Ghostly Aftermatch~

After meeting Shinichiro and after serious pondering, I acknowledged it did in fact take place, I floated around to different places, being curious about what people were up to when I wasn't present to see them goof around. I saw many strange things, but the most memorable was the system guiding me to Sanzu's place, where I had to witness him printing a photo of me.

"This is quite concerning." But I sighed with relief when I saw him pinning it to the wall and throwing darts at it.

"I will prove to Mikey he doesn't need you in his life Michi! And once he realizes that I will get rid of you once and for all!" Who would take his ass seriously when he was so far gone from reality?

"Sure, sure you will." I believed I had more power to convince Mikey otherwise, like who did Sanzu think he was, to deprive his king of his greatest pillow? Mikey's words, not mine.

The system was guiding me to everyone's homes it seemed, and 10 hours seemed like enough time to explore them all.

The cutest of them all was Souya, seeing him owning a plush collection could pull anyone's heart by the strings, but it was interesting to note that Nahoya seemed like the more organized person of the two twins. Was it because he saw himself as the older one? You just wanted to pat his hair and pinch his cheeks.

"No, you may not touch my hair!" He said confusing even himself as to why this tough hit him.

"I didn't plan to," Souya admitted surprised, maybe he allowed his sibling to touch his hair as much as he desired to?

"This wasn't directed at you... there must have been a ghost that wanted to touch my hair." What were those six senses? I left it at that.

I only managed to return to my body past midnight, but as soon my soul settled in my body I could feel my chest throbbing in pain.

"Shit, why is it this painful?" I could barely pull myself up, without groaning in pain. I laid my palm on my chest, just a simple gentle touch made it pulse with tremendous pain. I used all my strength to reach the nightstand lamp and turned it on. Once my eyes adjusted to the light source I looked down and realized I was still in my workout clothes.

"Maybe neither dad nor mom wanted to make my condition worse." I pulled up my shirt only to see purple bruises all over my chest.

"Wait I remember this sensation." It was exactly the same feeling I experience at church when Rindou hit me in the chest.

"Does it mean my ribs are broken again?" It must have been the case because my eyes started to become watery with the pain, which just grew stronger over time. I decided to poke the area, the pain was too much to handle.

"I need to use another potion..." It all came to this conclusion. I knew under CPR it was possible to break someone's ribcage. And probably because my Endurance points weren't the most glorious this must have happened. I just hoped it wasn't Wakasa that was the reason behind it. If he was aware of my bones breaking and then I arrived the next time totally fine, he probably would catch on something was wrong. But I just wanted to keep our instructor and student relationship as it was.

I realized the only health potion I had were the pill kind, which brought me another set of troubles. My ass couldn't swallow it without a cup of water, and I believed my parents were already asleep.

I sighed but decided although it was late at night, maybe I could wake someone up with my screaming.

"Mom!" I yelled at top of my lungs, but started to cry, just rising my voice was enough for the pain to get the best of me. As I was sniffling into my pillow, the first person running inside my room wasn't mom, but Kazutora instead. Since our rooms were across each other it was probably easier for him to hear me, was he by chance a light sleeper?

"What's wrong?" He asked clearly still half asleep, I took deep breaths to calm down until I finally managed to say.

"Can you bring a glass of water please?" He seemed stunned by the request, I could totally tell he was wondering why I would need mom to assist me.

"I can't move my whole body is in pain... and I need water to take painkillers." Upon hearing my explanation he didn't waste much time, just ran downstairs and came back up, nearly spilling the water on the floor considering how quick he was.

"Thank you." I quickly swallowed the health potion to my relief, it already started working. Mom must have woken up by Kazutora running around in the house. She joined me on the bed and asked if I was alright but when I shook my head in denial, she examined my body. Because my body haven't had any nutrients in a long while, the health potion wasn't working as fast as previously.

"Is there anything you need?" Mom asked and the one thing I could muster to tell her was simply.

"Food." At this point, it felt like my stomach was eating itself inside out, was it caused by the health potion that had no energy to work with? Mom put me into a hug and brought over some side dishes that we usually had in the fridge, while that was taking place Kazutora was holding onto my hand, just this one single gesture made me feel a lot better.

Once I found food before my eyes I devoured it as if I was starved for days.

