Chaos Apprentice~

On Friday when I was leaving the school grounds, I was fully expecting to spend my afternoon at home so I could at least start preparing for tomorrow's trip. But life at times had different plans for you, this must have been one of those cases, because I had the pleasure to witness Kokonoi and Inui waiting for my arrival, standing there leaning on the wall, in their Black Dragon uniforms scaring some of the kids with their intimidating appearances.

I crossed my arms, but before they could give me the reason for their sudden arrival I took the initiative to say.

"Let me guess, how dare I ignore your boss's calls and advances? I am right or I am right?"

Kokonut seemed to be amused by my take but soon shook his head in denial.

"Actually it's more like he seems angry about something you did, and we are here to ask you to appease his anger or at least try to." Was he really so salty about me ignoring his text messages? But I did respond to them at times, despite us having a previous agreement that he wouldn't bother me, but here we were.

However I had to remind myself of poor Yuzuha's and Hakkai's situation at hand, which had to deal with this guy's antics more frequently than I did, so you never knew when these two would become victims of Taiju's fiery temperament yet again.

"I guess I can check up on him, but this meeting better be brief, I have places to be, and people to meet, I'm a busy individual you see." Inui just rolled his eyes at my attitude.

But I followed their lead nonetheless, yet that's when I was reminded of something important, I was inside Toman's order, was he upset I joined another gang perhaps?

"Yo boys, this is not a deliberate plan to make me follow you to the Black Dragon base only to trap me inside and force me to join your gang right?" Koko just sighed, like I expressed the most outrageous theory.

"Believe me when I say it that I don't want your ass anywhere near my money." He voiced his shitty opinion.

"What? You believe me to be some kind of leech?" Like hello I had enough money to go by, and I was generous to him before, so where was all this sass coming from?

"It's more like, once you hear how we make our money in our day-to-day business, you will deliberately make us go bankrupt." Interesting take, did it mean most of their money was made in illegal means screwing people over? But not like I had time to deal with their corruption.

"At least you're aware of how nice of a person I am, with a functioning moral compass." I felt so proud saying this, but this conversation also made me wonder if it was a method I could use to make them stray away from the Black Dragon gang.

"I think you gave her ideas." Inui seemed quite perceptive on that matter.

"You would be so much cuter if you weren't such a pain in the ass person to deal with." Koko Crunch said out loud.

"Ohhh~ Are you suddenly exposing some of your deepest inner thought right now?" I asked but he didn't comment on it.

"Don't worry I know your type is blonde, blue-eyed babes." And then my chaos-inflicted brain forced them to hold hands, just because. None of them seemed to have liked my implication.

"Your boss may not support your secret relationship, but I a benevolent goddess will." I then posed by hugging my body and closing my eyes, only to hear Kokonoi laugh like he heard the best joke of the century. I took a guess he found the last part funny and totally not true?

So when we finally arrived at the base, the other minor subordinates were basically begging me to calm their boss.

"Have you missed me so much that you lost your mind?" I asked Taiju as soon as I arrived with his two trusted subordinates.

"Michi! You have some explaining to do!" I was taken aback by his demand. With just one look he chased away the other two, which begged the question, what was bothering his mind so much that couldn't be said in front of the other guys?

"I never believed you to be this type of girl!" He seemed more furious with each word he spoke, going on some type of religious rant nonsense which I couldn't exactly follow, because my mind was trying to find a reason for his outrage, but couldn't find any. The uncertainty of this development made me slightly frightened of the outcome, so with each step he took toward me, the more I tried to increase the distance between us even more. Until I was trapped between the door and his muscular body.

"So what do you have to say in your defense?" I tried to unlock the door but these two idiots trapped me there? Now I was furious, with the whole party involved. So I yelled out loud.

"Maybe you should explain with simple words what you're so enraged about, rather than have me guess the cause? Do I look like a freaking mind reader to you?" He was taken aback for sure.

"I never took you for someone that would sleep around, I feel lied to." Did I just hear that? Did he really dare to accuse me of something so ridiculous?

"Are you having a death wish?" There were two things I was bothered by, him daring to make such stupid speculations. And the second was, even if that was the case, so what of it? Did it make me less of a person in his eyes because I did whatever I wanted with my own body?

"First it never happened, second it's none of your damn business, get a reality check we aren't dating each other so you have no place to complain about this to me, it's not like I'm cheating on your ass. Now you better explain how you came to such a ridiculous take before I launch your ass to space for daring to scare me!" He seemed conflicted but with some pressure, he was quick on updating me on how he came to believe it.

