Fortune Telling~

On Tuesday the only person I needed to convince I was fit to return back to school was Kazutora, since breakfast he kept on insisting that I should stay at home an additional day, considering how bad the bruise looked yesterday.

"I can always take painkillers to deal with the pain, but it doesn't hurt as much as yesterday... so how about this... if by chance I find the pain unbearable I will return home immediately." We managed to come to a compromise, but I felt bad for lying to this sweet bean, but maybe there would be a time I could see myself sharing all my life experiences, but I really didn't think it was the right time for that.

At school Kisaki may have taken my silence as a threat, all I did was greet him and left it at that, perhaps he thought I was mustering up a grand plan to bother him, but it was one of the days I just wanted to spend my day with my own thoughts, but it was hard when I kept catching Kisaki glancing my way occasionally.

"So why weren't you in school yesterday?" He pushed in his glasses with his finger and averted my gaze, but he quickly turned his head toward me when I said in the most cheerful voice.

"You know the usual... nearly death experience reason."


"Aww you sound concerned, but at this point, we all know you wouldn't mind seeing me perish." I thought this topic would end at that, but I could swear he muttered to himself.

"Not really." When I questioned him about it, he denied ever saying anything remotely close.

Once the school ended my mood seemed a little brighter, maybe because I had such high hopes for my plan to make Taiju avert his eyes on some other girl instead, so I followed Kisaki while asking.

"So does it mean you like to have me in your life, do I perhaps make your days a little brighter, like a ray of sunshine?" I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

"What kind of nonsense are you spouting? Stupid!" I was about to take up my test result as a wall of defense against his remark but then heard a familiar threatening voice.

"Watch what you say to my girl!" Of course, I had to spot the hovering tower looking pissed. But how the hell did this guy find my school? I never mentioned it to him, and it wasn't like I ever met him in my school uniform either.

Kisaki seemed first shocked that some muscle giant came to defend my name, but then dared to turn to me and state.

"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend." By his reaction I could tell he found me ridiculous for trying to ask him out, then a smug expression came to his face as if he was telling me he knew I never held him in such regard, which meant he was right all along. I don't know why it pissed me off so much, but I denied the fact.

"He's not! Taiju I told you to stop saying my girl bullshit." I thought he would finally accept the reality of things but instead dared to say.

"Would you like baby girl better?" He had this shit-eating grin on his face, while my whole body shuddered when I heard that phrase.

"Aghh! Not those two words combined!" Both Kisaki and Taiju seemed confused by my overreaction.

"Try to say those words again and you will never see me again, I won't accept this disrespect." Then I added.

"And stop misleading people, I'm not your girlfriend so stop making it sounds like we are dating!" I tried to be stern, but this muscle head declared.

"What can I do, when you were acting like one on our last date on my couch." He dared to wink at me. I really had this urge to choke him.

"Excuse me, what?!" Kisaki was all red in the face, probably imagining something inappropriate.

"What the hell are you implying? You just forced a kiss on me, and Tetta you better stop whatever you are thinking or I will be kicking your ass as well." I definitely had enough of this whole conversation and with my strength stats being better than Kisaki's I knew I could win.

Once I cleared the air, Kisaki went away as I was interrogating Taiju about why he came here.

"I told you will be meeting in an hour, why did you come wasting my time?" I had to change my clothes and eat since I never wanted him to find my school but here he suddenly was.

"I came to pick you up, I decided to add some additions on my own for this date." He stated, but who even gave him the rights, despite my complaints I agreed. If we went to the fortune teller first I hoped that's when the date would come to a halt.

So upon Emma's recommendation I turned up at this one place, but as soon I laid my eyes on the middle-aged woman that had a cloak on her head, I knew I saw her somewhere before.

Wait a moment, wasn't she the one that gave Emma a reading about me changing her life for the better? Could I really put my fate into this woman's hangs? I mean she acted so suspiciously by running away last time.

"Welcome, I see you came in to see your compatibility with each other." She guessed right off the bat, or maybe couples were a usual sight at her place and always asked the same set of questions.

"But two of you want different results." Taiju looked at me mistrustfully as the woman took out her tarot cards.

"Please choose three cards each." Which we did, I did try to learn how to do fortune telling before but wasn't really that well versed in it, I scratched my head at what my card could possibly mean. She asked us to show them to her.

"Ah yes...interesting." I was waiting in anticipation.

"You seem to be compatible." Wait, what? That's not what I planned at all. I turned to Taiju that previously told me he wasn't one to believe anything like fortune telling but I could tell he was satisfied.

"Are you sure you haven't made any mistake?" I just wanted his ass off my case.

"Choose another card." I picked one and she soon added.

"Although you two are compatible, the tall guy here needs to be on his tiptoes, as a guy with K at the beginning in his name has more chance to sweep you off your feet, once he does he will not stand a chance." Wait she said at the beginning of his name, but which one exactly?

"First name or Surname?" I asked as her reply was.

