

Qairah was in the bus, thinking about her little sister's first date with that good looking guy named Henry. She thought that finally her sister will have her normal teenage life just like any other kids. She smiled by herself in the bus while throwing away her thoughts about her sister when suddenly she received a message from someone she knows.

[Hey, I just want to say that we're done. I just don't think that we could be a good match. You're kind and pretty, so I'm sure that you can find someone more suitable for you. I'm sorry 'cause I can't be that person. Thank you for everything in these three months together and goodbye.]

Her head went empty. She stared at her phone for a while. She then taped her phone for a few times before placing it next to her ear. She stayed like that for a few seconds. She then puts down her phone, tapes it again and put it back to her ear just to face the same disappointment as before. She started to tremble. Her eyes were red and teary. She became panic. The man she loved had abandoned her just like that. She strokes her hair harshly as she started to cry silently.

"Well, I hope you have a better day then me Aqasha"

Henry pulled her under the small bridge, inside the shadows. Aqasha then pushed him away and hit his chest a few times for scaring her with that childish joke.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she started to walk away.

Henry quickly stops her from going anywhere.

"I want to have some fun. We... will have some fun" He smiled.

"This is not fun" She walked away.

Henry suddenly stopped smiling and grabbed her shoulders and pushed her against the bridge which made her scream. She looked at him, confused with his sudden change, and wondering what she did wrong. In front of her now is not Henry but someone she do not know.

"Henry, it hurts" She cried.

"Shut up. This is all your fault, bitch!" He clenched her shoulder even harder.

Aqasha closed her eyes as the grip became stronger. She was really at shock with the 'new Henry'. Just now that she realized she fucked up.

"Henry, let me go. What are you doing? You're hurting me."

"Haha... Hahahahah. I hated you from the moment you ignored me at the lobby. I hated you that you didn't care about my existence! I wanted to kill you from that moment. You think I like you? Hahahahah! What a fool bitch you are. Me, a rich man with somebody as filthy as you? You must be kidding me? Hahaha!"

A thunder striked directly to her as she had been fooled by a man that she thought have feelings for her. She never felt so stupid in her life. Just how desperate was her for some stupid love? She felt so humiliated by the fact that everything Henry said was true. She really thought that she has found her true love. Pfft... What a stupid girl she was.

"You....you tricked me?" She trembled.

Henry took out a pocketknife.

"Yes. Now you die."

He swungs his hand and aimed for her stomach but Aqasha was quick enough to see that coming and she pushed him first. He lost balanced and collapsed. She took the only chance she had and ran away but only to a split second. She suddenly fell and screamed. She looked at her left thigh. Blood dripping. A pocketknife was hanging on her left thigh. It was painfull that she started crying. Her whole body was twitching just from a single strike on her thigh. She slides her body on the ground to get out from under the bridge and was hoping that somebody, anybody would pass by to save her. Henry was standing behind her, smirking, while walking slowly towards her as she was struggling to carry her body to the light. Henry then grabbed her left thigh and pushed the pocketknife even deeper. Aqasha tried to scream but Henry was fast enough to slam her whole face to the ground. Blood dripping from her nose and her lips cracked. Once again, Henry cought her left leg and pulled her whole body into the shadows. Aqasha trembled. At this moment, she saw a reflection of her whole family. Everything from her broken childhood until the moment she last saw her sister.

'Ah... So, this is what you see when you're about to die...' She thought.

Henry then pulled out the pocketknife from her thigh and rolled over her body then started slapping her damned face.

"Hey! You good?" He asked.

Then he started giggling which eventually turn into a laugh, a lunatic laugh. He kept slapping her face while laughing like crazy. Aqasha suddenly coughing and blood started spurting making her face covered with thick blood down to her shirt. Henry moved his faced closer to her face and started staring at the blood on her face.

"What a beautiful colour." He said.

Henry then looked her whole body and realized that only her face and left thigh that was bleeding. He came up with a huge plan. He started to cut Aqasha's whole body while giggling intensely and having that lunatic smile.

Aqasha was struggling. She used her hand to stop Henry but she was already at her limit. Everytime she tried to snatch the pocketknife from him, Henry just swung randomly but strongly that she ended up hurting herself.

After done with the upper body, Henry stood up to move to the leg. Aqasha saw another chance for her. She kicks his ball and tackle his leg. She tried to take the knife but he kept it under his belly while he started curling his whole body on the ground. She had no choice than to just run. She ran as fast as she could with her injured leg. She took out her phone and started dialing. She almost places the phone to her ear when suddenly Henry grabbed her long black hair and stabbed her left shoulder. The phone dropped to the lake. Not giving up, she screamed her lungs out. Thankfully, a couple of old folk jogs by. They heard her scream and started to search for it. Both Henry and Aqasha could hear their footsteps on top of the bridge. Henry quickly slamed her head to the wall a few times. The old couple then gave up on searching the voice they just heard and continued jogging. She hasn't given up yet and tried to fight, but she lost to much blood. She can only grab his hands while struggling to breathe. After a few seconds, the hands dropped, the voice stopped, and the body froze. Henry tilts his head to see her face that had been slammed towards the wall. He then released his grip from her head and the body fell straightly to the ground. He kicked the body hardly several times, but it was as if he was kicking a rock. He squated down and started stabbing randomly with a poker face. Even with the blood showering her body, she did not move even a little.

"Oh well." He said. "She dies too soon. What a shame"

By that, he stood up, put the pocketknife back to his pocket and walk away with both hands in his pocket and whistling without any sign on turning back.

'Do you want to die, Aqasha?'

'What? No!'

'Then what do you want?'

'I... I want revenge.'

'Revenge? Are you sure about that?'

'Yes! He fooled me. He tricked me. He lied to me. I don't want to die! Not now. I want to get stronger so I can kill him!'

'Well, it is true that this is an abasement but you need to think carefully.'

'You asked me and I answered. Get me stronger so I can get my revenge!'

'Even though you do not know who I am?'

'I don't care about that. Just help me.'

'Very well then, but this is not some help.'