


"Ladies and gentlemen! We are now officially opening our participation into The Warriors Association! What are you waiting for? -"

Aqasha couldn't believe her eyes and ears. She sat on the sofa just like a monkey with her mouth wide open and eyes as round as a perfect coin.

"Q! Q come see this!" She shouted while waving her skinny hands, telling her sister to come over.

"What? I'm cooking right now!" said Qairah that was busy making dinner. She came to the living room with her dirty apron and messy hair. When Aqasha saw her, she quickly pulled her hand and sat her down.

"Look!" She said. "We can participate! It's open now, so we can participate!"

She said excitedly while clinging and jumping around her sister.

"Gosh I know it's exciting, but do we both need to participate? I mean you have school silly" Qariah giggled a little.

"No!!!! I finished my last semester last month remember? I just need to wait for graduation. Come on, lets participate together. We both shy so we need to be together. Always." Aqasha puts her right hand to her chest and puts a straight-determined face.

"What?" Qairah laugh her ass out as she couldn't believe her lil sister could be so innocent.

Just then, a boy and a girl came out from a room besides their kitchen. They both have messy hair and rubbing their sore eyes.

"What 'noisy thing' did this time?" said the little girl with a pink shirt with a bunny on it.

"Stop calling me 'noisy thing'!!!!" Aqasha yelled at the poor little girl.

She then pinches those skinny cheeks of her little sister even though she resists. Qairah smiled a little then walked to the kitchen to continue cooking.

"Hey, I need an answer!" Aqasha yelled.

"The answer is yes". Qairah replied.

Aqasha was jolted by the answer. She then continued pinching her lil sister's cheeks despite the crying.

On the next day, the sisters went to the assosiation. They were standing in front of a huge rectangle-shape building that covered in glasses with indigo color. The stairs to the assosiation are thousands and many people give up after only at the half of the stairs. They both trying to swallow their saliva that are starting to taste a bit bitter than usual. They looked at each other, holding their hands and started to climb the steep stairs. It had been 30 minutes and they were almost half of the stairs. Aqasha started to feel sore at her legs and her head felt heavy. She turned to see her sister's condition. Qairah already at her limit. She was on her knees followed by heavy breath and kept shaking her head. Aqasha then smiled a little then went to her sister and pulled both her hands to stand her up straight.

"Come on!" She said. "We have a long way to go. It's too early to be tired. Early we get, early we leave."

Qairah just give a big sigh before she proceeds. Aqasha laugh and hold her hand even tight. Finally, after a few hours, they arrived at the main door. It was the biggest door they have ever seen. The door unfortunately just like any other modern door; slide-kind-of-door.

"I thought the door would be a lil bit magical though". Said Aqasha before they both giggle.

They started with large amount of people but now only a few that was left. They were all catching their breath when the slide door open before them. It was a jaw dropping moment for them as they all walked in and entered the massive building. Inside, they were witnessing a huge lobby with white tiles and shimmering grey pillar to support the building. At the center, there were six counters, each with its own staff that serve you with big smile and great service. The lobby was huge enough, but the lobby was still packed with people. Fortunately, the staff were almost everywhere to help those in needs. The lobby was crowded with people, and this was not the kind of situation that Aqasha was hoping for. She was worried that this would take a long time and she wants it to be as quick as it can be so she could go back home and read some comic. After gaining their energy, Qairah seek for a staff to ask about the participation while Aqasha kepts covering her head with her hoodie while trying hard not to throw up because of the anxious from the crowded place. After a few minutes searching, Qairah finally found a guy to ask for.

"Excuse me, I have a question to ask" Qairah said nervously.

The guy turns around and give her the sweetest smile she has ever seen. He wores a white shirt with a black vest and a dark blue necktie. He was holding a file with those skinny pale fingers of him. He was not that handsome but a very good looking guy for sure. Qairah stunned for a bit before continuing what she seeks for.

"We want to know which counter for the participation" She asked.

Aqasha turned to her sister as she found that her sister kinda not herself. Qairah easily nervous when ecountering people especially to boys, so watching her asking to the male staff is something that will make her day. The male staff smiled a bit before answering the question.

"You guys can go to the first counter to get the application form. Then, they will tell you the rest of the process."

Both Qairah and Aqasha turned their head simultaneously to the first counter and nodded. Qairah said her thanks and started to walk to the first counter when the guy stopped them. He glares at Aqasha for a little then faced Qairah.

"May I know your name?" He asked.

Qairah was shocked by that while Aqasha was unbothered by that because she thought he was asking for her sister's name. She adjusted her hoodie a bit then elbowed her sister to wake her up. Qairah flinch a bit then looked at the guy. He was still waiting for an answer patiently while holding the file tightly.

"My... My name is Qairah." She said as she started to stutter.

The guy laughed a little while pointing at Aqasha. Now it's her time to have a shock. She thought the guy was into her big sister.

'Why would he wants to know my name?' She thought.

She frowned as the just stood there without moving a muscle. Notice the awkward moment, the guy asked Qairah instead.

"She seems too shock to answer my question. Would you answer it for me?" He asked.

