In between came the greatest reporters of their time, when the interviews were just beginning. - Did Gerard bring your check? – A businessman questioned him.

About this. In the bay near the slopes, near the pier, between the moorings, there were countless soldiers and security guards orchestrating a way to prevent terrorist attacks in addition to attacks by any other villain, when they were attacked, waves of energy came towards them. Starting a fight. - We're being attacked. – said one of the security guards.

– Warn the heroes and entrepreneurs. – He was one of the greatest heroes, the second hero after Big White Ball.

- You will not escape hero. - A villain with spikes flinging spikes at him so that the hero in question spins in a whirlpool, forming a whirlpool around him, then catching the spikes with a smile, launching them towards the villain, who was caught in his escape finally falling towards Earth.