
So I woke up feeling quite disoriented still holding onto that trash bag, catching a random guy staring in my direction. From his perspective, I must have looked like a drunk or a homeless person.

"What?" I asked in a grumpy voice, not liking to be stared at like an animal in a zoo, and rightfully so he scurried away from my sight. The first thing I did was look up my phone which informed me it was the 19th of November.

"It's already Saturday?" I asked myself but seeing how bright it was outside, it sure couldn't be the Saturday evening I departed at.

"So I was right in telling mom I would go missing during the night." I stood up, my body wobbled a little and after I regained my balance I decided.

"Right, time to head home and tell my fam about what kind of sick adventures the system took me on." But then something hit me.

"Wait.. wasn't Takemichi bound to bump into Taiju and get beaten up right after the bowling session?" Sure maybe the results would change, but I couldn't let anyone traumatize my girl Hina.

The muscle giant has calmed himself down those past few months, but I couldn't trust him fully just yet. In case he was still obsessed with all the twisted family nonsense, I could totally see him threatening Takemichi's life, just like in the manga to drag Hakkai into his little gang.

"Let's go!" I swung the bag over my shoulder and started to sprint at maximum speed, so I wouldn't miss my chance of arriving on time. I caught a bus to my destination, and sure received a lot of dirty looks from other passengers. Did they think I was carrying around literal trash? I guess they couldn't possibly imagine someone dragging clothes worth millions of yen in a black trash bag.

Once I arrived at my given location, it looked like I was right on cue, just seconds before the shit would have hit the fan, but had to force myself thru the Black Dragon troops, making me wonder how come I didn't have the luck to catch them from the other side, that was probably more accessible.

I was trying to push my way forward, but could barely squeeze myself thru, so I chose to yell out.

"Takemichi!" Causing all the attention to be shifted to me instead. Once Taiju's minions realized who I was they parted away like the red sea making me feel like Moses.

"Many thanks, many thanks," I muttered under my nose, but then caught Takemichi's troupe, Taiju, and his two henchmen looking in my direction.

"What?" I asked irritated, but that's when I noticed Takemichi sitting on the ground, his cheek bruised, the giant hovering over him like a massive statue.

"You look like a mess, what happened-" I interrupted Taiju, by dropping my bag to the ground and running to Takemichi's side.

"No baby, who is responsible for this?" I asked examining his face, but soon tears started to stream down m face, we both understood that all the emotions we experienced yesterday surfaced from nowhere.

"No Michi, don't cry... you will make me cry." And in no time we were sitting on the hard cold pavement, hugging each other while bawling our eyes out, the others surrounding us like frozen-in-place onlookers. We felt comfort just by being in each other's presence.

"Actually I was left alone in that huge apartment... and being there by myself made me fear someone would bust thru that door and get me!" It looked like he had something to say as well but held himself back. Maybe finding out that his future self was the reason Hinata died, was really a punch in the gut.

"It's okay Michi, we are safe now... how about your cheek, are you in need of any stitches?" I shook my head mostly because I wasn't so sure myself.

"I disinfected it myself, but you think I should have it checked out at the hospital anyway?"

"What the hell are you two on about? And why are you so close to her?" Taiju stuck his face to us terribly close, ruining the moment.

"Um, excuse me we are having a touching moment right here." But he started some sort of interrogation on the spot. Feeling annoyed by his ass I just screamed.

"I got fucking shot at, so I will collect as many pity points as I can, so leave us alone!" I shocked everyone present with my statement, Takemichi quickly got nervous.

"No don't worry... the bullet only scratched her cheeks, there's no need to overreact." He tried to diffuse the situation.

"What the hell happened?" Ugh, looks like I changed the whole scenario, so I just decided to tell the truth.

"Stumbled our way into a yakuza meeting," I said standing up and helping Takemichi to get off the ground next.

"What?" I wasn't sure who sounded so shocked, but then I added, cutting off any remaining questions.

"No they won't bother us anymore, no need to overreact, we put them into place... also Takemichi look I got all this, from that guy." I pointed at the bag.

"What is that supposed to be." It looks like my strategy worked, I added so much confusion no one knew how to react, perfect.

"Bag is filled with clothes." I managed to whip out a pair of nice-looking heels. Takemichi chose to whisper into my ear.

"You brought those from the future?" I nodded while adding.

"The system didn't stop me, so I call it free real estate." Takemichi just facepalmed.

"What are you two whispering about." Taiju wasn't happy with how things were unfolding.

"Takemichi says it was stupid of me to accept all those clothing. Well where that guy was going, he sure didn't need any of this." Which was true, I could have even stolen his car, since it wouldn't be missed either.

But Takemichi arrived at his own weird misunderstanding.

"You killed him?!" Where did he even get it from? My hand just instinctively rose and I smacked him in the head.

