Bonus Chapter! In Another World~

I thoroughly eyed the two full-grown men that were standing in front of me, reminiscing about the time we spent together in our teenage years, although it was short I still found those memories precious to me. But there was this one question troubling my mind.

"Have the two fine gentlemen even considered the consequences of your own actions when making this hasty decision?" I asked resting my palm on the handle of my sword, which was attached to my hip, it became a habit of mine.

"Why should I hesitate when I finally received the chance to see you again?" Ran yelled happily and wrapped his hands around me without warning.

"Well, you never know what happened in those 12 years that passed us by, what if I turned into a bad person?" I criticized them for their impulsive nature while poking the guy's forehead, checking if there was still a brain inside.

"Considering you're already scolding us for our bad decision-making, I believe you are in fact a kind person." Rindou was using his logical sense, probably still shaken up by the fact the girl that his brother have been simping for years, did in fact exist.

"Ugh follow me, we need to make it to my house before sundown. We can talk on the way." I picked up the basket from the ground that was filled with herbs and we started our journey back to the village I was living in. Ran of course had to make the first move, by holding onto my free hand and interlocking our fingers together.

"So where exactly are we?" How should I have approached this?

"Basically the setting of this place is ancient China, a cultivation story." I briefly explained.

"Cultivation?" Rindou asked as Ran latched onto another word completely.


"Yes this world is based on a story I briefly read in the past however, I only recall a few small details of this world's setting and plot... as to answer Rindou's question... I will teach you both martial arts you know by using swords... unless one of you wants to dwell into assassination techniques then be my guest but then you probably need to find some other teacher." They both gave it some thought.

"Is this place so dangerous?" They both asked in unison.

"I guess besides monsters there is also the threat of corrupted people that are always in search of power, bandits are also a thing... and I bet you two have potential so there is nothing to worry about." Because if there was something they were good at it was fighting and the usage of weapons.

"So you upgraded from fighting teenagers in gangs to fighting monsters using swords?" Ran asked eyeing my blade.

"Would call it a downgrade, I'm always off taking commissions from nearby villages. You know like a mercenary, at times I take food as payment, it depends. This means I can't live the quiet life I dreamed of as an artist." I said while pouting, but this was what kind of path I chose for myself, it was better than living in that suffocating household.

"There is also the fact of missing modern utilities, so I hope you two can cope with it somehow as well." Observing their faces a sudden realization must have come to them.

"Finally the two of you realized the consequences of your action? I hope you also acknowledge Ran that a western style wedding isn't a possibility anymore." Ran seemed sad for a slight moment, but then we both heard him gasp in shock.

"Wait, wait Michi is that a marriage proposal I hear?" He suddenly stopped walking, being frozen in place.

"I heard my younger self, still can't believe you not only remembered me but also waited for over a decade for my comeback, so did you really think I wouldn't take any responsibility after dragging your ass all the way here?" He cheered.

"This is the happiest day of my life!" He came running to my side again, but this time he put his hand around my waist.

"So have you had any boyfriends for the past 12 years? Just wanting to know if there is someone I need to look out for." I shook my head.

"Since I came here I haven't had any luck with men, either they complain about my appearance or bore me to death with their sophisticated language... or are unattractive middle-aged men with wives... besides that they also find my flirting skills to be scandalous... so I had a girlfriend instead." I giggled at his dumbfounded face, he totally didn't see that answer coming.

"What?" Ran asked.

"Getting women to fawn over you is easy, but making them stay is harder."

"So your ex-girlfriend will not try to come in between us?" I just waved my hand, looks like he was wary of any competition.

"Don't worry about it, she was already married off some time ago." And finally, we reached the village, and whenever someone asked who the two strangers were I introduced them as my husband-to-be and his brother, of course, they were fascinated by the blond streaks in both Haitani's hair and their unique set of clothes.

I had to keep explaining they couldn't speak the Chinese language.

"They are not secretly demons are they?" One of the village kids asked.

