That was another animal virus common in monkeys that may be about to "jump" to humans, due to the fact that they were zoo-living monkeys, some of them were loose in reserves around the world, loose in forests.
Due to researchers going from encounters to forests, to begin studies and exploration towards nature, they became infected.
Those first infections started to infect researchers who went to do studies in reserves and various forests in Africa, but due to the fact that they started in Angola, then, they started in small villages, and they incubated in regions of the continent, most researchers they were British, Europeans, sometimes Americans, Brazilians from a global center for vaccine research.
It was due to globalization, the ease with which one travels from one country to another, the easy access to other countries.
Causer of simian hemorrhagic fever, an agent of the arterivirus family has symptoms similar to those of Ebola and, like HIV, can attack the immune system