Boyfriend Search~

When I opened my eyes from my pleasant nap it was already dark outside? No wait, something was amiss, I didn't even recall going to bed, let alone returning back home. The last thing I did remember however was using poor Souya as my personal pillow since there was something so soothing about his aura. But it was strange, normally I wasn't such a heavy sleeper, because someone just opening the door to my room could easily wake me up. So how?

Was this the system's doing? Or was perhaps my sleep deprivation so severe even the loudness of the city couldn't awaken me from my slumber?

I sighed and tried to reach my nightstand to see if my phone was there, but instead, my palm came in contact with something soft, and I could recognize the sensation on the spot. As of now, I was holding onto Souya's hair, no doubt.

Did it mean I was inside the Kawata twins' house? I blinked multiple times to adjust my eyes to the darkness, inside what happened to be an unfamiliar room, and then I recognized someone's silhouette laying beside me. So yes Angry was sleeping soundly right next to me. Once my senses were more attuned I realized another person was resting inside those four walls. So the twins shared their room, how cute was that? I then proceeded to cover my mouth refraining myself from speaking out loud, knowing full well it would escalate into a fight if I woke Smiley up.

Then I proceeded to pat my clothes, just to make sure I was wearing the same outfit and no memories vanished from a mission freak accident, because anything could be possible if Venus was involved.

"Safe," I whispered. Then I titled my head, feeling a little bit confused about those peculiar circumstances. How come Ran allowed this to happen? It felt like he was more the guy that would pull something like this.

I was about to lay back down, but a pair of hands wrapped themself around my torso. The only word that came to mind was 'cute'. So I started to pat Souya's puff hair without thinking much about it.

Before I knew an alarm went off and Nahoya grumpily turned it off and then proceeded to look in my direction with a blank expression, with his eyes closed I couldn't tell if he had seen me or not.

"What?" I questioned the sleepyhead that just awaken.

"I just wonder, how did you even sleep thru all the noise? Do you possess sleeping superpowers like Mikey?" He questioned.

"Nah, more likely Mikey got them from Ran." The peachy guy sighed meanwhile I looked down to spot Angry looking at me, surprised about the position we were in.

"I did that?" He questioned.

"Yeah, hope you aren't against me touching your hair, unlike certain someone." And then I turned my attention to the other twin.

"So tell me guys... how did this happen?" Perhaps they thought I would be angry at the strange development, but it wasn't the case, I was pretty much used to weird things happening around me.

"Well, you fell asleep and didn't budge no matter how much we shook you around in fact." Was the start of the tale.

"Souya may have believed he secretly killed you, but I pointed out you were still breathing. Considering we couldn't leave you there, I suggested we take you to our house, where you could take a rest and once you wake up our date can continue... we may have done it behind the Haitani backs so they weren't too pleased when they saw us running with you in our arms." This sure made sense and then he continued.

"But you never really woke up so notified your parents about your situation, and strange enough your mother asked us to let you stay here... which as you see we did." A mission appeared once he finished.

'Would you rather tell the truth about why your mother did that or squeeze Souya Kawata as hard as you can?' The system wanted me to hurt this sweet bean? Not on my watch!

"Oh, she is totally cheering for Souya to be my boyfriend, there is nothing else to it." The twins seemed surprised about my boldness to voice it right into the open.

"What? She's not exactly subtle about it. If you two just spent more time in my house, you would know."

"Don't tell me your dad has also a person he is cheering for," Nahoya mentioned, I wasn't too sure if I was still expected to be honest, but better safe than sorry.

"Yep, Kakucho who I asked out on a date today." Souya seemed rather sad, so not to dwell more on the topic I decided to ask.

"Breakfast?" And so a few minutes later I found myself in the kitchen cooking for someone else once again.

"This is once in a lifetime opportunity for you mortal, it's not often you will find me in the kitchen." Nahoya didn't seem to want to stir a fight this early in the morning, how did I know? He took no offense to my words, which was a rare occurrence.

"Is it so?" He questioned me instead.

"No really, nearly every time I visit a new household and have a sleepover, I more than once found myself preparing breakfast for the host... I bet this would never take place if I visited Mitsuya." So the two of them at least helped me by preparing the ingredients, being my food seekers, and roaming thru the cabinets.

After we consumed the food I prepared, I had to quickly make my way back home, change into my school uniform and run, the roads were too slippery to take a bicycle.

To no one's surprise, I managed to arrive late, so I scaled the wall once again, making myself believe I was spider-man.

When class ended I was once more in a rush, ate dinner, prepared my outfit and hair, and decided to take my motorcycle to the destination. Once we arrived at the cafe, I paid for our drinks and started right off the bat.

"Boyfriend scenario number one: Izana asks you to break up with me because he wants to be with me instead, what do you do?"

"No offense Michi, but I would step down if Izana asked me to." I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes, what was I even expecting at this point, he already showcased time and time again, Izana was his first priority.

