Day With South~

It was the 23rd of December falling on a Friday, and thankfully there was no school I had to worry about for today, the winter break was here which meant I could use half of my day for shopping for the exchange gift event.

"Let's see. What can I buy for a bunch of teenagers? Or more like delinquents?" Sure there were also girls to worry about that I needed to take into consideration, that weren't taking part in any gang fights.

"So nothing gang related... how about earrings then, so many of the guys have their ears pierced." I tried to reason, but they always wore the same kind, was it some kind of special bro code, I wasn't aware existed? And what about if someone like Mikey picked it? The gift would be deemed useless.

"This won't do... maybe a nice hunter knife would do the trick?" Then a single image of Sanzu flashed before my eyes.

"Nah, someone will get stabbed." I couldn't trust those kids with sharp items. Then my eyes landed on an interesting cat-shaped cup.

"Perfect, it's so cute and anyone can use it." I was set, since everyone could use a new cup no matter the gender, for any hot or cold drinks, also no one ever voiced a high distaste for cats in my presence. So I purchased the item and asked the staff to wrap it up for me.

"Considering the professional look of the gift, Mucho won't be able to guess it's from me." Something also told me if I wrapped it myself he would be able to fish it up from the pile and would present it to Izana like some sort of ancient treasure.

Since my personal mission was finished, it was time to move to the next big thing on my calendar, meaning picking South up from his release, but first I needed to buy a bouquet for the occasion as per my promise.

So I turned up to the first flower shop that was on the way there, and I requested the biggest bouquet they had to offer, causing the florist to engage in small conversation.

"So who's the lucky guy?" Perhaps because Christmas was around the corner she thought it was meant for my sweetheart.

"My friend is getting released from juvenile today. So to celebrate he asked me to buy him one." I answered bluntly, taking the poor woman off guard.

"You must really fancy him if you're willing to spend so much money on flowers." I shook my head disagreeing.

"I'm just doing it since I have the means, I also wanted to take him off guard, and then see if the prank he prepared will subdue my boredom." The florist seemed to be done with this conversation, so she handed me the flowers pretty quickly while bidding me farewell.

"Thanks." I stepped outside and decided to face my fears, it was time to see what South had in store for me.

When I came around he was already waiting, ready to leave, but the first thing I heard coming out of his mouth when he saw me was.

"I told you she still has me in her heart, after all, no one else can compare to my size." I knew he said it to mess with the guard's head, but why was he painting me as someone so shallow? Did I really look like an individual that would choose my partner based on their height alone? I sighed and handed him the flowers once I was close enough.

"Let's-" I was about to give him the order to start moving along, but my sentence was cut short when he decided to pick me off the ground as if I was some little bratty kid, but probably from his perspective it was the case.

"What-" I couldn't even get one sentence across, again because this time he kissed me roughly, I knew it was all for the show, but he could have at least warned me about it.

"Well gotta go, my girlfriend is taking me out on a very special dinner tonight." He winked in the guard's direction as if he tried to relay some underlying message, while my brain was questioning if he really meant it. I never agreed on taking him out for dinner. The guard seemed to be blushing and then proceeded to yell in our direction.

"Just get the hell out of here and never dare to come back!" South was officially kicked out from the juvenile grounds. When the gate slammed in front of us, I finally asked.

"Can you put me down, or you're planning on carrying me around?" While he was still laughing like a maniac at everything that took place.

"I'll be holding onto you, so you won't have a chance to escape." Was his response, but escape from what exactly? Sure I was a little tiny bit mad that he made me look like an unfaithful superficial girlfriend in the eyes of the warden. I was about to voice my complaints about the fact but was interrupted for the third time today.

"My grandparents want to meet you... in person."

"What?" Was the only coherent sound I could make. Then he started to walk.

"Have I ever mentioned, that I'm living with my grandparents?" I shook my head, even if I knew about the fact because I read it on Tokyo Revengers Wiki before.

"Well ever since they saw us two on live TV and after I mentioned you visited me a couple of times in juvenile, they wished to get to know you. So I agreed to bring you today since you would be picking me up anyway." My mouth was wide open.

