The Answer~

It seemed like yesterday the system let me celebrate my artistic achievements in peace, why I'm saying this? Because right off the bat when I woke up I was greeted with the most unpleasant notification known to humankind.

'Would you like to proceed?' I quickly pulled up the systems window to check my current stats, and yes every single one had passed the ninety mark.

Intelligence: 92

Luck: 90

Endurance: 90

Agility: 90

Strength: 91

"Yes I guess, it's not like I have any other options." Unexpectedly Venus made its appearance in its tiny fairy form, and I could tell the system was somehow mocking me, I swore this creature was snickering at my expense.

Regardless, there lay no benefit in engaging in anger over the fact, Venus after all had more say in the matter so all I could do was accept my sorry fate. So I clicked on the yes button and prepared myself mentally for the incoming pain as best as I could, so I wouldn't faint from shock.

So yes the experience was indeed more unbearable than the last time. So I walked downstairs and quickly informed this house's residents about my bad situation at hand.

"Mom, dad... I'm in pain and I will make it everyone else problem." I received odd looks from them both until I declared.

"It was a joke, but tell me if my complaining becomes unbearable to hear because it truly feels like I will do it constantly over the next couple of hours. So if anyone needs me, I will be glued to my bed, not moving outside the vicinity of this house, in case you had any trips in mind, I will be not attending."

"Are you dealing with painful cramps?" Mom asked while dad nodded letting me know.

"If it's something we personally can deal with, we could fetch you anything from the store." Dad's suggestion was nice, but I doubted any sweets would be of any use in this peculiar situation.

"It's the systems doing, there is not much that can be done about it since even painkillers won't work... it all stems down to my personal perseverance." I pointed it out and then decided to lift up the mood with a joke.

"I'm becoming stronger, my muscles are taking on a new supreme form." They were stunned when I started to make bodybuilding poses while chanting.

"Strong!" But it quickly turned into them cheering instead.

"Worry not, I may look soft to any unexpected individual, but that's a mere illusion because if you touch me, there are only jacked-up muscles underneath, that can mess anyone up." We exchanged some jokes then I, in turn, received some compliments for enduring the system's trial, and eventually I had my breakfast.

After our meal someone decided to visit us, causing Kazutora to run to the door. Which made me wonder who was the person behind the entrance, perhaps the love of his life, for him to be hurrying so much. It had to be either Keisuke or Yuzuha-chan.

But then I heard a familiar male voice, as I was passing by and that's when I heard the notification sound.

"Great, what now?" I muttered under my breath.

'Would you rather greet Keisuke Baji with a kiss or hug your older brother from behind?' I think it was already an obvious choice, so I charged onto Kazutora trying to take him by surprise, but this fella must have known I was coming, because he moved away, me ending up crashing into Keisuke's chest instead.

"So mean, why are you treating your adorable little sister like this?" I questioned my brother.

"You sure you wanted to hug me? I don't know, you seem quite comfortable in your current position." Kazutora pointed out, and yes my hands were wrapped around Keisuke's torso but I couldn't help it his presence made me more or less at ease. And that's when I mumbled out something strange, perhaps I just babbled the first thing that came to mind, caused by my overall tiredness.

"But he smells nice." It felt like Keisuke's legs gave up on him there for a second, but he recovered his balance pretty quickly.

"You can take any of my clothes anytime you want." He admitted quickly. The way he phrased this sentence made a bizarre question enter my mind.

"Even your boxers?" There was a long pause before he scratched the back of his head.

"That's too much?"

"Don't make it sound like I'm the weird one, I just wondered if you really were behind your stance on that matter." I pouted but then a second option came to mind.

"Should I offer you to wear my clothes in exchange?" I mean equality, I am right?

"I don't think they would fit." He admitted.

"Listen buddy I bought an oversized hoodie after the last incident so that one should fit no problem." He seemed reluctant to try but I wouldn't let him off the hook, so then I grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs just to prove a point. I hastily pulled out my newly bought pink hoodie and slipped it onto him with no problem.

"See? It fits." I stood there feeling quite proud.

"You look cute in pink tho." Never thought he would actually keep it on, just because of my comment alone.

