- I always get interrupted. – Sasha said.
- In between. – Darkness said reluctantly. – Then you continue, put on a robe. – Darkness said in his direction.
- Know. - He said sullenly, then grabbing a robe, heading towards the armchair. – What do we have, Delmos? – Sasha questioned him.
Delmos entered the suite, saying, towards those two men.
- We have visitors and an FBI case. – The demon butler said.
- They are in the room? – Darkness questioned him.
- Yes, gentlemen. - He said.
- I'll be down in a few minutes. – Sasha said, as she started heading towards her closet to get dressed.
- I choose the clothes. – Darkness said as he got up and followed him.
At that time, a few minutes later, Sasha came downstairs in a green suit, towards her visitors.
- So, what do you have for us today? - Darkness questioned him, sitting in front of them, next to Sasha who was at that time, was sitting and suspicious, due to the time they took to go looking for him...