Jules And Chad’s Encounter

Chad stood in the midst of the muddle that was his ranch, feeling a sense of despair wash over him. The CRC agents had been ransacking the place for hours, turning everything upside down in their search for Silvia and Amich. The cattle were in a state of panic, bleating and bellowing as they were chased this way and that way by the intruders.

“Tsk, I can’t stand these government A-holes.” Chad wasn’t pleased with the mess they had caused to his ranch, but there was nothing he could do against such a powerful organization, hence he lingered waiting for them to be finished with whatever they had going on.

Suddenly, his phone rang, jarring him out of his thoughts. He fumbled for it, frowning as he saw Jules's number flash across the screen.

“What does she want?” He hesitated for a moment, thinking that Jules was calling to beg him to take her back again, but then resigned himself to answering it.

"Hello?" he answered, his voice sounding gruff.

"Chad, it's Jules," came the angry voice on the other end of the line. "I just had the worst experience of my life and it's all your fault!"

“All my fault?” Chad's brow furrowed as he listened to Jules's ranting. He couldn't help but think that this was somehow connected to Silvia and Amich.

“What the hell are you talking about Jules?” he asked, trying to keep the impatience out of his voice.

"I ran into this silver-haired chick in front of my store, wearing clothes that I left at your place when we were still together." Jules’s voice was shaking with rage. "And then that little wild brat viciously assaulted me. The brute shoved me through the glass!"

Chad's eyes widened in shock as he realized that Jules was talking about Silvia and Amich. "You ran into Silvia?" His heart was thudding as he asked this question.

"Yes, I did," Jules replied sounding resentful. "And you do know her, don't you?"

Chad's realized the gravity of the situation. A slight feeling of guilt washed over him. At the time he was picking out suitable clothing for Silvia to wear, he hadn’t thought of the future implication it would have stirred up. He had to do something to make things right.

"I'll be right there," he said, cutting Jules off before she could say anything else. He hung up the phone and took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. “Silvia… I wonder if she and her brother are still ok.”

Before he attempt to leave, Chad had to find a way to lose the CRC agents that were still lingering around his ranch. He glanced around, trying to come up with a plan. And then it hit him. He could sneak away through the back and get to his truck without being noticed. With a quick, furtive glance around, he made his way towards the vehicle, making sure to avoid being spotted.

He reached the truck and quickly climbed in, starting the engine with a roar. He put the pedal to the metal, his tires kicking up a cloud of dust as he sped away from the ranch and towards the town, his mind focused on finding Silvia and Amich and making things right. He had a feeling something terrible might happen to them. Hence, he just hoped he could get there in time to prevent it.

It wasn’t before long that Chad pulled up to the small storefront in the centre of town, he could see Jules pacing back and forth in front of the shattered window; her rage was quite potent.

“Hey, Jules.” Chad gained her attention.

“Huh.” She looked up as he approached, her face contorted with anger and frustration.

"What the hell were you thinking, Chad?" She yelled at him as soon as stepped out of the truck and came over.

The first thing Chad noticed was the multiple bandages across her arm. “You’re hurt?”

"Of course, I am hurt. I got pushed through a glass, you moron. Do you think I am a bionic woman?” Jules behaved aggressively towards him, blaming all her follies on him. “How could you give that woman my old clothes to wear? I can't believe you would do something like this to me!" She went on with her abusive tirades.

Chad held up his hands in a placating gesture, trying to calm her down. "I'm sorry, Jules," his voice was laden with genuine remorse. "I had no idea they would do something like this. I just wanted to help them out."

Jules snorted in disbelief. "Well, they sure as hell didn't seem to need your help," she gestured towards the broken glass and debris scattered around the floor. "They seemed to have things well in hand."

Chad winced, feeling slightly guilty for what happened. He knew he had to do something to make things right. Thus he suggested, "I'll pay for the damages," he tried to sound as sincere as possible. "I'll do whatever it takes to make things right."

Jules's expression softened slightly at this, yet she still looked wary. "I don't know, Chad," she shook her head. "I don't think money is going to fix this. Those two are dangerous. I don't want them anywhere near me or my store ever again."

Chad understood her concerns. "I get it. But I really need to find them. They're in some kind of trouble and I have to help them. Do you have any idea where they might have gone?"

Jules hesitated for a moment, clearly torn that her ex-boyfriend was worrying over another girl aside from her. But then she sighed and relentlessly pointed down the road. "I saw them heading that way. I don't know where they were going, but they seemed pretty desperate to get there."

"Thank you, Jules. I'll make things right, I promise." With that, Chad turned and sprinted towards his truck. His mind was focused on finding Silvia and Amich.