"Slow down Michi or you're going to choke." I sighed realizing mom was right and slowed down, knowing full well this food wouldn't go anywhere.

"I can already tell you won't be able to make it to school." Mom said and then glanced at Kazutora, who didn't want to go back to sleep despite mom reminding him that he had school tomorrow.

"Since you refuse to sleep, how about you also stay at home tomorrow?" I guess there was no point in going if all he did was worry about me, it seemed like mother thought the same.

After one hour of depriving our family of any side dishes, I managed to fall asleep, Kazutora joined me in bed, and we managed to fall asleep while holding each other's hands.

Once I woke up both Senju and Keisuke were inside our house. I could still barely move, maybe the food I consumed wasn't enough for the whole restoration of my body.

"Michi!" It looked like the two guests didn't go to school today either, and instead come to visit to make sure I was okay. It looked like they both wanted to dive into a hug but I stopped them.

"No hugging or touching." They looked sadden, not wanting to explain myself I pulled up the workout shirt and revealed the bruise that was smaller than I saw it yesterday but still prominent enough to show the seriousness of my state, they looked like they were ready to cry once more.

"But Michi why haven't you mentioned anything about your condition?" Keisuke asked, sure at least these two knew about the sick girl past, but I never went into any finer details, because there was nowhere I could find this information unless they would be on the medical records.

"I just wanted to live a normal life." Was my to-go phrase.

"I'm sorry for not warning you about it." Not like I could anyway because there was no way I could predict this exact punishment would be chosen in a public space.

"But why haven't you been hospitalized?" Senju asked, I guess this seemed to be serious enough.

"Most often I wake up after less than 24 hours... since they won't be able to help me at the hospital and I get seriously stressed when admitted there, my parents usually wait a day before driving me there." Hopefully, it sounded believable enough, they nodded so it must have been the case.

"So what can we do to make you feel better?" Keisuke seemed to want to do anything he could to help me out, since I still craved food, I could ask for that. However, that's when a mission came up.

'Would you rather request Keisuke Baji to buy you some food, or demand Indian cuisine and call Keisuke Baji an errand boy?' Wait the second option was hilarious.

"Kazutora can you hand me over my purse?" I asked him since he knew where it was. I handed money to Keisuke enough amount to buy food for 5 people.

"My errand boy~" I smiled and then added.

"I crave Indian food to cheer this pitiful state I am in." I then took a handkerchief and dabbed it under my eyes, Senju must have caught on I wanted to lift up the mood with my jokes, so she kneeled beside my bed, took my hand a kissed it while declaring.

"Don't worry princess, as your knight I will make sure to bring you the most delicious takeout." She said it so seriously, but I had to add.

"Don't forget the garlic naan bread." She nodded, and after inquiring about my exact order we started laughing.

"You should tone it down Senju, with all those bruises even laughing hurts!" I wiped my tears away.

"Keisuke, did you come here with your bike?" He nodded.

"Then Senju if you want you can take mine for this ride." I handed her the keys as she looked at them mesmerized.

"You're too kind, even Waka doesn't let me drive around in his bike." Well, my motorcycle was bought to be used, so I didn't mind lending it away to my bestie. Keisuke dragged Kazutora with him on this adventure for food, while I stayed behind.

After changing clothes and taking a shower I decided to call Izana, it was around lunchtime, so maybe he was having his lunch break at school if he was attending any.

"Michi!" he sounded excited to see my call coming thru.

"Listen, I will get straight to the point...I know it may sound crazy, but I think I saw your brother." It became really quiet at the other end, but maybe he was confused as to what I implied so he asked.

"What do you mean?" I decided to just roll with it, it didn't matter if he thought I was weird.

"So like... I may have been closer to my deathbed than ever before, and I saw this black-haired tall lanky guy and he told me to tell you he loves you, when I voiced my concern that you may not believe me, this guy just smiled ruffed thru my hair and disappeared..." But wait Shinichiro revealed to me the information I needed to know but no one yet shared it with me. I waited for Izana to say something, but he was just dead quiet on the other end.

"He also mentioned that Emma and Mikey are your siblings." I was already having this shit-eating grin on my face. It was time to arrange a meeting between Izana and Emma.

