Birthday Surprise

Lukas's birthday party was filled with excitement. All the boys and adult men wore superhero costumes, while the women dressed as princesses, except for Bella, who claimed to be a modern-day princess in jeans and a superhero t-shirt.

The birthday boy initially resisted dancing with Katie, but he eventually gave in because Bella threatened once again that she wouldn't play with him. With a reluctant expression, he danced with Katie, who looked adorable and beautiful.

"It seems like it's time for you to let Lukas play with other children his age," commented Samuel, observing Lukas's development, as if he considered Bella to be his only friend.

"You know what happened when he was kidnapped, don't you?" replied William lazily, munching on a rainbow cookie in his hand. "I can't risk losing my son after losing Paula."

Samuel adjusted his tight Superman costume. He nodded understandingly. William's state had worsened after Paula's loss. He didn't even want to date any woman, as if he still believed Paula was alive.

"Do you still think she's alive and will come to you someday?" Samuel asked again, furrowing his brows, lamenting his cousin's thoughts and sanity.

William remained silent, not uttering a word. He gulped down the orange soda from the table, emptying half of it in one gulp.

"I know you still think what happened to Paula wasn't an accident. But I hope you're not expecting too much," said Samuel. "Remember, you live in the real world."

William sighed, half-heartedly contemplating Samuel's words. "Just... consider that I'm not ready to accept another woman in my life." He then found a seat, observing his son who was laughing and playing with the other children, watched over by Clara and Lukas's grandparents. "You know how precious Paula was to me, Sam."

"Alright, I'll try to understand. It's just that I've heard you haven't been seen with any women either. Is that healthy?" Samuel asked again.

William appeared angry. The Thor costume he was wearing perfectly matched his desire to strike Samuel. "Mind your own business."

He kept it a secret that he no longer had any desire for women. Clearly, it was a problem. However, what terrified William even more was that he felt it again when he met Ava. Yesterday, he tried to reassure himself with his assumptions. He approached Ava in a sexual manner. And he truly felt like he was back to normal.

What was more heartbreaking was that he refused to acknowledge it. And he didn't want anyone to know. He felt incredibly restrained and frustrated.

Samuel then approached his cousin again and said, "Forgive me. I'm just worried about you."

"Relax," said William, forcing a smile on his face.

"But if you need someone to vent to, you know I'm the one," Samuel offered a brotherly hug to his cousin. William patted Samuel's back in return, indicating that he knew Samuel would always be on his side.

Clara, the woman dressed as Princess Anna, waved her hand toward her husband and cousin. "It's time to open the gifts! Come here!"

At this moment, people would present their gifts one by one to Lukas. Lukas was fortunately polite enough to express his gratitude even though he didn't particularly like the gifts given by his guests. Including this time when he opened the gift from Katie. How could that little girl give him a luxury watch as a present? He didn't like it at all.

"Thank you... Katie," Lukas forced a smile that looked terrible.

Katie appeared pleased with Lukas's somewhat convincing performance. She smiled shyly while playing with the hem of her dress.

"You-- you can go now because others are waiting," Lukas said, trying to be polite to Samuel's sister. He didn't want to get punished for behaving badly towards Katie.

"I won't leave until you give me a kiss as a gift," the pretty girl said, blushing.

Lukas couldn't believe his ears. They just danced earlier! And now what? A kiss? This was unfair. However, when he looked helplessly at Bella and Samuel, who now had their arms crossed over their chests, forcing him to comply with Katie, the little boy was powerless and reluctantly kissed Katie on the cheek while suppressing his annoyance.

"This is the worst birthday ever!" Lukas muttered to himself. He rolled his eyes, holding back the urge to vomit after that forced kiss.

Meanwhile, Katie, unaware of what she was doing, hugged Lukas tightly and returned the kiss. She then said, "You will be my future husband. I promise!"

Katie's face turned red, and she ran to hug Clara, her sister-in-law whom she already regarded as her own mother. The little girl's behavior was in stark contrast to her previous bravery.

"Clara, I proposed to Lukas!" Katie whispered with a worried and fearful expression. "I'm afraid to hear his answer. Will he reject me? Will he accept me?"

Clara could only laugh at the five-year-old girl's words. She then said, "Whatever his answer is, what matters is that you showed courage, right?"

Katie nodded. She then watched Bella as she presented her gift to Lukas. And how delighted the little boy was when he received a painting of himself wearing a Captain America costume.

"This is so cool," Lukas exclaimed with great joy. Bella was indeed a talented painter. Lukas couldn't stop praising Bella's painting, which made Katie feel jealous.

"Lukas prefers Bella's gift," Katie said sadly.

"You tried your best to find the perfect gift for Lukas, didn't you?" Clara asked, trying to be patient.

"I think he will reject my proposal," Katie said again. This time, she couldn't hold back her tears.

"It's okay, my dear! You can try again when you both are grown-ups."

"Grown-ups? At what age is that?" Katie asked again.

"Hmm, when you are independent and capable of taking care of a baby," Clara explained, trying to simplify the concept of adulthood so that a young child like Katie could understand.

After everyone had given their gifts to Lukas, he was surprised that he hadn't received a gift from his father. He glanced at his father several times, but his father showed no signs of giving a gift.

"Are you waiting for a gift from me, kiddo?" William teased his son.

"No! Who said that?" Lukas replied gruffly.

His father then clapped his hands twice. A person dressed as Spiderwoman appeared from behind the door, carrying a gift box for Lukas.

Lukas was startled, looking at his father with delight. He took the gift from Spiderwoman's hands and opened it quickly. However, he was disappointed to find only a birthday card inside.

He was about to protest. But as he looked up, he saw Spiderwoman in front of him removing her mask, revealing a woman smiling at him.
