This has caused local annual temperatures to increase by at least 2°C in tropical areas and 1°C in temperate areas, when deforestation contributes significantly to global carbon emissions, following the global scale, trees fight the warming caused by climate change. climate change, storing carbon in their trunks and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

With deforestation it already accounts for 13% of total global carbon emissions, going with it, while land use change in general is responsible for 23% of emissions.

Then, with all the trees destroyed, the formerly forested ecosystems "would just become a source of emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, instead of a drain, they had floods and several tsunamis, when everything was taken over by waters, there was no way for so that the economy could have life and diversity. With the release of 450 gigatons of carbon into the atmosphere, more than double the amount already produced by humans, so for a while, this effect would be offset by smaller plants and grasses, which capture carbon faster than trees.

Well but also release it with greater speed, in which within a few decades. With these plants they would no longer be able to stop global warming, with the pace of this process varying depending on where a person is, but once carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, it doesn't matter where it comes from. That being the process would turn Earth into a "much" hotter planet, says Crowther.

Large amounts of carbon would also seep into the oceans, causing their extreme acidification and possibly killing everything but jellyfish, he says. Humanity's suffering would begin well before catastrophic global warming, with rising heat, disruption of the water cycle and loss of shade would affect billions of people and animals, on which many of the 1.6 billion people we currently rely on. directly from the forests to survive.

What even to collect food and medicine, they would face poverty and hunger, even if even more people would find themselves unable to cook or heat their homes, given the lack of firewood.

Following around the world, those whose work revolves around trees – whether as loggers or papermakers, fruit growers or carpenters, where they would be unemployed, devastating the global economy, where the timber sector alone employs 13.2 million people. people and generates US$ 600 billion (R$ 2.5 trillion) each year, according to the World Bank. In which likewise, agricultural systems would collapse.

Crops that depend on shade, such as coffee, would decline dramatically, as would those that rely on tree-dwelling pollinators, and due to fluctuations in temperature and precipitation, previously productive sites would face problems, while others that were unsuitable could become good. for cultivation.

Over time, however, soils everywhere would become depleted, requiring significant amounts of fertilizer.

Further warming would eventually make agriculture impossible in most places. In which, in addition to these devastating changes, there would be health impacts.

Trees clean the air by absorbing pollutants and trapping particulate material in their leaves, branches and trunks. Continuing with the calculation, in which trees remove 17.4 million tons of air pollution each year in the United States alone, a service valued at US$ 6.8 billion (R$ 28.3 billion), in which at least 850 lives are saved as a result and at least 670,000 cases of acute respiratory problems are avoided.

As a result, new outbreaks of rare or new diseases emerged, acquired from species with which we normally do not come into contact, and the transfer of Ebola to humans occurs at critical points of forest fragmentation.

It was with a sudden loss of forests that could trigger a temporary increase in our exposure to zoonotic infections such as Ebola, Nipah virus and West Nile virus, he says, as well as mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever, with a A growing body of research also points to the fact that trees and nature are good for our mental well-being.

Not that I could walk in forests to improve general health, reduce stress, increase energy levels and improve sleep, with trees also seeming to help the body recover: a famous 1984 study revealed that patients who recovering from surgery spent less time in hospital as they had a view of a green area instead of a brick wall.

Spending time near lawns and trees reduces symptoms in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and several studies document a positive correlation between green spaces and children's performance in school.

Trees can even help fight crime: One study found that a 10% increase in tree cover is associated with a 12% reduction in crime in Baltimore, USA, where many things that lead to problems of physical and mental well-being can be significantly reduced.

Even if you spend time in a forest environment, which is why a 'forest bath' is now prescribed by doctors in Japan, the loss of trees would also have a profound cultural impact, in which trees are a landmarks of countless childhoods and stand out in art, literature, poetry, music, they have been important in animist religions since prehistory and play prominent roles in other religions practiced today.

Demons won, when divine forces were exiled from some planes, when they literally destroyed life on Earth.

When Buddha, in which he attained enlightenment after remaining seated under the Bodhi tree for 49 days, while Hindus worship the prickly pear trees, which serve as a symbol for the god Vishnu.

Same as in the Torah and the Old Testament, God creates trees on the third day of creation, before animals or humans, and in the Bible, Jesus dies on a wooden cross built from trees.

Since many people see forests as dollar signs, but there is no monetary value to the spiritual importance of forests, human beings would ultimately struggle to survive in a treeless world, even as western urban lifestyles become would quickly become a thing of the past, and many would die of hunger, heat, drought, and floods.

With that, what followed where all the surviving communities was not just where life went extinct, when some governments started trying to look for life on other planets, so where would they be those who kept the traditional knowledge about how to live in treeless environments like the aborigines of Australia then, even with the suspicion that life would persist.

Occurring initially, in which they traveled to other galaxies, at that time when only in environments like those of a colony on Mars, made possible by technology and totally divorced from the existence we have always known.

The galactic alliance that searched for survivors in several galaxies, knew about the end of that specific Earth, when they started to send the rescue, so that they could find homes.

The survivors were sending distress messages out into space when they started sending ships out into space so they could find a new home.

Large galactic colonies, in which they emerged towards space, numerous colonizations, in which few humans came with heroic communities, first migrated along with politicians, rich and important people to other planets.

Since the end of Earth, the planet was one of the last to go through the same process of mass extinction as each of the planets in the solar system and the milky way.

Reality Romero George – 1932 Around the 1890s, there was a great technological evolution, and this specific reality had an accelerated growth, initially at least, but in addition to a technological evolution, based on nuclear power plants, in which, due to the lack of other forms of energy, due to a sudden climate change, that planet was suddenly going through a period of extinction.