"You were close to death?" Was that what he was worried about?

"Maybe, just a tiny bit, I went into a coma-like state, but I recovered right now, so don't worry about it," I reassured him.

"Kakucho knows where you live, right?" I agreed that it was the case.

"We are gonna come over later." And so the call ended at that.

"I guess it's time to inform Emma and Mikey, but aren't they in school?" I decided to give it a chance, maybe the lunch break wasn't over for them either.

"Emma, is Mikey somewhere close to you?" She was wondering why I called her if I was asking for Mikey's presence instead.

"Shouldn't you call him instead if you want to talk with him?" I sighed.

"I just wanted to relay a message to you both." Then she gasped probably realizing what just took place.

"Wait are you feeling better? Keisuke and Senju informed me you were in a coma." As she was looking for her brother I had to assure her that everything was okay.

"Okay, I found him, so what did you want to tell us?" I guess she must have asked him to listen in on the conversation.

"I know this may sound crazy... but bear with me... so my soul may have left my body when I collapsed yesterday and I may have seen some black-haired, black-eyed slim but tall guy tell me to relay a message to his three siblings that he loves them." Emma gasped, but Mikey asked confused.

"Three?" Great now Mikey was aware he had another sibling, preferably he wouldn't forget about it.

"Yes, Mikey, Emma, and Izana." All according, to my plan. If I had glasses, they would shine like in anime.

"Wait...did you ever tell her about our brother?" Emma asked Mikey as he denied the fact, she expressed to Mikey how she never had done it either.

"That must have been too much information, I will leave you guys to it." and so I ended the call, right there.

When the trio came back with the food and we ate it inside my room, I couldn't get this one thought off my mind.

"Keisuke how come your mom is okay with you coming over here?" Wouldn't she be furious if she knew he was skipping school because of me?

"Don't worry about it, when I explained what happened she was the one that suggested skipping school to take care of you, so she called me in sick." Hold up, did I really manage to win her over to this extent?

It looked like neither Keisuke nor Senju wanted to leave my side, in fact, after school was over Chifuyu managed to come over as well. That's also when Kakucho and Izana decided to arrive.

"Geez, we are having a full-out party here already." But at this time I was already fully recovered, Indian Curry did its job.

"When you gave me the phone call I was so worried," Izana admitted shocking me to the core, but I could tell he was uncomfortable with so many people around.

"But I don't believe you would lie to me right?" I guess he couldn't really trust me with my words, but I decided to just cross my arms while looking away.

"You don't need to believe me, but at least you shouldn't accuse me of lying to my face." I gave him a quick glance, and it looked like he asked his subordinate to fix whatever trouble he caused.

Once Keisuke informed us that Emma was coming, Izana tried to escape after hearing about it, but I caught his hand and in the most ominous voice stated.

"Where do you think, you're going Izana-chan?... Didn't your two friends warn you about the demon and its trickery tactics? And now your innocent soul dared to venture into its lair, of course, you have to stay behind." I smirked as Kakucho facepalmed, Keisuke just found my words amusing in fact.

It didn't take long for Emma to arrive of course the first thing she did was hover over my bed and cry.

"You must have been far gone to claim you saw dead people." She sobbed into my chest as I stroked her hair. Then Keisuke and Senju duo gasped in sync.

Emma then shared what I told her with others.

"Wait does it mean you were closer to death than we thought?" More like was dead for 12 hours, I just averted my gaze, and fumbled with my fingers, as if I was basically admitting it was the truth. Suddenly all the people in the room joined in some kind of hug pile on my bed.

"Come on guys I feel better now." Once everyone calmed down because thankfully I could bring back the cheerful atmosphere. Emma finally noticed Izana.

"Wait, Izana?" She asked as I nodded.

"You can finally reconnect with your sister isn't that great? If I knew she was so close by I would have arranged the meeting earlier." Keisuke was shocked to find Emma had another brother, Emma took charge and essentially forced Izana to accept hanging with her tomorrow after school.

"My girl," I said proudly. After things got too rowdy mom chased everyone away, claiming I needed time for myself to truly rest.

"See you in school." Senju waved me goodbye and so everyone finally left, Kazutora was the only one left hanging in my room, but we just kept each other company quietly, until he got bored and asked me to play games with him again.