Date Interception~

It was the 21st of December which meant it was only three more days before the trip, yet I was putting all my time I could spare into attending various dates, to see who was the best candidate for my boyfriend, that could stand being around me for the next five years to come, perhaps even a whole lifetime, who knew.

But now it wasn't the time to think about that, there was another struggle I was facing as of now, I updated everyone about us getting to exchange gifts on Christmas day, it didn't have to be anything too expensive, we just toss them onto the pile and let people choose their package, easy and simple.

However, I was in a dilemma, what gift could possibly surprise anyone attending but still please the person in question? There were after all many different individuals inside the huge group I created.


"What?" Why did Smiley had to interrupt my thoughts? I believed I was near the actual answer I was seeking.

"Why haven't you asked my brother out? But did it with all the other guys? Is he not good enough for you? Huh? Answer me?!" Great now I had to deal with an angry overprotective twin, whose face was too close to mine for my own comfort.

"More like I'm looking out for him? Do you really wish upon him to be teased every single day? Also since you are so often spending time with Souya, we will clash a lot, which means a lot of fighting would be involved. Before we know it, you guys will have enough of my presence, and I can't let that happen." Smiley backed away as if he was considering what I conveyed.

"How about we put aside our differences and compromise not to fight, while you maintain your urge to tease my brother how does that sound?" I shook my head right away.

"The urge is too powerful, seeing pretty boys being shy and blushing is such a majestic sight to behold, even more so when they act like a tsundere afterward." It seemed like Nahoya was questioning my sanity.

"That's a little bit creepy... then again no wonder you went for Kisaki... but maybe you're just stuck on the guy, but all you need is new horizons to discover... like Souya."

"Brother... I think that's enough-" Poor Angry got interrupted.

"Don't worry I got this... I say you let us tag along on your date, so you can witness what you're missing." I rolled my eyes at his proposal, how was that going to help? But before I could refuse a mission appeared, and knowing situations as these, things were about to turn in Smiley's favor.

'Would you rather call off the date with Ran Haitani or let the Kawata twins tag along?' I sighed as nothing was going my way.

"Fine, I will give you a location, but you better make an explanation for Ran because I will not involve myself in this mess further."

So when the time was due, I was standing by the station together with my well attached tail. But not only was Ran late, but he wasn't alone either. He basically dragged his bro along. He seemed happy until he noticed the group that created itself all of sudden. And after he took my hands in his he mentioned.

"You dressed up so prettily, was it to impress me, Rindoy, or the uninvited guests that are spying on us and coming between our love for each other?" Was this guy for real?

"First of all... I didn't even know of your brother's arrival so like have you been smoking something? Second, I dressed up for my sake and my sake alone!"

"Wow, wow, wow, you don't need to shout. What got you so antsy Michi?" Ran mentioned and it looked like every other person here was surprised at my sudden outburst.

"Sorry Ran, I haven't been sleeping so well recently, so I've been really on edge."

"Then let's go grab something to eat and you can tell me all about it." I was a little astonished by his positive response, despite I nodded my head and so we headed out, the twins included. It seemed like Rindou was trying to make new friends or was keeping them occupied so Ran could have his time to shine.

"So what is worrying you?" Ran asked once we ordered our food, so I leaned in and whispered.

"The thing from the future may happen again, so I'm trying my best to prevent it, but the stress is so huge because I can't make a decision to save my life... so I have been staying all night trying to imagine every possible scenario. So now because I'm sleep-deprived the negative thoughts are catching up to me."

"Wait then it means you found the solution, what is it?" Ran asked, wasn't it already obvious given the circumstances of my irrational desperation to go on as many dates as possible. So I rose my brow.

"Really? Does asking a bunch of guys on dates seem normal to you?"

"Oh..." Was the only sound he made.

"But it could be a variety of reasons for that." Ran pointed out and winked at me, which proved his mind was in another dimension altogether, thinking perhaps about something more unholy.

"What are the two even whispering about?" Smiley asked probably not happy about being forgotten about.

"Nothing, time to dwell into the real interview!"

