Adding and Multiplying

Aubrianne Ivanov's POV.

The b!tch Petal had short curly blonde hair, grey eyes, and a round face. Her eyelashes were the thickest and longest of the three, and she was also the tallest. She was fit, and she was the head cheerleader.

Sighing and so over it at this point, exasperated, after fighting and being tossed around and with all the pulling and tugging at my hair from all three of us, while Amy looks on with a malicious smirk, I say, "guys, please, just stop now. You are making it worse."

They had persisted till, finally, someone came around the corner. Only then, they had immediately stopped, and Petal said in a voice dripping with venom, apparently upset at being interrupted, "It was too long ANYWAY. I suggest you cut it."

"Yea, who has that much hair anyways." Nadia got her say in before they all scurried off, leaving me standing alone in the hallway with my hair, a sudden freak show. All frazzled and caked with patches of gum. Like how much gum did they use?