

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah- hah! Who are you? Your face!"

Aqasha back off a few steps. Before her, was another her, but black version and much creepier with a manly deep voice! She froze, not knowing what to do. Her mouth was wide open while she looked around to find an exit.

"What 'cha looking for? An exit?" Her clone grinned.

"No! I was wondering............what.... kind of creature are you?" Aqasha found an excuse.

"Hahahahah" She burst out a huge laugh. "You forgotten me!"

"What?" She confused. "I forgotten you? Who are you?"

"Your power, fool! How stupid can a human be?" It annoyed.

"My power? No way! My power is a black smoke! Who the hell are you? Speak!" She pointed it.

"Tch, stupid."

Just then it turned into its real form and get closer to Aqasha. The manly voice was still there.


It changed into Aqasha again. Aqasha was in deep shock. She then asked an annoying question.

"Can you turn into a wolf?"

"What!?" it grew bigger and darker. "I am not your slave!" The voice got deeper.

"I know, I know! But you are mine. So like it or not you need to obey me!"

"Yeah right" It laughed.

"Then, how about if I beat you enough that you lose, you obey me."


"Okay sit down." Aqasha sat on the water.

"What? Why?"

"Beat you enough that you lose does not always means physically but can also means mentally. Now sit!"

"I refuse. I-"

"So you admit that you lose this fight and obey me?"

"When do we start the fight?" It sat.

"Hahaha good. I will ask three questions. If you answer at least two correct, you win. If you failed, I win. Which mean, you will be MY SLAVE. Understood?"

It only nodded once. Plus, with a weirdly serious face.

"Let's begin." Aqasha smirked. "Question one. Who are you?"

"Hah!" It smiled. "I am the strongest of all ancient powers. There are thousands but I am at the top. My name is..." It took a deep breath before continuing. "Aka Manto Ao Manto Aka Hanten Ao Hanten Aka Kami Ao kami." it took one breath to say the full name.

'Hah' Aqasha blinked a few times.

"I won!" It smiled happily.

"Two more questions. And stop smiling while you are using my body. It's creepy."

"Okay! Heheheh this is gonna be easy~"

"Heh," Aqasha smirked. " How do human reproduce?"

"What?" It asked back in confusion.

"Just answer it already." Aqasha smiled while crossing her arms.

'I knew it. This creature had been kept in that box for too long it knows nothing about this world nor human.'

It scratched its head while looking around and pouting. It saw Aqasha smiled and got angry.

"You tricked me! There is no way a human can reproduce! The answer is zero!"

Aqasha actually stared it for so long that it moved back away.

"What 'chu starrin' at?" It covered its body with its hands.

"Hah......." Aqasha sighed. "You are actually dumb. No, more than just a dumb. Brainless creature!" She pointed it.

"Eek!" It flinched. "What did 'chu say!!!" it turned into a huge black snake and almost attack Aqasha when it realize that Aqasha did not even flinched.

"Why did you stop?" Aqasha looked at it without showing any fear.

"You....you're not afraid?"

"I knew it. You really aaarrreee stuuuuupid." Giving the most annoying face.

From a form of giant snake, it changed into a black smoke.

"You're not afraid of me?"

"Stupid, why would I be afraid of my own power? You are the one that should be afraid."

"Why?" the black smoke became small.

"Why? Because I am your master! Easy. You are mine and mine alone. Nobody will and ever have you. I am the only one. Just give it up and give me your all." She crossed her arms.

The black smoke then turned into a black wolf. A cute black wolf. Aqasha was surprised to see it turned into her favorite animal.

"What are you doing?" She was definitely wanted to touch it.

"I realize that I was already lost."

It came closer to Aqasha and bumped its head gently into Aqasha's head. In a split second, Aqasha felt an electrifying force ran through her whole body. It was like she made a connection with her power. The black wolf then stepped back before went to her lap which made Aqasha blew up and blushed. It turned into a tiny wolf -more into a size of a cub- and lays on her lap.

"I am your slave now, master."


