Christmas Eve~

So the area the bus would depart from was settled in front of my porch, I believed it was the best solution by far, not only could the early arrives take shelter inside mine or Takemichi's house from the cold, but I didn't need to stress about not making it on time myself. Of course, there was someone that dared to complain about the unfairness of this arrangement, but my simple argument back was.

"My money, my rules." So the morning was not too stressful on my front, since I already packed my bags yesterday, so all I ever needed to think about was putting on clothes, finishing my breakfast, and just waiting for the bus to arrive.

"Mom, dad, Kakucho is here, let's enthrall him into the deal we discussed." We were set on a family mission, Kazutora included once he realized it wouldn't be such a bad deal to have a younger brother.

"Kakucho dear, we heard about your situation, so have you thought about Michi's offer? In case you're wondering our family has enough income to take care of another kid, so as long you agree to be adopted we could settle it pretty easily." Mom began, and I nodded my head.

"Since dad's a lawyer there is no case he can't settle." We must have made him uncomfortable tho since he laughed nervously.

"Thank you, I will reconsider the offer." Kakucho let out, I guess it was time to set up a plan, so during the trip I could convince him enough for him to agree. I looked at Kazutora and he seemed to have had the same thought in mind.

When the bus arrived, it was complete chaos from the get-go, I who thought it would take mere ten minutes for all of us to settle into our designated seats, but in reality, it took more than thirty minutes. Even with my mom's help, because some teenagers couldn't count to save their lives. Dad was at this point on his way to work, but at least I knew he would be spending Christmas day with mom.

"So who are you sharing your seat with Michi?" Taiju was quick on asking when we were standing outside.

"The other titan." Was my reply.

"But I may sit alone if he pisses me off too much." I let out aware of South's antics.

"Come on Michi, I know you treasure me in your heart, we have after all so much in common." Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Taiju glared in his direction as if he was trying to start a fight, since they both were standing on the opposite sides of me, I was nearly sandwiched to death by their chest muscles.

"Ladies, calm down, and get your asses inside." Taiju just groaned while saying.

"If he gets on your bad side just let me know, I will certainly make sure to throw him off the bus, if the opportunity arrives."

"Thank you for your kind offer sir, but start taking your seat we need to depart someday." Then it was time for Draken to let out his complaints.

"So why are the seats arranged like this? Why are you refusing us to sit with whoever we want?"

"Listen, buddy have you ever been on a school trip where everyone sits with their buddies? Shit's too loud, I don't feel like dealing with a headache so early into the trip, beside you have no room to complain, after all, you're sitting with Emma today so call yourself lucky, considering it was a lottery."

"How can I be certain you didn't rig it." Of course, he wouldn't trust me.

"Because then my dear, I wouldn't sit beside South, and would less likely push Kisaki and Keisuke to sit beside each other."

"Point taken." Thankfully I eventually got the chance to go inside, only to see Taiju stirring some more trouble. Apparently, he wasn't happy seeing how much Kazutora was so chummy with his sister.

"Move along big boy, because do you really want to voice Your complaints about My brother?" He took his seat without much of a peep after that.

"Like small children." I groaned and arrived nearly at the end of the bus, where South was already waiting for me.

"You take the window seat." It sounded more like an order.

"Because it is some deliberate scheme to trap me between the wall and your humongous body?" I asked glaring in his direction, but before he could give me an honest response, I changed my tone and added.

"Thanks, window seats are my favorite."

"Stop playing with my feelings like that," South mentioned while grabbing his chest as if it truly hurt. And since everyone finally grabbed their seats, mom loudly expressed.

"Well boys and girls, have fun on your trip!" She waved in my and Kazutora's direction before going off and then the doors ultimately closed.

"Why would I even say yes to this?" Wakasa that was sitting across our seat together with Jun muttered.

"Because you like fun and hot springs?" I guess I wasn't worthy of a response, so I just shrugged off the depressed adult. And then the bus set off.

Kazushi that was sitting in front of me turned around and let out.

"Thanks, Michi, for organizing this whole thing, it's like going on a school trip, but better!" Someone seemed excited, but the person sitting beside him had to rain on our parade.

"It's just a waste of money, really."