"Both." I pulled up my hands and started to count on my fingers.

"Keisuke, Kisaki, Kurokawa, Kakucho, Kawata, Kawata, Ken, Kokonoi, Kanji, Kazushi." I then turned to the fortune teller.

"You know how little it narrows it down?" Taiju seemed to be pissed.

"Are you really thinking about other guys on our date?" I put my hands behind my back totally forgetting it was supposed to be one.

"Eh? Sorry?" He wouldn't be going around asking my friends if they had a K in their names, would he? Would Kokonoi get shit for it as well?

"Let's go we spent enough time in here."

"But the forest child has also a good chance~" The fortune teller declared as Taiju just picked me up like a sack of potatoes. I guess he had enough of hearing how other guys had better chances than him.

"Can you let me down, I can walk on my own." He refused to listen, so I had to bear all the stares from passersby.

"So where are you even going?" His only response was.

"A surprise." So first we went to some expensive-looking store, where he asked me to try one of the dresses.

"So what is this about?" Like why was he trying to throw money at a dress, for me? Did this guy watch too many Asian dramas, with the premise of a rich CEO guy and a poor girl? I put the dress on since the shop assistant did have some good taste in fact. Once I summarized to her what kind of styles I usually adored she came running with something I had in mind. But the dress in question also had to be approved by the judge that was chilling on the sofa. Once I came out of the changing room I spoon around, showing it off, actually enjoying the experience.

"Great now put some heels on, next," Taiju demanded, but I shook my head.

"That's dangerous." He didn't seem to believe me, but before I could request some flats a mission popped up.

'Would you rather put on some high heels or sit on Taiju Shiba's lap and beg him to buy you flats instead?' I was so furious I threw a punch at the notification window, shocking both the shop clerk and Taiju alike. I put the damn heels on, but as soon I stood up, I went down as quickly. I had no clue how he managed to react this fast, but this muscle head actually caught me before my body met the floor.

"Is that why you said it was dangerous?" This time he asked me to take a stroll around the shop, but each step was wobbly, I was staggering so much it didn't look pretty, Taiju just stood there flabbergasted, maybe he assumed all women could walk in heels naturally.

"That won't do, just take something you can walk in." Finally, a wise decision, this interaction made me realize that my Clumsy Protagonist ability made me lose all balance if I put high heels on, but the triple charm deal while falling was still active.

Next, he asked me to go to a hair and make-up appointment as the make-up artist was doing her job I couldn't do but wonder. Was this guy trying to drag me to some high-end luxury restaurant? Was it why he put so much effort into my looks?

But then another idea wandered into my mind, what if this dude tried to introduce me to his father and call me his future wife? Okay, that was a stretch this guy was like 16 marriage was probably the least of his life concerns right now.

My brain tracked back to the conversation I had with Shion, so once their job was finished I asked.

"Taiju, you're 16 right?" He nodded his head.

"Are you aware I'm 3 years younger than you?" It felt like some gears were moving in his mind.

"I always believed you were my sisters' age." A golden opportunity.

"Oh, so now when you are aware of my actual age you must have been turned off, right? Thinking of me as some shitty brat?" Taiju's vein popped once more as I must have seemed way too happy saying that.

"I know what you're trying to do, but that won't work. In contrast, the more you try to escape from me, the more I feel like chasing after you." What was this stupid analogy? But I put my head to work.

"Does it mean that if I return your feelings you won't be so keen on bothering me? Like if you get what you want you will vanish as fast?" Taiju seemed concerned? I couldn't tell because his emotions didn't show on his face.

"Like we gonna date for like 2 weeks and that be over? Because I can see myself doing just that just to get you off my back." I wasn't expecting his reaction to being, pinning me to the wall in the middle of a busy street.

"Is that what you think of me?" Holdup, could he feel hurt? After all, he really liked to talk about loyalty and stuff.

"Um... no?" He didn't seem to like I voiced it like a question, but a mission came up to cheer up the mood.

'Would you rather kiss his cheek or put a finger down his nostrils?' It may have been a disgusting thing to perform, but the rewards? Priceless. His expression was so glorious I was wheezing.

"You are lucky I like you." He mentioned after proceeding to drag me away to a restaurant as I predicted before. After we ordered food, I was wondering what to expect from his side, a conversation? Compliments? Or would he start talking about his gang? But no that wouldn't be the biggest turn-off, because this guy started to talk about Christianity. Hasn't no one given him the memo, that this is something you shouldn't talk about until you're more associated with the person?

I took a lazy bite from my plate, but it begs the question, was he one of those people that wanted girls to stay pure before marriage?

"Does it mean you never slept with a girl before?" I asked in the bluntest voice. Obviously, if you expected the other person to stick with such a decsion, you should give a profound example. He put his arms on the table and leaned in closer while whispering.

"Are you asking because you want to be my first?" If only I had a little bit more strength I could see myself punching him. I think we were officially done for the day.