"I guess not." I took a deep breath and then pointed my finger at Taiju.

"And you muscle giant... you're not allowed to beat up my homie. Beating him up equals to disrespecting me. We are two sides of the same coin."

"Since when?" Takemichi asked confused.

"Um excuse me, we are both captains of Toman, we are basically twins at this point."

"Michi... that is too far-fetched even for you." The crybaby responded.

"We live across each other, and we both know our each other's deepest and darkest secrets, we are basically bros for life."

"Wait a moment here, when did you become a member of Toman?" Was the only thing that Taiju was stuck at.

"Correction, Captain of Toman!" I stated feeling proud.

"But I heard the 6th captain is Takemichi." Koko pointed out as I cheered.

"Yes, it worked!" Takemichi was shell-shocked at my reaction.

"You wanted our enemies to aim for me to escape responsibility? So evil Michi! Draken was right." I looked at him wondering if he was serious.

"I was just kidding, I bet this guy hasn't done proper research because they look down on Toman or something, hence he missed the part where there are two Captains in the 6th division." I threw Koko Crunch under the bus, serves him right. But Taiju didn't seem too happy about the news.

"So you dare to refuse my offer and later go join those Toman guys instead?"

"I mean, I have more friends at Toman if that's what your asking...I mean if you do wish, you could join us under me?" No one could believe what was taking place, until Yuzuha intervened, by putting the trash bag forcefully into her brother's arms, and then she grabbed my wrist.

"Hey what the hell Yuzuha?!" He yelled out obviously annoyed at her bossiness.

"Shut up! And take it home! You're useless brother all you needed to do was take the poor girl to the clinic! I waited and waited but you rather waste time on stupid conversation, so I will do it instead! Be a good host and take care of our guests, ah right, keep in mind that if any of those three get hurt Michi will never forgive you!" I was dragged away from the crowd by Yuzuha that quickly found the first hospital that could aid my situation.

Was she perhaps hoping for her brother to score some love points with me? By being attentive?

"I think I'm starting to get butterflies in my stomach!" I blurted out catching Yuzuha by surprise but all she did was just smack me lightly on the back.

"Perhaps your standards are just too low." She joked while I added.

"Or Yuzuha is so awesome she doesn't realize what kind of effect she has on the people around her." I winked in her direction as she elbowed me.

"Knock it off...what about your current boyfriend then?" I sighed, not wanting to think about the matter, because how could I possibly lay out my worries across, without sounding like a mistrustful person, or simply delusional.

"It's kind of complicated." She let out a sound indicating how bad the situation looked from her perspective.

"Usually when people mention it's complicated, they are really close to breaking up, is it that bad you two can't come to a compromise? Also hasn't it been only 2 weeks since you started dating?" I nodded my head, but there were certain things I was worried about. Like the scene from yesterday playing itself out on repeat every time I see Kisaki's face, although I was composed throughout the whole event, it was still scary to live it out.

"I rather not talk about this right now." Yuzuha nodded and left it at that.

We spent some time at the hospital waiting for our turn, and it turned out I needed to receive some stitches. However the doctor was surprised at how well I was taking it, was it due to the endurance stat that I was barely feeling pain, or did all the circus around me distracted me from acknowledging the pain?

We returned back and we witnessed Taiju losing his marbles.

"What's going on, are you finally going insane? Do I need to phone the men in white lab coats?" I asked because he was shouting so much.

"I just found out you have a boyfriend, why haven't you said anything?" I wasn't too sure how he got to know this info.

"I shouldn't have told him?" Hinata asked looking at me with her innocent eyes.

"Nah, he was bound to find out eventually." I waved my hand like it wasn't a big deal.

"But we haven't spoken during those 2 weeks and you never asked, and I bet you would rush out to beat him up if I opened my mouth about it."

"Does his name start with a K?" Hakkai astonished by the odd question answered it honestly.

"It does, but why does it matter?"

"Break up with him!"

"Leave it alone Taiju... And come with me." Yuzuha dragged him to another room, I wasn't too sure what kind of information she dropped on him, but he sure looked more smug and satisfied than ever when coming back.

Would she hint at me breaking it off soon with my boyfriend and urging him to come to my side to comfort my heartbreak right after? Was this possible?

Then a mission turned up.

'Would you rather show off your collection to Yuzuha or gift her one of the dresses?' Future Ran wouldn't mind right, now when he was having fun with my future self? So I suggested the idea to the girls, and as it turned out there were more than 20 dressed in my bag, so I even gifted one to Hinata.

"Those are so pretty, the person that picked out those has a good fashion sense." Oh, I bet Ran would have loved to hear such a compliment.

I returned home thereafter, let's just say after I explained what took place, my parents forbid me from time traveling ever again.