
Hunter couldn’t wait for another minute himself, he pressed his lips on hers again, but this time he took time to explore every bit of Claire’s body as they laid down on the carpet.

Every touch he made just makes Claire lost in another level of heaven on earth. He kneaded her breast playfully as he maintained their kisses, and then he touched her pussy, making her feel tortured by the touch of his hands.

He kissed her neck and lightly sucked her skin. He bit her shoulder too, out of his repressed passion toward her.

Claire couldn’t help but moan hard when he sucked one of her nipples and played the other one with his finger.

“..ah… Hunter…please…”

“Mm…? Please what?” He shortly replied, satisfied with the way she responded to his touch.

Claire hesitated. Please fuck me already?

“...Please stop torturing me…” She said between her rapid breathing.