"Of course not, those two have been my friends for a while, but only now did I convince them to live with me." I then patted his head as we moved along.

"Michi... you have a visitor." The old lady that was living beside me informed me.

Who? Was the only question in my mind. When I walked inside my courtyard I spotted the infamous white and blue uniform and Lan Wangji, who was holding onto a bag filled with food goods. Great, he remembered my threat to not show up unless he brought some food onto my table.

It looks like he was going for the usual greeting but all that came out of it was.

"Who are those people?"

"My fiance and his brother." I then passed him by while Ran whispered.

"Do I need to be worried about this guy?"

"Your gay radar didn't go off yet?" I guess that gave him a sufficient answer.

So I quickly set up the table so we could enjoy the food that Wangji brought, at first it was awkward considering the language barrier. So I was either accommodating to one party or the other.

"So what really brings you here?" Besides him chasing after a monster or him bringing the clan's matters into my household I didn't see any other reason for him to visit me out of blue.

"Your parents asked me to bring you back..." My face twisted at the amount of bullshit I was hearing. I ran away from home roughly nine years ago and they never cared to contact me.

"Let me guess now when their perfect heir, aka my older brother, died they finally realized they had a second child? I bet they just want a piece of my fame." I believed it to be the case since I never had a good relationship with them in the first place. Who would want to be compared to their sibling all the time? And on top of that, the Lan clan had so many stupid rules, it was suffocating and dangerous to my mental health.

"They promised to not restrict your freedom anymore." Sounded like a lie, but then I looked at Ran and Rindou, I needed to travel a lot to earn money because the only thing I could depend on was myself, but I didn't wish to drag them along, putting them in any possible danger. However, if I could use my family's money, I could spend most of my time teaching those two how to survive in this world.

"If they bless my marriage and are willing to give me some money I will reconsider." Then again why were they sending someone so talented on such a simple errand? Did they think using someone I was familiar with would change my mind? I shook my head, it was time to make some money and this guy just dropped in at the perfect time.

"Wait here." I walked over to my bedroom and came back with a product I designed and created personally.

"Let's talk business... how much are you willing to pay for this Wei Wuxian figurine carved in wood?" I put it gently on the table and smirked while observing his expression.

He took it into his hands carefully and looked at all the sides while tracing his fingers at the smaller details.

"You made this?" He asked somehow fascinated, and then slowly slides some money onto the table. Not being satisfied with the amount I questioned.

"Is he really worth so little in your eyes?" And suddenly I was met with double the amount.

"Great doing business with you."

"I feel scammed somehow," Wangji admitted.

"I'm in desperate need of money, and it's not like you're lacking any of it, isn't that the reason why you never take any rewards from people you help?" He nodded his head and we came to the conclusion he would stay the night.

"No, why would you let him stay, I thought we could catch up in the bedroom department." I think I choked on my own saliva hearing this coming out of Ran's mouth.

"I know I said I would take responsibility but aren't you a little too hasty?"

"But I can take good care of you." And I never thought Rindou would enable his behavior.

"That's true." I cleared my throat really loudly making my other guest wonder what was happening.

"Think of this as us just starting dating with the goal of marriage." Thankfully he accepted my terms but was quick to announce.

"But I won't let you escape me during the wedding night." And then he winked, has something changed during those 12 years. Why was my brain screaming sexy, I could swear my cheeks became hotter all of sudden. But I wanted to tease him somehow.

"Oh great, let's schedule it one year from now." He abruptly wrapped his hands around me.

"No, please have mercy." Causing me to laugh like a maniac.

"Are you torturing your fiance?" Wangji questioned while I nodded.

"You could call it to be the case." However, I must have taken it too far since he was suddenly saying.

"What can I do to change your mind?" His eyes traveled to his brother.

"If you're not satisfied with me alone you can take my brother for yourself as well."

"I'm in," Rindou answered his facial expression telling me he liked the whole ordeal.

So when it was time to head to bed, they both cuddled into me, while our guest stayed in another room. While I couldn't believe this was happening.