"Ran, would you ever joke about breaking up with me, that is if we ever got together?"

"It could be said yes, why are you asking this?"

"Would you ever temporarily break up with me, because we had a fight?" Yes, I felt those questions were more crucial.

"Maybe in the heat of the moment it could happen." I took a piece of the food that just arrived.

"Then I'm sorry to tell you this Ran I don't think this will work out, next." Ran gasped.

"No Michi you can't do this to me... we love each other, what about our kid Mikey?" I just rolled my eyes at Ran's behavior since it wasn't the first time he mentioned the same phrase, or should I have considered it a threat?

"Rindou, what is your take on the question?"

"I feel that as soon as I even mention breaking up with you, joke or not, guys would come swarming around, so not likely." Actually imagining this made me snort, the sole concept seemed so funny in my head, men swarming me because they could smell I was single, I guess sleep deprivation made me believe everything was either irritable or extremely funny.

"Pass for sure."

"You're ditching me for my brother? How cruel Michi, after all the times we spent together."

"I'm sorry I thought that's what you wanted because you brought him over to our date. Remember? Which makes me believe you're not taking this seriously."

"You can't blame me, you never asked him out." Ran tried to defend himself.

"There is something called I dunno giving me a message? Communication?"

"That's why I told you, Smiley, we shouldn't be here, she seems mad." Souya let out.

"No, I'm not mad at you Souya, you are always so considerate and nice, unlike the clown sitting beside you." Yes, I was still mad at him for inviting himself over.

And a mission came up.

'Would you rather pick up the Kawata twins or the Haitani brothers?' Like at the same time? Apparently, it was the case.

"Okay, cotton candy boys come here." I stretched out my hands as if I was ready to be embraced by them both, once I left my seat. I believed my choice to be wise, since they had nearly the same body structure they ought to weigh the same, meaning I could acquire better balance.

"No, why would I trust you?" Smiley refused.

"I'm just trying to display my good qualities as a future girlfriend so get your ass over here!" He finally caved in and as per the system's request, I picked them both up. And the person who was the most impressed? Rindou.

"We could make perfect workout buddies!" This sure wasn't my intention to make him perceive me as one.

"I think I will pass."

"No come on, we can take this date to a gym next." At least one of us seemed pumped, but perhaps it was time to call this unsuccessful date off and get back to sleep. And ding a notification window appeared.

"What now?" I grumbled.

'Would you rather continue your date at the gym or hot springs?'

"Sure fine let's do what Rindou suggested." So once we finished our food we headed to the gym Rindou was praising with all his soul and body, but I had to bargain a free pass as a tryout for the other four of us not having the privilege of a gym pass.

Once we arrived there, I couldn't do but wonder. Could Rindou really have feelings for me, or just wanted me to be his sparring partner and couldn't differentiate the two?

"Come on let's see how flexible your muscles are!" He basically wanted me to follow thru with his training routine. Was this even a date at this point?

"You know Michi you don't need to do this if you don't want to." Souya must have realized that there was another reason I didn't call this off immediately.

"Don't worry, I got this." My next plan was to be as annoying as ever, but it may have not worked out as planned. I ambushed Rindou but he was quick on turning the tables on me.

"I bet with your agility you will be able to do perfect splits, let's give it a try." As I was clinging to his body, I wasn't convinced about his sudden offer because I never tried it before.

"I don't think that's the best idea."

"Nonsense, you got it." I think his sadistic side must have awakened because he tried to forcefully split my legs apart.

"Listen we can talk about this..." I let out, even asking Ran for help but got ignored. Was he still salty about what was said before?

"What was that all fuss even needed for? You're already doing a split." Rindou pointed out so I opened my eyes, well I was actually expecting to feel pain of some sort because my muscles were not used to this kind of exercise. Oh, thank god my agility points were sparing me from that.

"Still a shit move Rindou." After that, I didn't trust the Haitani hoes anymore. So I retreated to have conversations with Souya instead, it felt like I could finally relax. Maybe a little too much, since I must have fallen asleep on his shoulder.