Boyfriend Interview~

On Monday as I was already sitting in school, when the pain was finally gone not bothering me anymore, I couldn't simply stay calm. I was unconsciously tapping my leg, occasionally biting my nails, while some negative thoughts were swarming my head.

How could one prevent breakups from happening? In reality, not many early relationships established in middle school would have a chance to survive that long, so why should mine be an exception? I couldn't expect those guys to be this mature, right?

On the other hand, it seemed like Emma and Hinata could make it possible, for their said relationship to last for a long time, even leading up to marriage, so why couldn't I have the same possibility?

Did this mean I needed to get with someone older? That could hold a such level of maturity, by not establishing relationships just for the sake of fun?

Could I possibly inform my future hubby about the consequences of our break up? Or in case of our feelings going sour would they make a deliberate choice to make me cease to exist in a fit of rage?

I basically couldn't decide on what kind of criteria to choose my new boyfriend on. Do I dip my waters into dating someone that I possibly have no feelings for, but am certain about him not breaking up with me in the span of the next five years? Or follow my heart and take a leap of faith?

Then I happen to steal a glance at Kisaki, could I possibly ask him out? I mean the dude seemed to have learned his lesson, and I truly missed teasing him like I usually did, also I doubted that he would break up with me.

Despite my troubling feelings about this matter, I shook my head, finding myself to be foolish. I knew there would be no trust from my side, did I really want to live such a life for the next upcoming five years? Sounded kind of toxic to entrap someone like this.

However in the end nothing could stop my curiosity in checking the love stats, besides the system, which did happen.

'Access denied.' Was the notification window I received, at this precise moment I caught Kisaki staring at me, even if previously he didn't have any possible interest in me. He seemed shocked for some unexplained reason.

"Caught in 4k," I mumbled to myself. After all, I couldn't do but wonder if he really knew what I was trying to do, because my intuition was basically screaming at me that something was amiss in this abnormal situation.

Regardless of my gut feeling, it was so much wiser to address the more urgent matter in hand than dwell in speculations.

When I left school I was prepared to head home, and change my clothes to meet up with my date inside the city, but it seemed like certain someone had different plans for me.

"Izana, why are you here? ...Alone?" I asked confused considering during most days he was surrounded by his little gang.

"I heard you asked various guys on dates." I sure didn't like where this was going. Perhaps because I could feel in my gut he would make a ridiculous demand, but I let him finish.

"As the head of the harem, I believe I should be the first." Not sure if he totally missed the part when I called it the boyfriend interview.

"Great you can ask Ran to switch places with you... if there was nothing more you wanted to discuss I will go now." I tried to sneak away but he slammed his hand right beside me, onto the school wall cutting off my escaping route while declaring.

"I heard you were going to see that Baji guy, so I came to say, I will be taking his place instead." He seemed adamant. I seriously wondered how the news spread so fast? Did Keisuke brag to Mikey when Izana was there? The question was, what was I supposed to do in this situation. Do I just roll with the flow or put my foot down and tell him no. However I could already imagine his response, him going out of his way to start a fight.

"Ugh fine, let me just give him a call." I phoned Keisuke and once I updated him on the situation, let's say he didn't seem too happy, it did sound like he was ready to drive out here to engage in a fist fight but I discouraged him about the matter.

"So how about I just turn up at your house at a later time then?" Being in a cozy room with no distractions, and eating some take-out food sounded nice.

"Fine." Was his response, so I turned my head toward Izana. Considering he came out of turn, he wouldn't witness me dressing up just for him. He needed to accept the fact I would be wearing the male school uniform with my jacket.

"How about a cafe then?" I asked and so I dragged him along while holding his hand.

Once there I ordered something for the both of us, paying it in full, causing this guy to babble out.

"Someday I will be the one to ask you out and pay for the whole date." Did he feel bad that he couldn't provide for something as simple as tea or coffee?

"Well since I'm in search of a serious long-lasting relationship, if you fail to make it to the finals there won't be another date to speak of."

"Why are you so set in getting a boyfriend even? Is our harem not providing you with enough excitement? We all could be your boyfriends." Was his suggestion, were my ears failing me. Did he really want me to choose the harem route?

"Are you really expecting me to tend to the needs of like six different guys?" He then dared to express.

"It shouldn't be that hard, right?" He mentioned did he really held such an amount of trust in my abilities?

"I wouldn't have time to myself if all of them become needy for attention, and it's not like I can prioritize you above anyone else, because you said so, these guys may be taking your orders right now, but they may start resenting the idea in the long run, being trapped in such a shitty relationship." For such cases to work, one needed a lot of communication and to let everyone's opinions be heard, and I couldn't see those dumbasses going against their king.

"Just let them take their needs somewhere else." Was he suggesting what I thought he was suggesting?

"So you want, harem open relationship?" Izana grabbed my hand out of nowhere and interlocked our fingers together while whispering.

"For everyone else, but I will just dedicate myself to you." I couldn't believe this guy.

"You know there is another option? I could date you alone, without any other meddlesome people added to the package... so let me ask you a couple of questions." I pulled up a paper, and right off the bat let out.

