Broken Deal

Hunter was staring at their hands with his emotionless face. Even though, on the inside, he was actually struggling.

He couldn’t lie being touched by her or touching her was one of the best feelings, but he wasn’t ready to respond, and her question caught him off guard.

He was very silent, which made Claire feel nervous.

She couldn’t tell what was on his mind and she was afraid of what his response would be. As she was about to look down, she noticed the scar on Hunter’s lower abs. After all those time, how did she miss that?

“Um… What’s this…?” She gently asked, stroking Hunter’s scar. And then, Claire was looking up, straight into his eyes.

Now his eyes turned more icy-cold, staring back at her. For a second there, Hunter was still not saying anything, instead, he slowly turned his back and walked away, taking his boxer and wearing it.

“...Just a little souvenir… from your dad.” He answered with his back to her. His voice was plainly sturdy and cold.