- In front of you is an entrance, turn left. - She said. He got up, if they didn't speak, he wouldn't see, he had an illusion in front of him, which led to another crack that led to another labyrinth, another entrance. - Yea. He turned around, walking around...

At that time, there was another end of the labyrinth, which led to several corridors, which had walls, which had more gaps, were neither straight nor facing, several filaments, endless exits, some corridors that led nowhere with just a wall with no way forward. Turning from side to side, he took a pen, and traced an arrow towards the floor, several vectors, in which he had a sample, which he realized as he turned the door towards the entrance for the second, third and fourth time, realizing that they were moving and changing their arrows.

In the midst of it, picking up little goblins that were turning over each of the floor bricks, which had underground tunnels that he turned around and saw a tunnel underneath it, false bottoms.

Then, he came across two doors, in which he realized there were four goblin guards who were guarding, laughing, or bragging.

They looked at each other laughing between what looked like a card game they were talking about life... Then they started talking...

- We know where you're going. - He on the right said - I don't know where you're going. – The other said.

- Do you lie or tell the truth? – He questioned the one on the right. - I can lie, he can tell the truth.

– The one on the left said.

- So if I ask you something, are you forced to reveal it or do you have to lie? – Tsuki questioned. - I could tell he lies.

– The one on the left said. - Are you obliged to obey the king of the elves? – Tsuki questioned.

- Are. – Both said. - Do you obey him out of fear or out of obligation? – Tsuki questioned. - Fear. – Both said.

Tsuki took from his backpack a small golden pyramid and a golden globe. - Will you help me if I give this to you, without worrying about the fear you feel of him?

– He questioned. It didn't take two times, jumping towards him, they grabbed the objects, then pointed towards another door.

- Enter the left, and ask for the hands led him up.

– They said then, pushing them away. Afraid, but not ashamed. He followed entering that door they said, taking two steps then he fell towards a pit or false bottom but there were hands as he realized they caught him before he fell towards the...

- Where does the fund go? – Tsuki questioned.

The hands formed a mouth and said. - To the dungeon. - They said.

- Where do you want to go? – They formed a mouth with their hands as they asked him. - Up. - He said.

Then the hands that went up and down took him towards the second floor, to what would be a part of the place that was the one floor above the ground where he fell, leaving him at the entrance to another part of the maze.

The goblin king was no beast, having fun, while singing with his subjects in his castle, dressing the princess line in a fairy or elf with countless companions in a palace surrounded by ogres, little goblins, beasts that obeyed, in a palace covered by gargoyles that sang around, prompting them to use their magic to make the little princess float and fly around them, as she flew amidst floating bubbles.

- He's being smart, very smart. - The king of the elves said, when he went to a basin that showed with water, the mirrors that saw where Tsuki walked that place, amid the glass curtains and fires, flames wrapped in mist that traveled that place.

- No matter how many hazards or tricks you put in, he can go through it without any problems. - Trigon said as he walked through the throne room beside him.

- Let's see how he is. – The Goblin King sent a flame towards the next location, a series of dangers ahead of Tsuki. That time. In the middle of the labyrinth. It was when Tsuki saw the other part of the labyrinth in which he walked to a corridor, in which he saw around him, an immense corridor, whose tile floor disappeared, the walls shrank, it was as if it were an abyss below him.

Even though right in the middle of each of the stone floors they disappeared, being replaced by a lake full of tentacles that they tried to pull, to what would be endless pits, whose steam rose above their heads, with flames that appeared around it, that labyrinth was surrounded by a few bridges with pointed pieces.

Out of nowhere, which was strange, if he fell, it could be the end, but he remembered the riddles, they couldn't just fool him, thinking he'd fall for a trick so he just, stepped into the abyss, walked through it. , as if to float, at that time, there was a landing, he soon knew that the first part was an illusion, however, the same was seen two blocks from him, crossing two bridges that seemed to sway with the wind.

So, he knew that the first one was an illusion, he looked at the small bridges that swayed and small pieces that floated, around them, between suspended platforms that swayed in a vacuum, leading to an endless abyss, he followed between jumps from the right enter the left, while others of them. He avoided those that simply swayed and plummeted towards the abyss, he needed only those that weren't firm enough, in which he didn't have to worry about what he would lead to the dungeon, with chains, as well as jumping onto a platform, suspended between hooks, when they had several scattered boards.

So he thought four out of 1 wouldn't go straight, with each jump he should go right, jumping between platforms, between the edges of the hooks he was hanging from, until he got to the end of the course. It was when he entered a dungeon in one of the towers, following a slide towards the dungeons with several tunnels and side holes, similar to diamond mines, in which he managed to dodge several tunnels that collapsed behind him.

When he stayed at what he saw, in general, in a den...

- I didn't ask your name. - Tsuki said, to the elf, that he saw again, he was the exterminator of fairies, who were in the middle of torches and a cauldron...

- Well, I saw you went far. - He said. – But there is another extension of the maze ahead of you, with several traps. - He said.

- I know you're smart, apparently you know how to avoid traps. - Tsuki said.

- I know, but so what? – He questioned him.

- I know you would help me avoid him. – Tsuki said. - Why do you think that?

– The elf questioned him. - Because I know you like jewelry, precious stones. - He said, looking at the den full of articles he thought so much, taking a bracelet from his bag.

- If you help me win this. – Tsuki said. He looked with wide, bulging eyes.

– I might as well have one more. - He said. - I help you out of the maze. – He said as he took the bracelet, but it was taken from his hands.

- First take me, then you win. - Tsuki said.

- Clever. - He said. - Let's go. - He said, guiding him, between the exit of a side door between a hole, of a rusty iron, when he used a bunch of keys, in which he pulled it down, when they returned to another extension when they saw a mountain between the other ends of the maze.

They walked through that place, with a winding passage, that led to another place, that place was narrow and full of holes with roots, in which they walked there, in the middle of a great river that cut behind them, between the sides, that led to another route. Giant face-shaped boulders were insistently cursing, guiding and talking.

- Right... - Don't go this way... - To the left. - It's certain death. - On the right... - The end is near. - Elvis did not die. - Michael Jackson doesn't either... Each of those face-shaped rocks on the walls screamed together like a choir the Blues then a Jackson 5 orchestra so Tsuki asked.

- Are they doing this all the time? – Tsuki questioned them.

- We don't have many visitors, hardly anyone comes here. – One of them said.

- Ignoring is impossible. – A Stonehenge-style rock said, as it moved its egg-shaped mouth.

They saw a huge contingent of monsters coming towards them, like a jackhammer, and at the other end of the entrance coming together, with a drill and a spinning machine, as they turned left...

There was a sign that said. - Stinking swamp... On the other side was written. - Valley of the dolls.

It really was the valley of dolls, which had a huge variety of dolls, as well as a maintenance shop, several dolls and repairs, as well as restaurants... Among them, they were heading to the dollhouse, with a doll that was making non-moving puppets whose string was tangled, which they were at that hour, close to the entrance.

- So, could you help me to see which is the right passage? – Tsuki questioned.

- If you help me untangle my dolls. - She said.

- It's all right. - Tsuki said, that at that time, he spent a few minutes untangling the ropes until each of them screaming happily got up and ran around the house, alone.

- Is this a joke? – Tsuki questioned.

- They played and tangled up, the magic is weak here. - She said.

– They don't move by themselves. - She said. Then he turned and asked.

- Which is the direction to the palace. "Following through the village of sofas and mattresses," she said.

At that time, he saw a sign. - You are a few kilometers from the castle, go through the valley of sofas. - He read...