"Boyfriend scenario number one: Necromancy is a thing, your older brother came back to life, but oh no he tells you I'm not compatible with you and ask you to break up with me." I folded the paper while delivering the next question really dramatically.

"Would you?" I think he needed to take a minute to digest the information.

"First off, necromancy is not a thing."

"That's why it's a scenario."

"Are those really the questions I'm going to be asked throughout the day? They seem silly." Izana pointed out. I grabbed his head and stared right into his eyes.

"I need to be convinced that when I give you a chance, under no circumstances you will ever break up with me since my life depends on it, are we clear? So answer the damn question." So he decided to ooze more yandere vibes.

"Don't worry once you commit no one will be able to tear us apart." The words themself weren't too crazy, but his look and tone told me otherwise.

"Let's get one thing clear, I can overlook the craziness in case someone spends like years waiting for me to return his feelings, but this ain't it man." He seemed shocked.

"Someone did that?...looks like my competition seem so much harder... did they start to like you when you were in kindergarten or what?" He asked so I decided to redirect this discussion somewhere else.

"So let me ask about your plans for the future." When choosing a partner you ought to have somehow similar lifestyles and goals in mind, so you wouldn't clash too much.

"I was planning on creating a non-profit organization to help poor children." He admitted somehow shyly. Wait did it mean Tenjiku was first becoming a company rather than a gang?

"I was discussing the matter with Kakucho the other day, and he seemed really supportive of the idea, but to make it work I would need to first find an investor for the cause." This was immense progress if I have seen one.

"How much do you need?"

"Excuse me?" He was taken aback by my enthusiasm.

"You presumably already heard how much I made from my gallery show that took place the other day, the one I was preparing for two weeks straight... right I could give you some of the earnings, it's probably not enough, but most likely sufficiently to start your cause, we could, for example, give out food this cold new year celebration to poor households or something." The idea seemed thoughtful and nice. Never thought I would spend this day discussing the solutions on how to make this work, rather than making sure my eager questions about his plans in dating were answered.

Time went by so fast, I had to be reminded by my phone that I still needed to visit Keisuke, today preferably.

"Thanks for the most intriguing conversation." I was about to leave but this guy decided to make a request.

"I believe I should at least receive a kiss." He pointed cutely at his lips, was it my cue to kiss him and discover whether I had any possible feelings for him? So I did, for science. Making myself question if I was incredibly dense towards my own feelings sometimes. I mean it took a literal system to inform me about my feeling for Kisaki.

I headed next towards Keisuke's house, his mom let me in and when I entered his room he was brushing the fur of one of the stray cats.

"Seeing how much chemistry you have with animals... have you considered working as a veterinarian?" It became my first question right off the bat.

"What made you ask this?" Was his response.

"I mean you seem really eager to stretch your helping hand towards them... I just thought since you seem so dedicated to the cause, I believe maybe you could take it a step further."

"I'm not even sure whether I will pass high school, so how I am supposed to graduate university?... But I have thought about opening a pet shop that's for sure." He admitted.

"You may not be that good at learning school subjects, but I believe that if becoming a vet is something you're truly interested in pursuing, you will find a way." Somehow his eyes sparkled a little.

"How about you? Are you asking because that's something you were thinking about?" I shook my head immediately.

"No no, that kind of work is not for me. Although it would be nice to help animals in such a way, anything that involves surgeries is not for me." Not only was my nose really sensitive, but I would probably faint witnessing the insides of any creature.

"Anyway about the date... I came up with a few questions for you to answer."

"Ha, I bet I can answer them all correctly!" We would see about it.

"Boyfriend scenario number one: I kicked a kitten intentionally, would you break up with me?" He didn't even hesitate.

"We both know that won't happen, you have a cat yourself." He seemed slightly annoyed for some unknown reason.

"Ok, you got me there, how about by accident?"

"You will most likely pick the cat and bow down before it, is it really what you wanted to ask me?" I pouted, I tried to make up scenarios that could be deal breakers for every single person but it didn't seem to have worked as intended. Though next, I decided to prank him.

"Which part of my body will you choose, chest, butt, thighs?" I even spiced it up by hurrying him, giving him a time restraint.

"Shit! I don't know thighs?" I shook my head and crossed my arms while in a serious tone telling him.

"The right answer was my heart, you failed, goodbye Keisuke." I even stood up for the dramatics.

"No wait, this is not fair, you set me up!" He yelled so loud he scared the cat, which leaped into my arms, but I just started to laugh.

"Not funny Michi, stop teasing me!"

"This is the life you will need to embrace if you want to be my boyfriend, do you really think this force of chaos can be stopped?" I asked standing and hovering over him.

"Then let me ask you the same question." Before he could begin his listing I simply replied.

"Your butt." With no possible hesitation, we exchanged glances in silence.

"What? It let out a nice sound when I slapped it." It seemed like he tried to figure out if I was serious, I couldn't take it much longer and just busted out laughing again.

But the date, if one could call it that, went great overall, we spent the evening chatting away and taking care of the cats.

When it was time to leave this guy decided to pat his bed while confidently saying.

"Stay, I asked your parents for permission." He what?