"So why are you here... were you planning to take brother on a date?" I asked and neither of them seemed happy at the implication.

"Nope, but if you're suggesting one, then I bet I would." Keisuke was quick on changing the flow of the conversation.

"Does it look to you like I'm planning to move anywhere today?" He observed me for a hot second before coming to a conclusion.

"You seem pale, it's not a cold is it?"

"A cold would certainly be better to deal with, no, unlike what you see I'm under tremendous pain." As he was planning his response something hit me.

"Wait I could totally knock myself out with pixie dust and wake up when everything is over with!" I thought I had it all figured only to have Venus rain on my parade, by giving me this message.

'Warning! You can't sleep more than 8 hours during the duration of this procedure.' Great just great.

"No!" I whined and banked the floor in devastation.

"But why?" I never thought I would obtain an answer, but I did.

'This procedure needs nutrition to keep going. Too much sleep could slow the metabolism too extensively.' I sighed, so it was like using the health potion, it was drawing energy from food consumption.

"What happened?" The two guys were just itching for an explanation.

"It tells me I can only sleep for eight hours, meaning I can't sleep thru the pain... this is truly the timeline god has forsaken." They seemed confused at my dramatics, but soon Keisuke decided to pat my head gently.

"You can use my lap as a pillow." Keisuke offered, so I took him upon it, but every time I looked up and met his eyes I felt kind of weird.

So I distracted myself by looking into any new feature that could have appeared by me reaching the ninety mark. And sure there was one called 'Secrets', odd as it was.

"The heck is that?" I asked myself out loud and clicked on the button. What was the content inside? Well, a method I could use to remain in this world.

"Is something going on?" Keisuke asked as I nodded my head and quickly read what was in front of me.

So to summarize the content, the first requirement was to gather all the points from the system, which honestly I was expecting. But it also warned me about not getting more than five punishments in a row, which I didn't know was possible, I guess the quantity has risen since I last checked. It was safe to assume this is what happened to my future self, apparently the consequence of not meeting this specific requirement was being sent into yet another world and doing it from the very beginning.

The second requirement was more outrageous, the system stated that not only was I expected to get a boyfriend, but it also had to happen before I acquired all the points, and get this, he had to stay with me at least until I turned eighteen.

"What kind of nonsense is this, what if I wanted a girlfriend?" So not only did I have a maximum of a couple of weeks to make this choice, I had to make sure it was someone that wouldn't break up with me after a few month's time? Like hello, I wasn't expecting middle school kids to make a lifetime commitment. Of course, there were exceptions like Ran and Izana.

"Ugh, this is driving me nuts." I stood up and started to pace around my room, trying to figure out how was I supposed to find who was the best candidate for a boyfriend.

"Keisuke, I challenge you to a boyfriend interview." The two guys inside my room just tilted their heads in confusion.

"I will not elaborate, just tell me yes or no." I wanted to make my own choice I didn't need Kazutora or Chifuyu trying to sell me their bro to me like a freaking merchandise.

"So are you asking me for a date?" He questioned.

"Sure let's call it that." Then a mission popped up.

'Would you rather ask Keisuke Baji to be your boyfriend or ask five other guys for a date?' Seriously? I took up my phone and messaged Ran, Taiju, Izana, and Kakucho suggesting a date.

"Should I ask Souya?" I was conflicted, I already rejected him once, and didn't think he deserved to deal with my uncertainty with that matter.

"But he is really nice I know what to expect." Maybe I could dive into it, in case no other choices would do it for me. Despite my circumstances shouldn't I just choose someone I did like, Souya's warm gestures sure did make my heart flutter a little before, but was this enough to make a stable foundation? Then again as someone that usually got feelings for people that were close to me, maybe I would develop feelings if we hung out long enough.

My mind was freaking out at this point, how was I supposed to make such an important decision in this short amount of time, especially after the previous one flopped?

"Why did you do that dumpling?" I just collapsed onto the bed.

After my meltdown, I received many worried inquiries about my state from both my brother and Keisuke, but I didn't knew what to tell them.

"I will explain everything on the trip, in case I find myself struggling with making a decision." This issue was left at that.