Everyone's life can change, even if no one knows that he can enjoy life as much as he can, stealing what they don't know for how long, even with adus, with their happy endings and iconic lives
With his results that everyone says he's looking for, with his pursuits and his interests, when he can use parties for his machinations, with your invitations to enjoy life alongside his great loves, he would enjoy life, when he can use it to prevent great evils befall the world, in which he brings his former enemies to his city
When he anticipated parties, elections, nothing wrong with plotting the opposite, then bringing high expectations, being the tone of the machinations and negotiating with the old villains, with a government that he could charge.
It was there that he had successive moments, using his softened egos, where he didn't care about his politics, but now, he was left with nothing to worry about.
So, in the midst of his great friendships, calling attention to people's vulnerability, during investigations to find out about the victims, their great mysteries, the magic, what will happen now, when deluding themselves a lot, happening more than the people want to believe, the drama and the details, even if some people are unaware of the secrets he unravels and the crimes that erupt around him.