"That dude that kissed you during live TV, some guys told me he basically admitted you sleeping with him and that you are dating other guys when he's stuck in juvenile."

"Me dating and sleeping with South?" His stupid rumors were getting out of hand, I never believed those would leave the juvenile's walls. It was time to comfort this maniac to see what he was getting out of spreading such rumors in the first place.

"I will go teach that guy a lesson right now... and don't think you're safe from my fury, I will deal with you another day." I wanted this to weigh on his mind because I wasn't happy about this whole ordeal he put me thru.

I stomped out angrily and headed towards the juvenile, I wasn't so sure what I was thinking, I didn't really book any appointment to see South so it could have turned out to be a wasted effort, but the guard from before must have felt bad for my circumstances because he made it possible for me to see this thoughtless guy.

"Oh, no food this time around?" Was the first thing he asked when our eyes met.

"Only good boys get fed, you aren't it." He laughed while taking a seat.

"You seem angry, I don't think I did anything to deserve such treatment." South pointed out, which ticked me out even more.

"Didn't do anything? Then who spread the rumors about us sleeping together, the rumors even spread out outside the building, making my life more difficult, care to explain why I shouldn't kill you right here right now?" I tapped my foot impatiently but he just laughed.

"Ah... I see." He sounded way too calm considering what kind of trouble his nonsense made me go thru.

"I never admitted it to being the case... I just pointed out that if it ever happened you would be on top because I wouldn't want to crush your tiny body." I glared at him.

"Why would I lie? ...Anyway, some guys kept bothering me about it, so I just entertained their idea, never thought they would take this far... you must be really popular with bad guys, considering this information went out from inside those walls." That damned system, that's right, why was it making me popular with delinquents? What was the point of that?

"What, were you bothered about being the top rumor? I thought it would be fitting in your case." This guy's priorities were all wrong.

"Or were you expecting something to happen, by coming here?"

"... weren't you the one that right off the bat told me I wasn't your type when we met?" I was curious where this flirting was coming from, don't say boredom.

"Well, you're the only one that dared to come here only to see me, can't be picky in those kinds of circumstances." He leaned on his arms, looking at me more tenderly?

"Right you can't be picky, how about seeking romance inside this building and leaving me out of it?" It just felt like he was doing this for his own amusement, were my reactions so entertaining? He just laughed really loudly.

"How about hitting on that guard that is keeping tabs on you?" I suggested since freaking him out was something he enjoyed so why not?

"And scare him off permanently? I don't think so." Is this what drugs did to people?

Then a mission came up.

'Would you rather sit on South Terano's lap or scare him into submission?' How was I supposed to scare this chunk of muscles? He didn't seem like someone that would be afraid of anything in fact. I clicked on the first option and just rolled with it.

"Move aside." I gave out my orders.

"Make space for the queen." He seemed really confused by my sudden change in attitude, so I grabbed the chair and dragged it out from under the table while he still was sitting on it and took the spot the system so desired.

"Is this your unique take on flirting, quite straightforward, isn't it?" So how could I spin it around? But had nothing.

"You're imagining things." But he managed to change the topic pretty quickly.

"You seem stronger than you seem... how about a duel?" Was this fighting maniac for real? So he thought the best response for flirting was challenging a girl to a fight? But before I could deny his request, he started to feel my arms.

"Those muscles are sturdy, yet you look so soft and squishy I never have imagined this outcome." I never would have thought he would feel my thighs next.

"They look deadly." It looked like a mischievous idea entered his mind, which I was going to come to regret. But before I could hear it another quest took me off guard.

'Would you rather choke South Terano for his insolence or hear out his idea for causing trouble?"

"What is on your mind." Wouldn't the guard reprimand me for causing trouble?

"Choke me with your mighty thighs."

"Are you a masochist like what is going on?"

"Nothing of such, I just want this guy to see it." He pointed at the poor guard. So no matter what option I chose the results were just the same? Just maybe the execution was different. I felt deceived.

"I guess." Might as well try to make him pass out. But his neck was too sturdy and when the guard saw what was going on he ran inside only for this chaos-influenced idiot say.

"Harder." I stopped right there, flipped him off, and ran as fast as I could, as I could hear his laughter travel thru the corridor, making me believe the true person he was after was none other than me. Maybe the system had a weird influence on his brain activities.