"Her name is Aqasha" Said Qairah, a little disappointed.

"That is a nice name" He replied. "Can I have your number?"

The guy got his phone out from his pocket and handed it over to Aqasha. Unfortunately, Aqasha was frightened by his sincerity and refused to give him her number.

"The fuck?" She said as she moved a few steps further from the guy.

The guy was completely in shocked when he was just got rejected before even have the chance to give his shot. He then kept his phone back to where it came from with a sorrow face. Qairah felt guilty and appologize instead.

"I am truly sorry for my little sister" Said Qairah.

"No, it's okay. I was a bit rush to her. My appology" He bowed to them as he leave them.

A hard punch to Aqasha's left shoulder made her flinch a bit before stroking her shoulder quickly to fade the burning pain. She turned her head to her sister as for demanding an answer for what she did. Qairah just ignored her and walked to the first counter, leaving her lil sister a big confusion.

A few hours past and the sisters went out from the bulding. Qairah looked very happy meanwhile Aqasha seems to be a lot in a blue and black. From their faces, you can know exactly who got in and who didn't. It was silence when they went down the long stairs when Qairah spoke for the first time after getting out from the building.

"Well, karma is a bitch" She giggled.

"What did you say!?" Aqasha asked with a high tone as she angry her sister enjoyed mocking her right now.

"I was just saying that famous phrase from that famous app you know. The one that make almost anything famous. I forgot the name" She replied as she didn't look at Aqasha at all.

Aqasha can only make a pout because she knew that she deserved that after treating that guy harshly earlier. She felt guilty and wants to appologize properly to the guy and treat him a nice meal maybe. As if god has listened to her little wish, they found the guy standing at the end of the stairs, changed his clothes with something more casual, he leaned against a tree near the stairs as he plays with his phone. When he realize the sisters, he quickly puts his phone away and ran towards them.

"How was it?" He asked.

"I passed but she wasn't so good" Qairah pointed at Aqasha.

Aqasha ignored her sister and she looked at the guy while collecting all her courage to say sorry to him for what she did.

"May I know your name?" she asked.

"Oh!" He surprised. " My name is Henry".

"Ok Henry, I want to say sorry for earlier. I know I was harsh towards you and I shouldn't have done that. Is there something that I can do in return?" She spoke confidently.

"Something in return?" Henry touches his chin slightly and smirk.

"Yes". Aqasha answered quickly.

"Then..." He looked her in her eyes. "Let have a date with me today, right now".

Both Qairah and Aqasha were shocked with what they just heard. A date? It was a piece of cake for Qairah but Aqasha never have a friend before, let alone a boyfriend. Qairah just stood there with her jaw dropped while Aqasha can't stop blinking and Henry who was so eager to hear the answer provoke her.

"So?" He asked. "Is it a yes or a no? You wanted to do something in return do you?"

"Erm..." Aqasha hesitated.

"Just give it a go" Qairah intefere. "He' s a good looking guy"

Aqasha looked at Henry one more time when she finally nodded.

'This is okay right?' She confirmed herself.

And there was the answer that Henry was waiting for. After saying goodbye with each other, Aqasha followed Henry to wherever he was taking her. She kept saying in her head that he was a good guy. Busy with her own mind, she didn't realize they were already arrived at a huge restaurant. They were in a big fancy restaurant that she never imagined herself in. After a long silence, Henry broke into a conversation.

"I really want to have a good time with you. After this, we're gonna go to a game center. Then we will go to cinema, maybe eat some ice cream after that and end this with a walk at the central park and have a deep long conversation to know each other better. You like that?"

"Erm... This is my first ever date, so I don't really know. But you know what, I dont mind at all. I'm okay with it" Aqasha smiled.

Henry smiled back and they continue their date. Everything happened exactly like what Henry wanted to. They went to the game center and played so many games, they went to the cinema and watch some good love story anime and even went to the karaoke club to sing some love songs and some k-pop songs. Through the date, Aqasha found a lot of similarities in Henry whether in music taste, food, and even movies. She really did think this through and thought that she could give him a chance. Maybe this could be her debut in love-like relationship. She never had a boyfriend before and Henry came with full of sincerity and they had been having a blast since lunch at that big fancy restaurant. It was 6 o'clock in the evening when they arrived at the central park. Henry bought ice cream and offer a walk to the centre of the park. The park was dead silence. Cold breeze slowly greeting Aqasha's back that could reach her spine. Henry walk slowly besides her while eating the same ice cream as her and sometimes glancing at her then smile. Despite the cold wind, Aqasha felt that it was rather romantic, having a walk with a good looking guy, tall, fair skin, nice and heart warming and most importantly very patience towards her. It was when they arrived under a small bridge that Henry started to talk.

"Hey," He said. "I have a present for you."

He then went under the small bridge and became one with the shadow. Aqasha still holding the ice cream that started to melt. She frowned a bit when Henry didn't answer her call. A few seconds after that, a hand outstreched from the shadow and pulled her in, leaving her ice cream that fell on the cold floor melting by itself.