.” Amich begged her to do something to make him look less of a dullard.

“Ok, since you insist,” Silvia told Amich to stay still as she cast a light viridian Conscious Bubble around him. This is a spherical area of influence where her magic could work freely.

“The Conscious Bubble has been conjured, now to adjust your garbs.” Silvia imagined the magical formula to assist with the remembrance of the incomplete incarnation.

“I’ve got it. But don’t expect it to work perfectly. Here goes… Fitario Shrinkesa!” Silvia injected her intention into the Conscious Bubble. It immediately executed her command.

Amich observed as his clothes shrink until they fitted nicely around him. “Yes, this is much better. Thank you, sister.” He gave Silvia a warm hug.

“Now let’s go to that town.” They set off toward the bustling town of Thains.