In which the ancient priestess, High Lady Faldifor proclaimed herself queen of the galaxy of the empire of Gwyndowru , giving her the name of Sarifal , with the domination and wars, of the galactic empire of Wildcornse in which her capital Caer Corwell had fallen into disrepair. due to civil wars.

Due to galactic sector 1479 being at war, the galaxy of Gwyndowru 's empire of Gwynneth has become deeply linked to a decay and end of life in the galaxy, which is in the northern forests of the galaxy of Gwyndowru 's empire.

When in the midst of the war, in a battle, Prince Araithe , being the son of Faldifor , fought the forces among the refugees of the dark faeries who sought to take for themselves the alliance planets for the enemy empire.

About this.

When the Great Empire of Darkness-Star Derid Kendrick sought to establish an embassy, but could not find a way to secure Lady Faldifor 's permission.