"And you only care to mention it now? Couldn't you have told me this over the last phone call we had?" I questioned but he shook his head.

"It's much more entertaining this way." He pointed out, but I couldn't see the reason why he would feel this way.

"Just a warning, they may think we are dating..." I couldn't believe him.

"Um... what? And you didn't think about... I don't know correcting them? Because listen, I'm not planning on taking part in your little game of play pretend, since I will be having a boyfriend in less than a month!"

"Who?" That was a good question, so I crossed my arm while admitting.

"I don't know yet, but it will essentially happen."

"Then how about we date for real then?" Was his dumb suggestion.

"Only if you can promise me a five-year-long commitment." He seemed to doubt himself on that front.

"And that's why it won't happen."

"Come on, don't ruin my fun." He kind of begged with his eyes, so I had to clear my throat and with a strict tone point out.

"You're already out of that boring place, so how about leaving me out of your weird plans and engaging yourself in some sort of sport? You're strong, and athletic, I bet you will do good in that field. Something like boxing or MMA? Not only will you have strong opponents to face, but no longer will you have to fight with weak teenagers on the streets of Tokyo."

"But I heard you're hanging around some powerful gang members, and I want to see for myself just how strong they all are." Don't tell me he was going to ask them out for fights on the trip.

"If you break something inside the Ryokan you will be paying it out of your own pocket...Just saying."

"Not sure I can afford that." Thankfully he knew of the consequences.

"But we could take the fight outside."

"Great, I will take photos when you guys are rolling in the snow."

"Sounds great to me."

"But if something does breaks because of your hot temper, I can always make you pay it with your body." Obviously, I just mention it as a joke.

So we reached our destination, his grandparents' house.

"Looks... normal." I didn't know what I was expecting, as soon as I walked inside, I felt bad for those people having to take care of South, he was a mouthful, so my polite side kicked in. I did a little bow while saying.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Michi Hirabayashi." It seemed like even his grandparents were expecting someone else entirely, so much so that South let out.

"Stop acting all innocent and cute, you're not it." I took personal offense to his statement.

"I'm the cutest girl in town, dare to say it again?" He scoffed at my remark which made me kick him, causing him to fall to his knees, he looked shocked at the surprise attack while the grandparents sighed in relief.

"This looks more like it, we were worried he riled up some innocent girl into this." I mean they weren't wrong, since I did feel like I was dragged into this spectacle without an initial warning on the label. Someone needed to give him a tattoo writing the specifics of what was to come involving yourself with this guy.

"How are you keeping on getting stronger?" Rather than angry he seemed excited, I think I messed up somehow.

"We need to face each other on the trip. Just you and me."

"And mistletoe," I added making me believe his stupid jokes were rubbing off on me.

"Ohhh~ Since I got permission might as well." I rolled my eyes and then he dared to turn to the elders while announcing.

"Michi was the one that asked me on a three-day trip, just the two of us together." Is this the kind of story he made up? Him getting to go on a trip with his girlfriend?

"Actually-" I was about to tell them how it really was, but he put his large hand onto his mouth.

"South dear I think she wanted to say something." His grandma mentioned as I tried to get my point across.

"It's nothing I will show her to my room." I was dragged along, against my will mind you. When I was finally let free, I couldn't do but wonder.

"You sure, you didn't make it seem like we were dating? On purpose?" I questioned, he just gave me a weird smile and changed the topic.

Later in the day, I reminded myself of something, so I reached into my pocket.

"Anyway here's the money I promised you." I gave him the bills in an envelope.

"You sure you calculated it right?" He questioned surprised at the amount.

"Let's just say you can be a nice grandson and take your grandparents on an outing or something... they're not for drugs however your brain is already crazy enough as it is." He then gave me a cocky smile while asking.

"You want a kiss given out of gratitude or do you want me to call you mommy?'

'Would you rather choose option number one or two?'

"I'll take the second option... I want to see you say it with a serious face." He followed thru, but it merely made me laugh to the verge of tears.