Skii Resort~

As soon I woke up from my slumber I started to prepare for the journey ahead of me, I barely changed my clothes but after taking a quick peek outside the window I noticed something wonderful was taking place, it was snowing.

"It's about time it did." Considering it was already the 3rd of December. I sat by the window for at least five more minutes until I noticed something out of place. Ran came for an early visit, which was strange supposedly because the same guy dared to complain yesterday evening about our early meet-up time interval at the station where we were supposed to take the train because he needed his beauty sleep or whatever.

But it was kind of touching for him to take out from his sleeping time to meet me up at my place so we could arrive there together. I ran downstairs as fast I possibly could and opened the entrance door for him before he knocked, taking him by total surprise.

"What do I owe the pleasure my lord to have you visiting us so early in the morning?" He chuckled but was quick on jumping onto the same vibe.

"I'm merely here to see my wife, so I could steal all her attention." I rolled my eyes at the title and let him inside the house. After he took off the jacket, I decided to ask.

"Have you had breakfast yet? I could ask mom to prepare more." He agreed to the food and I went to update my mom about our sudden guest. Of course, her first assumption was it was Keisuke, but she was initially shocked to see someone way taller.

"How many guys even fancy my daughter at this point?" Mom said out loud.

"Enough for her to become a player." Ran joked, as I decided to ignore it and started preparing our boxed lunch for later.

Once the lunch was prepared and we had our morning fill, I headed upstairs Ran following me close by.

"Let me guess, the way you're acting now... there must have been a reason you came here so early." Ran didn't deny the fact, just nodded his head while flat-out admitting.

"I came to take my promised kiss to start my day and the adventure with~" Was this guy for real? We had two whole days to deal with the promise I made. But before I could let out my honest opinion about the matter, this fella pinned me to the bed, holding my hands above the head.

"Although this feels kind of exciting, it also looks like the most uncomfortable position for a kiss, don't you think?" I let out knowing full well he wouldn't be satisfied with a peck on the lips but he stayed silent.

"What?" I asked confused by his frozen state.

"We could do more exciting stuff than just kissing~" He whispered in a low voice as if he tried to seduce me, but for that comment alone, I just gave him a peck on the lips escaped from his grip, and said in the most cheery voice.

"Since we're done here let's go."

"No! I didn't wake up so early for only this, get back here. I bet the future me was implying a whole make-out session." He said in the most confident tone.

"You want a whole make-out session this early in the morning?" I asked perplexed at his dedication to such things.

"We just ate." I pointed it out, but he stated.

"Do I look like I care?" And he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, that's when a mission came up.

'Would you rather deny Ran Haitani's request and have him be really sulky and mischievous thru-out the journey ahead or just go with it?' Did it mean he would be more docile if I did?

I sighed and finally agreed.

"Fine." And before I realized his lips were already on mine. But apparently, this wasn't enough for the famous Haitani because once I pulled away because of lack of breath, this guy tried to continue, so I covered his mouth with my hands.

"That's enough, let's get going before we miss the train." So we put on the jackets and were about to head out, that was until I noticed the tall guy had no scarf so as any dedicated mother would do I draped one of mine onto him.

"I will take another one to make sure Mikey is properly dressed as well." As per my prediction, as a teenager with many hormones that prevented him from getting cold, I was like a mom on a mission.

"You need to wear a scarf in this cold weather," I mentioned wrapping it around him, he let out a small complaint but I could see he enjoyed being the baby of the family.

So once we found the train since the seats were in twos I sat with Mikey and let Ran sit on his own.

"Noo, what about the moment we shared in the morning?"

"Begone thot, I'm gonna spoil our son rotten." Was my response, which Mikey laughed at, wrapped his hands around me, and smirked in Ran's direction.

"Mom loves me more." I guess the other passengers found this interaction weird, but none of us three hardly cared.

Throughout the journey, I decided to be a benevolent individual and let Ran sit on my lap once for like maybe fifteen minutes tops before I kicked him out back to his loneliness.

Then we needed to catch a bus to get to our destination, the journey was somehow exhausting, but once we checked in and rested for a bit while I drank some tea, it was time to hit the ski resort.

But it seemed like Mikey had other plans than skiing since he rented a snowboard instead.

"Good luck on that thing." I had no clue if he knew how to operate that, but for someone so athletic like him, it probably shouldn't pose a problem.

So we were speeding down the snowy mountains, sometimes together sometimes separately, and then Ran decided to throw some snow behind my jacket.

"Are you mad?!" I asked and tackled him down like a professional rugby player onto the snow pile nearby.

"Not in front of strangers." He acted shy like I was about to do something more naughty, while Mikey just laughed at our antics until he made a snowball and yelled.

"Snowball fight." I dodged the hit aimed at the back of my head and witnessed Ran being hit in the face instead.

"Don't think you're safe Mikey!" Ran seemed angry and so the chase began between the two.

'Would you rather be kind to Ran Haitani or use him as target practice for the snowball fight and end up with icicles in your hair, because of his revenge?' Well sure I didn't want to end up dealing with that. So I took a handkerchief from my pocket and just wiped the melted snow from Ran's face.

"Ohhh~ Are you starting to like me?~" He tried to tease me but I was unbothered by his attempts. And that's when Mikey decided to slide by us and push me onto the tall specimen.

"Mikey!" I yelled after I recovered my balance, and he sped away again, like a little mischievous kid, giggling while doing so.

We spend a couple of hours getting up and down the mountain, so by the end, my hands were cold and freezing and the sun was nearly gone from our horizon.

