What is the big Secret?

Daniel Grey's POV.

You are not even jumping to conclusions. You are leaping. All Aubrianne had said was that she did not know her father or anything about him.

But why is Alpha treating Aubrianne this way? When you think of it, there are not many options. Unless Alpha knew her father, or she was some distant relative or so.

Again a stretch, ok Daniel. Enough!

Oh, the mysteries of Aubrianne. I smiled as I remembered what started this infatuation in the first place, and maybe I just wanted to know everything for selfish reasons.

I have to admit, I loved her from the moment I saw her. It was on that faithful day I walked into my dad's office, he was not there, but there she was.

Strolling towards his desk, I zoned in, just browsing, he has been so busy lately, and I am next in line for the position of Beta in our community, so I am always eager to assist in any way I can, which is why I usually check in from time to time.