"Yes, I understand Michi, this won't work out for us... actually, if I have to be honest I only accepted the date out of courtesy... I'm aware of all the things I said in our childhood, but I've been thinking a lot lately, and found out maybe my feelings from the past are no longer here." And they kept on saying the childhood route was the simplest one. He looked like he was sorry for wasting my time. Maybe it was time to share the truth with him.

"Don't worry I understand... actually I have a suspicion you never liked me this way, to begin with." Kakucho seemed like he was about to deny the fact but I interrupted him.

"Because we never met in our childhood."

"Is this another one of your many pranks Michi?" He questioned, but I shook my head in denial.

"Nope, I'm dead serious. Sorry that I have to tell you like this, but you've been brainwashed, every single childhood memory you have of me is fake...want to know why?" Kakucho reluctantly nodded his head.

"Because I didn't exist before then."

"Obviously you're lying." He laughed nervously, he didn't seem to be taking it well, but I couldn't leave him in the dark much longer, he was played by the system, perhaps if I explained to him what actually took place, he no longer needs to feel conflicted about his feelings. So after explaining to him how my existence came to be, the system and its mission and everything in between, which roughly took a whole hour to explain he looked like I have beaten him up and his soul was about to depart from his body.

"How can any of this be real? What about the fact that I know so much about you Michi, how can you explain it?"

"Well either this information was implanted in your brain as well or you are a really perceptive being who can reach an amazing conclusion in the split of a millisecond... or we met in the past life?"

"Wait so you knew about this all from the very beginning and decided to act like we were indeed childhood friends?"

"Yep, pretty much... like what else did you expect me to do in this situation?"

"But you reached out to me, to reconcile our friendship, what I am supposed to think about that?" Kakucho asked.

"You can't blame me, you believed I abounded you or something, I would never, and I was worried that if I didn't take any action Venus would do it for me, and before we knew it would write some melodrama for its own entertainment. You a poor orphan, me a rich girl, sure the roles are usually reversed in the k-dramas, but still, that was way too risky." I pointed out.

"You have strange worries Michi."

"You would too if you had Venus at your side making you play some sort of otome game. Ah right, don't even think about ditching me just because you know the truth... we are friends and no matter how far you run, you will never be able to escape me."

"You tend to complain about Izana saying such things, but then say them to me, is this fair?"

"Yep totally, I'm just joking and you know it, in your friend's case, I can't ever be too sure what kind of approach he is taking."

"I seriously don't know how to feel about the news you just dumped on me."

"Embrace it." Was my advice.

"So how come I was made into your childhood friend?" Was Kakucho's question.

"You lack normal friends... so you're welcome?"

"You're hardly normal yourself... so the promise I made, was also fake?"

"Pretty much, so shall I delete you from the waiting for my hand in marriage list?" I asked as a joke.

"Sure..." It looked like he was worried about my feelings.

"Don't worry I won't be sad over this, I have two other guys waiting in line... shit Keisuke sure gonna be happy to hear he is the first in line now... maybe on the other hand we should keep you there." Causing Kakucho to rise his brow.

"I'm just kidding," I assured him.

"Great this worked out better than expected." I wiped off the sweat from my forehead. I must have secretly believed the outcome would be worse.

"Wait... then it makes sense why Ran and Rindou were strongly believing you were a demon previously."

"Yes, I felt bad for their fried brains, up to the point where they decided to take me out, by breaking my bones... arm and ribs. Of course, I don't really hold it against them now, but shit was scary."

"How were their brains fried exactly?" He asked curiously.

"Well... they had a memory of me as a toddler kinda, where I said something really edgy and they ran away from me screaming in terror... I never got an explanation which part exactly made them think I was a demon... and I never dared to ask them about it."

"Wait what about now?"

"They believe I'm an angel of some kind... but perhaps they changed their minds now when I spent so much time around Ran... who knows possibly their new conclusion is just that I'm a weird alien." I shrugged my shoulders and suddenly this hangout ended up becoming a story-sharing session. Then we moved to a restaurant when we couldn't stand the hunger no more. But one of those topics was different.

"Just between you and me, actually I found out that once I gather all the system's points I can make a wish, would it be weird if Izana's older brother comes back to life? Do you think that would be allowed?"

"Wait, you would use your only wish, for someone else?"

"It could be beneficial to me as well... there be another person that can stop Izana from making stupid decisions... same with Mikey... Unless you would prefer if I asked for your parents' return?" But he shook his head after the heavy sight he made.

"I already faced the fact that I will never see them again, it's been so long, if they suddenly came back I wouldn't know how to act around them." I nodded my head but got a better idea.

"Then I have a better offer for you!" I exclaimed.

"Since you don't have any romantic feelings towards me it means things won't become weird between us, so how about you get yourself adopted by my family?"

"What?" He was speechless.

"Once I explain that you have no parental figures to lean on, I'm pretty sure they would more than happy to take you in." He didn't seem to know how to respond.

"Come on, reconsider my proposal, my parents are rich I pretty sure they can take care of another little troublesome kid." I smiled in his direction, as he seemed on the verge of collapsing, was I too upfront with my offer?