"I can barely move my fingers," I complained to the two guys not expecting anything in particular, but Ran pulled his moves and took off mine and his gloves and tried to warm up my hands by blowing hot air onto them.

"Were you watching some k-dramas yesterday before sleep perhaps?" He shook his head in denial.

"Then stop with all the romantic scenarios I may catch feelings for real and then you will be stuck with me for life," I told him much like a warning.

"Why do you make it sound like it's a bad thing?" He questioned.

"Well, it will be all nice and dandy before I decide to break into your apartment at night, staring at you while you're sleeping with a creepy smile on my face." Ran who seemed mostly unbothered, just admitted.

"Let's be honest if you could, you would just laze at home all day, so there is no way you would try to visit me at night."

"Both yes and no, sometimes the chaos abyssal energy is too sweet of temptation not to cave into."

"So... what I can make out of it is that you would go out of your way abounding precious sleep, just to see me at night... that totally must be love... are you trying to tell me something?" So here I was smiling like some kind of serial killer in a tv show and he decided to swoon at my creepy made-up scenario?

"I have so many questions right now."

"If one of them is about my expertise in kissing, I can totally teach you my methods." He winked in my direction.

"Stop flirting and get going before we miss our chance at dinner." I hurried him along and we made our way to our cottage, changed our clothes, and went to the only restaurant in this resort.

When there I showcased my babysitting moves on the kid in our group.

"Look what I got for you." Mikey never expected me to pull out a flag from my pocket and stab it into his food.

"You're the best!" But dinner time was odd since Ran decided it would be the perfect opportunity to try to feed me?

"Listen that's nice and all, but a little embarrassing, so let's eat normally, alright?" But my pleas weren't heard.

"No! Feed me too." Mikey opened his mouth like a little chick and waited for Ran to make his move which he indeed did.

"I can't with the two of you." By the time we finished eating, I was so tired from all the physical exercise I just wanted to head to sleep.

"I'm gonna take a shower and jump into bed." I declared but it looked like Ran had other ideas.

"How about taking it together?"

"Have you lost your mind?" Was my quick response.

"I guess not... how about cuddling before sleep?"

"Considering there is only one queen-sized bed, I don't think I can escape that request." So once we were all ready for bed Mikey halted Ran's advances by squeezing himself in the middle.

"Since I'm the baby of this family I deserve this spot."

"For you to admit to it so confidently is most surprising." Mikey snuggled into me, Ran didn't seem to agree to this arrangement, however.

"I actually believe Michi should be in the middle." And rather than solving this peacefully, an argument started between the two. And after some yelling back and front, this tall guy pointed out.

"I thought as my son you would help me advance in this relationship not ruin them."

"Yes, I must have lost my vision for the future." Mikey scooted over to the edge of the bed, meanwhile Ran urged me to move.

"Come Michi make yourself nice and comfy in the middle, I will keep you warm." I sighed, thought sleep would be hard to come by, but strangely enough, all this exercise must have done its job because I got knocked out as soon I closed my eyes.

The next day on Sunday I woke up facing Ran's bare chest, I guess it became hotter during the night's course under the blanket with the three of us sharing it together. I wanted to move, but felt like a nice tucked burrito and refused, so instead, I put some time into studying Ran's tattoos, until I caught the guy in question staring at me.

"Liking what you are seeing?" He questioned in his raspy morning voice.

"Sure." He must have not seen that reply coming, and then decided the best move would be grabbing my hand and putting it on his chest while declaring.

"You can touch it if you want." What he failed to foresee was that my common sense wasn't yet connecting fully so I pinched his skin, just because I felt like it, I was observing as if I was conducting an important experiment.

"What the heck was that for?" He didn't shy away from returning the gesture, but with my endurance, I didn't seem too phased by the ordeal.

"You thought I wouldn't?" Ran said thru his gritted teeth while Mikey muttered half asleep.

"If you two want to flirt this early in the morning do it somewhere else."

"Nah it's so cozy under the blankets I don't feel like moving." Was my exact words, but considering I didn't deny it being flirting a smirk appeared on Ran's face.

"Then I will sit with Michi during the train ride and we flirt on the way back, what do you say?" Sleepy Mikey agreed to the deal as long we were to remain quiet for the next half an hour or so, Ran celebrated the golden opportunity, his words not mine.

So after breakfast, we rented the equipment again and promised to meet up before lunchtime, whereas after food consumption we would check out and head back to Tokyo.

One of the tours down the mountain Mikey came to me while declaring.

"Promise me will do it again sometime soon, this has been so much fun!"

"Sure considering I have the means and money, something equivalent can be fixed no problem." But then a clever idea came to mind, what if I hired out an entire Ryokan, somewhere in mountains, during Christmas time? With hot springs perhaps? I was about to spoil the plan for Mikey but stopped myself, I wanted to make sure it was a possible endeavor first, before promising an outcome that may not come to reality.

During the ride back home Ran tried his hand at the flirting tactics, while Mikey was napping on his seat back home.

"How about telling me some compliments?" I blinked taken aback by this straightforward request, and a quest came upon me pretty quick, right after he said those words.

'Would you rather tell him lies or the truth?' Why would I tell lies? What were they ever good for?

"For starters, I like your braids, I think you look really handsome in them, but at the same time they urge me to bully you, calling you, Miss Wednesday." And then I interlocked our hands together.

"And I do find your hands pretty attractive..."

"That was some most specific stuff, you seem to have put some thoughts into your answers, do you have anything more?"

"Well, I do worry that your expertise in kissing may become an addition on my part." This guy bit his lip and just escaped for a time being.

"Weird, but I will not question it." He seemed less talkative once he returned tho.