

The family started the morning with breakfast. They all gathered on the dining table. All but one.

"Where is Aqasha?" Their mother asked.

"Probably in the room, unsocializing." Said Imah.

"She's gone." Qairah spoke.

The parents looked at each other then looked at Qairah, shocked.

"I'm serious. She's gone. She left. She abandoned us." Qairah started crying.

Their mother quickly ran to the room. She checked Aqasha's belongings with panic. At the bottom of her heart she wished that Aqasha's belongings were still there at the same place where she always puts it. She started bawling when she realized that all her stuff were gone and not one was left. She then came back to the dining table with tears still running down her cheeks.

"Did she say something to you, Qairah?" She asked. "Was it because the police closed the case? Was it because the police didn't believe her when she said a boy she knows was the one did all that? Was it-"

"She moved because she wanted to, mom." Qairah stood up. "It's my fault. I wanted her to date him. He is a rich kid. Nothing we can do to make him to go to jail."

"So that's it?" The father asked.

Qairah looked at her father. "What?"

"You heard me. That's it?"

He stood up, reached his cig and smoked it.

"Either she gives up or she wants to kill that boy herself."

"What are you talking about?" The mother walked closer to him.

"You heard me."

He then walked out the house to continue smoking. The mother returned to the dining table and continued eating while taking care of both Imah and Haiqkal. Qairah also returned to the dining table and almost continue eating when she started thinking about what her father had said. It could be because she wants to kill him, so she needs to be alone so we, her family won't be on her way and ruin it. Right?


"What?! You will close the case?" Qairah asked angrily.

"Well, we don't have any clue and no witness. Plus, she is alive so yeah, case closed."

The police officer pointed at Aqasha. He then brought a file and asked Aqasha to sign it. Aqasha signed it without hesitation which made Qairah and her parents furious. The police officer smirked.

"Are you stupid?! Why did you sign it?" Her mother asked.

"What else can I do? No proof, no nothing. The case close. If we want to proceed, it will consume all of our money. Maybe even more, like, our lives. Think." Aqasha spoke without even looking at her mother.

"But still-"

"I've made up my mind. We're heading back" Aqasha started to walk out the police station.

Her parents and Qairah were in deep shook. They couldn't believe that Aqasha would just walk away when the criminal still out there living to the fullest. There was nothing they could do at the moment. They leave the police station with huge disappointment.

From afar, the same police officer from the hospital were watching the scene from the beginning. He felt guilty but there was nothing he could do. He then stood up and walked to the main door.

"Excuse me, ma'am, sir." He touched the father's shoulder.

He looked at Qairah and Aqasha that were a little far from them. Knowing the signal, the father called them both to come back.

"What is it?" Qairah asked.

"I want to apologies."

This time, Aqasha was focus to the man. More like surprise that a stranger was apologizing but she quickly looked away before anybody notice.

"And why do you apologize?" Qairah asked.

"Because I know what they did was wrong but there is nothing I could do."

"Well, it's not your case in the first place anyway." Qairah replied, a little annoyed.

"Umm... I-"

"It's not you to decide to proceed or not. I didn't care about it anyway, so don't think about it."

Aqasha interrupted as she puts on a straight face without even looking at his face. Her parents were shocked by the statement while Qairah just looked away, wanting to get out of there. The police officer looked confused, as he never met such a person who gave up so easily. As if Aqasha could read his mind, she continued,

"I'm not giving up or what. This is the only way. You wouldn't understand and I have no intention to make you understand. This is my decision and its final." She walked away.

"I... I want to understand!" He moved forward.

Aqasha stopped and turned back a little. She stayed silent while kept looking straight at him. He gulped before continued.

"I... I can feel your feelings. The feelings of being powerless, the rage, I know you were angry, even right now you are angry. That feelings never fade away."

Aqasha jolted. It's true. The truth about her feelings that never fade away not even for a second, were spurted out from a stranger whom she never even met.

"If understanding you could make you feel better, then I'm in!" He spoke confidently while placing his right hand to his chest.

"And why do you want to make me feel better?" She stared at him.

"Err... I... Err" He was out of words.

"Then it settles it. You don't have to push yourself hard. Forget about this case." She walked away again.

He tried to stop her but Qairah stopped him. She shakes her head then walked away, followed by their parents. The police officer can only stand there, doing nothing just like the other day when he found out that the case was closed for good.

"Sir! We can't close this case! It's obviously an attempted murder! According to the victim, it was a boy she knew! We can solve this case sir!"

"No! I have talked with the people who were at the national park that evening. All of them said the same thing! That they saw no boy!"

"Sir, the victim's statement is the most important information. We need to trust her and solve this case. Sir, she almost died, sir!"

"Shut up! You know nothing! I said case closed! That's it!"

A file was slammed before a big fat guy leave his table. The police officer stood near the table while staring at the file. He clenched his hands hard then walked away.

"I failed.... again."


"Hah............ We're finally over with the first exam...... What a pain..."

Qairah was with her classmate, chattering at the front of the class while busy stuffing her stuff into her pinky bag pack.

"Let us celebrate with a cake!" Said a petite girl with a ponytail.

"Huh? Cake again? No way!" A chubby girl with freckles answered.

"I'm fine with anything" Qairah spoke.

"Hahaha then cake it is!" the petite girl with a ponytail jumped with joy.

"Ngeh..." The chubby girl with freckles pouted.

The girls were heading to the gate when Qairah saw someone she knew. That person was leaning on the gate while crossing her arms and looking at her with a warm smile. She waited patiently until the three girls arrived at the gate. Qairah stared at her without blinking. She hasn't met her for over a month. Simply said, she missed her.

"You...you came. What's with your face? You got into a fight?" 'She's taller.'

"There's something I wanna tell you."

Her smile faded. Something? Is it something big? Is it about her? She wants to come back home? Or worse, go far away from home? Aqasha laughed by her sister's worried face, but then placed her eyes on both Qairah's friends that were looking at her blankly.

"Care to introduce?"

"Ouh, these are my friends. Marie and Bethanie."

Aqasha bowed a little while giving a warm, gentle smile. Both of the girls were surprised with the service.

"Oh my, hello." Marie tightened her ponytail while blushing.

"He...hello..." Bethanie also bowed a little while touching her stomach to make it easy to bow.

"Would you like to go to a nearby cafe with me?" Aqasha asked with a warm smile.