Barely Escaping Capture

Silvia and Amich were fast asleep when the sun was setting on the abandoned structure. Their bodies were wrapped in the embrace of much-needed rest.

They had been through so much in the last couple of hours; leaving Guillume Mountain along with their comrades behind; transmigrating to the future and running from the dark forces that threatened their very existence.

The old building provided them with a temporary respite from the dangers that lurked outside. They were grateful for the chance to rest and regroup.

As they rested, they were completely unaware that the CRC agents were closing in on their location. Their feet were moving stealthily through the short thickets surrounding the dilapidated structure.

The agents were armed with Quantum Resonance Transponder devices, scanning the surroundings for the telltale signs of Outer Burst energy.

"I'm getting a strong reading on the QRT scanner," said Gadgil, his voice low and urgent. "It looks like they're close. We have to move quickly."

“Roger that.” The other agents agreed with a silent nod of their heads, their expressions grim as they followed their leader through the shadowy corridors. They had been tracking the siblings for hours. Their mission was to bring them back to the Cronus Research Centre at any cost.

As they drew closer to the room where Silvia and Amich were sleeping, the agents moved with even greater caution, their weapons drawn and ready. They were aware of the threat that the siblings posed, hence, they couldn't afford to take any chances.

The siblings were completely unaware that the agents were right under their noses, their peaceful slumber undisturbed by the danger that lurked just outside their door.

The room was shrouded in the darkness where they lay fast asleep, their bodies exhausted from the rough day they had endured. The sound of their gentle breathing permeated the room, a soothing presence in the stillness of the night.

The agents drew closer to the door that separated them from discovering the siblings. They were ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. With a sudden, violent burst, the agents stormed into the room, brandishing their weapons.

“We’ve got you! Huh.”

The agents who barged into the room with brute force were utterly flabbergasted, they found nothing but the empty ground and cobweb-covered corners.

"How can this be?" muttered one of the agents, tapping his QRT device in frustration. "The readings just now showed that they should be here. Is this thing malfunctioning?"

“It can’t be.” Voiced another agent. “That is a million-dollar equipment.” As they continued to scan the room, all they saw was a black cat with golden eyes by the window, purring softly while licking its paws.

Silvia and Amich knew the truth. Moments before the agents had burst into their room, Amich had woken up suddenly, his keen sense of smell identifying a disturbing presence, a faint but distinct scent that sent a shiver down his spine.

With a start, Amich sat up, his eyes scanning the room for the source of the disturbance. And there, by the window, he saw it - a black cat with golden eyes, licking its paws nonchalantly as it gazed out at the night.

"It's you again," Amich muttered, a hint of irritation in his voice. "The cat from the alley. Did you follow us here? Sadly we don't have any food left over. Now get out of here."

He tried to shoo it away, but the cat seemed unperturbed by Amich's words, its golden eyes fixed on something outside the window. With a sinking feeling, Amich realized that the cat was trying to get his attention, trying to warn him of something.

Curious, Amich made his way over to the window, peering outside to see what had caught the cat's attention. And there, in the darkness, he saw a group of men, their faces obscured by the shadows.

"It's those men from before," Amich whispered, his voice filled with alarm. He hurriedly ran to where his sister was poised and said, "Sister, wake up. There's trouble."

Silvia woke abruptly, her body tensing as she registered the urgency in her brother's voice. "What is it Amich?" As she asked this in a whisper, her hand was instinctively moving to the small knife at her belt.

"It's those men from before," Amich whispered back, his voice shaking with fear. "They're here to capture us. We have to leave, now."

Silvia's mind raced as she tried to think of a way out of their current predicament. They couldn't stay in the old building anymore, not with the agents closing in on them. But where could they go? They were strangers in this world, with no allies to turn to and nowhere to hide.

Just as she was about to panic, an idea struck her. She remembered the magic spell she had learned from the Supreme Magus, a spell that would help them escape undetected.

"Amich, listen to me," Silvia’s voice was low and urgent. "I'm going to cast that spell again that will make us invisible. It will only last for a few minutes, but it will be enough for us to get out of here. Are you ready?"

Amich assented, “Yes sister.” his eyes were wide with trepidation but also a glimmer of hope.

Silvia closed her eyes and took a deep breath, focusing all of her energy on the spell. She felt the magic swirling within her, ready to be unleashed.

"Temporo Invisio," Her voice barely above a whisper.

As the words left her lips, she felt a strange sensation wash over her, as if she were becoming one with the shadows. She opened her eyes to see that both she and Amich were now invisible, their bodies shimmering with a faint, ethereal glow.

"Come on," Silvia grabbed Amich's hand and pulled him out of the room through a gap at the other side. "We have to get out of here. Now."

Silvia's heart thudded irregularly in her chest as she led her brother through the abandoned building. Both of their senses were on high alert, especially Amich’s because of his animalistic qualities.

“Careful not to hit any of these old items over,” Silvia warned her brother as they made their escape. She could feel the presence of danger closing in on them, the cold grip of fear clutching at her heart. They had to get out of there fast.

“I see a clearing over there.” Silvia led the way through the crumbling halls. Just as they reached the back exit, Silvia heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Without a moment's hesitation, she grabbed Amich's hand and pulled him through the door, into the darkness beyond.

The cold night air hit them like a wall as they stumbled out into the open, panting and gasping for breath. Silvia could hear the agents behind them, their footsteps growing louder and more urgent.

"We have to run," she said, tugging on Amich's hand. "We have to get as far away from here as possible."

Amich went along with his sister onto a shaded path which led to the eerie backroads. Behind them, the agents shouted and cursed as they made their escape.

“That was too close for comfort.” Silvia's mind raced with the knowledge that they had narrowly avoided capture.

As for Amich, he was happy that the situation back at the old building didn’t break out in a scuffle. As much as he would do whatever he had to, to protect his sister, he didn’t much like wolfing out and indiscriminately killing people. Just like his sister, he valued human life.