The cities being destroyed and while others were collected and soon everything around them were converted into various forms being consumed by tentacles that sank into the earth, in which these that consumed and began to destroy and consume everyone merging into the same alien form, when he had studied the blueprints of Galataeus ' ship the last time he invaded the ship.

With the countless times he had saved his teammates, when he used his new experimental ship with stolen Martian technology, that technology he confiscated while helping clean up the first invasion, and Lunar technology that also stole and copied files from the fortress of solitude, in which also various ways to invade without being noticed.

Moon outfit a perfect mix of Kevlar Lunarite lead to his displeasure and a mineral he had found on the island of the Amazons, that was an outfit created at his request by Hephaestus that he asked for. for Diana united with the perfect symbiosis of Delphos Tec technology.