Aqasha was drowned with her own sweat. She placed her right hand on her forehead. She was breathing heavily. The fan on top of her was at the max, but it was like at the Sahara in that room. Silence. She looked at the table on her right. Her phone was on that table. She reached it and looked at it. 12.00 am. She sighed. 'Am I going to meet that black wolf again? Argh... I wanna meet that black wolf again. Oh wait, does this mean that I won?'

"Hahahahah I won!" Aqasha rolled herself on the bed.

"Hahahahaha no you didn't"

"Huh?" Aqasha stopped.

"You stupid human! Hahahahahah I let you win, in exchange I won't be your slave. We will work together as a team, not in master-slave relationship."

"So you tricked me?" Aqasha got off the bed. "Aarrgghh!!!!! Nooooo!!"

Aqasha hold her head with both her hands while ragging and stomping, then hurling herself on the ground while squeaking and rolling herself when she finally lost her breath. She was laying on the floor when that annoying manly voice spoke.

"Hahaha I thought you might be clever or have a bit of a brain but 'chu know what, all humans are the same. I've met all kind of human 'chu know? Not one as stupid as you! Hahahahahaha"

"Yeah, yeah laugh. Just laugh 'till you satisfied." Aqasha sighed.

"What? You sulking?"

Aqasha pouted. Then, a tiny black wolf appeared and sat on her stomach. Aqasha flinched but happy at the same time.

"Don't be sad. It's not the end of the world." The black wolf talked.

"Hey, before you do anything, could you make another kind of voice. It's a bit disturbing you know, to hear a manly voice from a cute lil wolf."

A head bump attacked Aqasha's forehead. She was trembling from the pain. The black wolf smiled proudly.

"What the heck...."

"This is my voice. I won't change it even if the heaven wants to."

"Urghh... Fuck yo-"

Another headbump attacked her stomach. She cried in silence... while trembling. Of course.

"I will forgive you and to celebrate our agreement, you shall grant me my name!" the black wolf place her chin up high, waiting for a name.

"Like hell I would giv-"

The third head bump. On the same forehead that was healing slowly a few seconds ago.

"Okay, I shall grant you a name..." She trembled to even to speak.

Aqasha sat up straight and looked at the black wolf. She touched her chin while closing her eyes.

"I thought you already have a name. Ano... Ani what?"


"Okay, okay I forgot! Say your name again!"

"Grrr what for! I don't like that name! Just gimme another one quick!"

"Let me know your name first!"



Their faces were getting closer and closer as the growling kept getting bigger and bigger. Then, the black wolf stepped back and crossed its arms.

"Humph! Fine! Listen carefully."

Aqasha nodded. The black wolf took a deep breath before continuing.

"Aka Manto Ao Manto Aka Hanten Ao Hanten Aka Kami Ao kami."

"Yeah, ugly name. Even I hated that name." She holds her laugh.

"Grrr... So you have chosen death."

"Eek! No, I'll give you your name now." Aqasha shielded herself with her thin hands.

"Humph! Then say it now."

"Umm..." She gulped. "Well, your name has a lot of blue and red so-"

"What the fuck are 'chu saying?" The black wolf looked at her with blank plus confused face.

"Oh! In Japanese, Aka means red and Ao means blue." Aqasha told it as if she was a teacher to a kindergarten kid that wears huge round glasses.

"Oh...." The black wolf nodded a few times as if it was a kid attending kindergarten.

"So, with all being said, I have come into a conclusion! Drumroll please...!"

"Dudududu...." Like a slave, the black wolf obeyed and tapping the floor rapidly.

"And your new name is...... Aaaaaakaoooooooo! Yeah!" Aqasha clapped excitedly.

"Heh?" It stopped. "Hehhhhhh!!!????

What kind of name is that? It's actually longer than before!" A little wolf angry.

"Huh? Longer? No! It's Akao!" Aqasha almost laugh.

"Akao?" Angry little wolf stopped angry.

"Yes! Red and blue, so Akao it is!" She nodded proudly.

"Akao! Hahahaha damn it! I like this name!"

"You're welcome~" Aqasha smiled.

"Huh?" Akao looked at her. 'She expects me to say what?' "I am welcome?"

"Hah?" She finally laughed. "What are you saying?"

"Grrr shut up!"

Akao then jumped into Aqasha and vanished, left her on her own.