[Bonus chapter] The Best Gift Ever

Lukas shouted and jumped to hug Ava with joy, his voice echoing through the room.

"Hey! Why are you crying? Boys don't cry over things like this," Ava teased Lukas playfully, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Lukas nestled against Ava's shoulder, finding solace in her soothing presence. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heartbeat and regain his composure. With each exhale, he felt a sense of calm wash over him, as if Ava's embrace was a safe harbor amidst the storm of his emotions.

"Is it forbidden for boys to cry?" Lukas asked. "It sounds unfair to me."

Ava embraced Lukas tenderly, her arms wrapping around him in a comforting gesture. She held him close, feeling the weight of his emotions in her own heart. Her fingers gently stroked his back, offering solace and understanding. "Sorry. I was just kidding. It's alright to cry, my dear," she whispered softly, her voice filled with compassion. "Sometimes tears are the language of the heart, expressing emotions that words cannot."

Lukas, unable to contain his emotions, continued to embrace Ava, his tears soaking her clothes tightly. "I'm crying because I'm deeply touched and incredibly happy," he explained between sobs.

Ava leaned in closer, her voice soft and soothing. "Well then, be grateful to your father for allowing us to be together," she whispered into Lukas's ear, her warm breath brushing against his cheek.

"Together?" Lukas questioned, his eyes widening in astonishment.

"Yes, starting today, I will be living in this house with you," Ava revealed, her voice filled with sincerity. "I will accompany you in your studies and playtime."

Lukas's grip on Ava tightened as he processed her words. Overwhelmed with joy, he lifted his tear-streaked face, a mix of surprise and gratitude etched across it. "Really?" he asked, his voice filled with hopeful anticipation and a hint of disbelief.

Ava nodded, her eyes shining with affection and reassurance. "Yes, my dear Lukas," she affirmed, her voice carrying a gentle warmth, "I will be right here by your side, sharing in your joys and guiding you through life's challenges."

Tears of happiness streamed down Lukas's cheeks as he fully comprehended the depth of Ava's commitment. His heart overflowed with a profound sense of belonging and love. At that moment, it was as if a missing piece had been found, completing the puzzle of his young heart.

Feeling a deep sense of security enveloping him, Lukas turned to his father, his eyes brimming with appreciation. William, his own emotions stirring, met his son's gaze and smiled, silently acknowledging the immense impact Ava had on their lives.

"Thanks, Dad!" he said with sincerity. "This is the best gift ever!"

The room seemed to hold its breath, filled with a palpable tenderness and a shared understanding of the significance of this union. It was a testament to the power of love and the unwavering bond that had formed between Lukas and Ava.

As the celebration continued around them, the presence of Ava illuminated the room, radiating warmth and genuine care. Her playful interactions with the children brought laughter and delight, creating lasting memories that would forever be etched in their hearts.

Yet, amidst the joyous atmosphere, some guests couldn't help but be taken aback by the striking resemblance between Ava and Paula. The uncanny similarity tugged at their hearts, stirring a mixture of emotions. Whispers circulated among those who knew Paula well, weaving a tapestry of memories and bittersweet longing.

Samuel couldn't help but murmur, "I thought she was Paula," his mind struggling to reconcile the similarities.

Clara, equally astounded, remarked, "It seems I wasn't the only one who mistook her for William's late wife."

Samuel took the opportunity to tease William, asking with a mischievous smile, "So, you hired her here?"

William, trying to maintain a composed demeanor, simply nodded and replied, "She is Lukas's new nanny. What's wrong? Do you have any objections?" He hoped to downplay any implications beyond that.

Samuel continued his playful banter, "Are you sure this is solely for your son's benefit? Not for the father as well?"

Curiosity piqued, William responded in a fake-kind manner, "What do you mean? Are you interested in her?"

Samuel, not one to back down, shot back, "Perhaps I should be the one asking you the same question."

Rather than engage further, William chose to enter the house, leaving the conversation hanging in the air.

Lukas's grandparents, Alex and Lisa, refused to let the opportunity slip away. Determined to find answers, they chased after William, bombarding him with a barrage of questions.

"Will, wait! What does all this mean?" Alex called out, his voice filled with concern and confusion.

Lisa echoed her husband's sentiment, her curiosity growing with each passing moment. "You've never told us anything. Why did you suddenly bring a woman who bears such a striking resemblance to your late wife?"

Their inquiries weighed heavily on William's patience, and he felt his frustration mounting. The desire to leave the house and escape the relentless questioning gnawed at him.

Meanwhile, two new arrivals at the party, Julia and her mother, Amanda, were taken aback by what they witnessed. Shock washed over them as they saw a figure resembling Paula.

"Isn't she supposed to be in hell?" Amanda exclaimed, her face contorting in a mix of disbelief and horror as if she had seen a ghost.

Julia, ever the composed one, examined Ava more closely. "Mom, look carefully. She's not Paula. She just bears an uncanny resemblance to that wretched woman."

Amanda, following her daughter's gaze, slowly realized the truth in her words. "Oh my goodness! I almost fell for it."

With a hint of displeasure on her face, Julia commented, "It seems I have a new rival."

Amanda, attempting to reassure her daughter, spoke with determination. "Don't worry, Julia dear. We will find out who she is. Let's not rush into hasty judgments or actions."