When the winds cut for a period of time, droughts in certain regions, floods and tsunamis in others, power outages, when was it when for the protection of the population, when the environment in question, nature and the ecosystem of that planet was going through a period of mass extinction, in addition to having to resort to another form and alternative of energy to nuclear.

In which then, everything was fine during the first years, until due to lack of natural resources, famine and wars, many plants were invaded, taken and there were numerous conflicts, isolated wars and rebellions, between these wars and takings of energy sources, plants they were occupied by rebels from poor countries who fought for better conditions, invading others in search of better conditions, food and territories.

In which they went through a period of famine, which triggered a destabilization of power in which the imbalance of the balance of power, poor poorer, richer richer, without a global market and income lost value, with a recession, when in the midst of to foreign occupations in search of energy, in the midst of invasions, there were a series of accidents in the midst of attacks. It was then, when there was a series of nuclear accidents that triggered a series of radioactive accidents, in addition to explosions, which triggered a series of environments and an atmosphere and isolated cities due to radiation, which affected the environment, in addition to them, the nature, animals.

Being that in addition to spreading diseases that killed billions, among the diseases and the affected animals were among them snails that could transmit diseases or mutate where they became giants, spitting acid, even eating brains, causing diseases, such as the so-called epidemic. 1932 zombie.

Around the year 1932 In a normal reality, there were simple giant African snails that may seem slow and harmless animals, or even appetizing to some, but, in fact, are "one of the most harmful snails in the world and a global and unprecedented risk to human health ," according to US officials who are on the lookout for these invasive species.

The problem with this reality in question, in addition to this snail in question, was the fact that there were two species. "They are dangerous to our health because they carry parasites (Angiostrongylus cantonensis) that cause meningitis that parasitize the human brain, making them look like they are similar to diseases like rabies, and eating human brains, in which they also consume at least 50,000 different plants.

So, making them a clear threat to our agricultural and natural spaces, in addition to monsters that have become the giants are carnivores, they come to consume other forms of life, in addition to humans, contaminating and carrying and spreading the disease of the zombie virus.

Continuing with the contamination that led to a series of mutations of wild monkeys terrorizing a city in Japan and leading the police to take exceptional measures, in addition to accidents in other parts of the world, there were mutants that attacked humans, and safe zones were created. where humans who could were protected by barriers.

Controlled mutated cats and dogs have been trained to be specially trained sniffer animals and at least 30 employees are scouring gardens and woods as well as forests around various countries and borders to eradicate these invasive species.

Since the threat was detected in June, authorities have captured more than 11,400 live and dead snails in Pasco County, according to local media, with giant African snails reaching sizes of up to 20 centimeters initially, until grow and reach a size of 1 meter in height, where they reproduce quickly, even though the giant African snail can lay up to 2 thousand eggs a year, but are humans also at risk? Yes, say the experts.

All these snails always host lungworms and brain eaters, coming from mice that, if ingested by humans, can reach the brain, causing meningitis and leading to zombification (infection of the membranes that cover the brain, and the employees in which the dogs sniffers are looking for the snails, but with that, zombies began to appear around the world, in this period, between the plagues of the snails, the monsters and the diseases that ate brains.

Even though normally, initially, they don't affect people.

But if they accidentally get into humans, these parasites can get lost and end up in places where they can do a lot of damage, like inside the eyeballs or even the brain.

A quarantine zone has been established in the city of New Port Richey: no plants can be removed from the area to try to stop the snails from spreading further, in which to prevent infection, even sniffer dogs have been trained not to catch the snails with the mouth.

The first zombie invasion took place in the 1930s when it took them seven years and a million dollars to put an end to the problem, whereupon the second happened in 1940, periodically, every four years thereafter, the snails were made attempts to were unsuccessfully eradicated, at a stratospheric cost of $233 million, but mutations began to happen, monsters and zombies roamed the world.

When initially, the authorities could only declare the area free of snails after two years without further detections, which turned out to be that the radiation was nowhere near as effective, and not as good for the rest of the animals as it was good for nature, it literally spread in some foci of radiation and the source and epicenter were close. All this was where the most basic life forms were fed, underwent subsequent mutations, altered the physiologies of nature and other living species, of course some became monsters and attacked in addition to cannibalizing other species, the same life forms, the vegetations.

As much as nature grew wildly and without any limit, forming a kind of hot greenhouses, where the radiation followed a kind of dome in which it was not a suitable place for the habitation of the human race, except for zombies that roamed the surroundings.

The first epicenter started in Europe where it later spread to the United States of America, where initially, with globalization, some people have these snails as pets, but in the US it is illegal to keep them without a license, according to the authorities. and experts suspect that the current invasion happened because of people who trade the snails as pets.

Which was very likely that they might have been brought in by someone as a pet, in which the ones we found in Pasco County have white fur instead of the normal gray color. Initially, where snails have their origin in the African countries of Kenya and Tanzania, but now they are found in many places in the world, including South and Southeast Asia.

Initially, when the US Department of Agriculture, this mollusk is now established in many of the Caribbean islands, much of South America, and more recently, it ended up being introduced in Costa Rica, towards regions with plenty of habitation.

Same as the authorities in Florida and the rest of the countries and the world where they are now asking people to report any presence of these snails.

So if you see one of these snails, don't touch it. Call us.

They carry diseases such as meningitis, in addition to being carriers of the zombie pathogen, they transmit with contact even when you feed, you will be infected and you will become a zombie.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified for the first time in household environmental samples the bacteria that causes a rare and serious disease called melioidosis.

Even though the bacterium, Burkholderia pseudomallei or B. pseudomallei, was identified in samples taken from soil and water in the Mississippi Gulf Coast region, following with the investigation that was conducted because two people with melioidosis - both on the Gulf Coast. All those infected got sick two days apart, this bacterium being a zombie protozoan, which spreads through the central system, the muscles, undergoing a mutation.

Even though soil samples collected from around the patients' homes were positive for the bacteria, this indicates that the bacteria in the environment were the likely source of infection for both individuals and that the bacteria have been present since the 1950s.