"Koko Crunch said like a peasant... you know there is no need to announce to the whole world how poor you truly are." Causing him to gasp loudly, it must have been an insult that stung. He in turn was trying to brag about how much money he made out of me, with our last gig, which made me point out.

"Then go out and have fun, there is no need to hoard all this money like some kind of goblin, you still have a whole lifetime to earn money." He was speechless.

"I guess." He muttered.

It seemed that some people believed fights were inventible, even in such a closed-off space, so much so that I had to stand up and correct their behavior myself.

"Listen, guys, you can have as many stupid fights as you want after the trip, like stop stressing our bus driver, he needs to focus on the road, and probably can't with the ruckus you're making! And as your designated guardian-" I was stopped mid-sentence by my rival.

"Who made you the guardian what about the adults that are attending."

"Besides Benkei, the other two don't have the right qualifications."

"What?" Takeomi seemed offended.

"You're nothing but a bad influence." Sanzu seemed to like the slander I was voicing.

"And Wakasa is Wakasa he probably doesn't care." I saw him nodding, agreeing to the fact.

"Benkei is needed when I wish to throw out someone from the bus. Since he is big and intimidating." I saw him cracking his knuckles while proudly announcing.

"If there is a need, I will perform my duty with pleasure." And then I finally added, for some spice.

"But Hanma bullying is approved!"

"What?" The guy in question let out, causing Draken to snort at the fact.

The rest of the trip went by without much problem, perhaps my threat did wonders. Sometimes I even found myself using South as my personal pillow, but he didn't seem to mind.

When we arrived once everyone went out I made a thru out inspection so no items were left behind, the bus left and we walked inside the establishment. That's when I represented a little map of the place I made in my free time, of where everyone would be sleeping but I heard a roar of complaints starting with.

"Why do the girls get the single rooms, but not me?" Kokonoi the important diva sure had it rough. I rolled my eyes believing girls needed more space for their stuff but they joined together while admitting.

"Actually we truly want to share a hall, think about it, it will be like a three-night sleepover." Emma let out, considering they felt that way I decided to make some changes, but before that, I heard Mikey let out.

"Why does Izana get a single room, but not me?" He questioned.

"Because I don't wish to see him leading organized crime inside the sleeping hall."

"Somehow it makes sense?" Was Mikey's response, but then he found another thing to worry about.

"But if you change your room, I can't come in for a snuggle."

"Don't worry you're welcome anyway, we will treat you like a cat, give you pets and treats." Causing Draken to yell out.

"Watch what you say about our leader!"

"Hey, he could have fooled me, all he ever does is eat, sleep, and is involved in territorial disputes... just like a stray."

"Did you just?!" Draken seemed angry but Emma was laughing out loud which soften his heart.

So after making some changes with the help of the staff, like giving Kisaki and Hanma as well Black Dragon's separate rooms I thought I could finally go lay down, but Draken seemed extremely chatty today.

"So how did you plan on keeping those guys in check exactly?"

"With the help of Mikey and his brother, Senju as well as my own strength." I pointed out, knowing who was in fact the strongest in those circles.

"Can you even stop a fight?" I guess he was doubting my ability to do so, therefore the system decided to prove him otherwise.

'Would you rather prove your strength by picking up South Terano or Taiju Shiba?" Since the first choice was standing closer to me I pointed in his direction.

"Come let me carry you so I can prove a point." Both of them seemed skeptical, but their jaws dropped when I followed thru.

"So dare to doubt me again?" Draken shook his head while South let out.

"Great can you carry me to my room then?"

"Not happening, your muscles are too big for me to see where I'm going," I answered honestly causing him to laugh.

We all went to our rooms, prepared ourselves for the feast and once it was over our collective mind must have thought the same thing, which was going to the hot springs.

When I was aware that Draken was on the male side, I couldn't stop myself from yelling.

"Yo Draken, guess what?"

"What?" He reluctantly answered.

"I'm seeing Emma naked... are you jealous?" But then I heard Takemichi tell him.

"Don't get angry that's what she's hoping for."

"I'm eyeing your girlfriend as well Takemichi~" I let out.

"No please no, spare me." I couldn't believe him at first, he was giving Draken advice and now he thought I was totally serious, that's when I glanced in Emma's and Hinata's direction and they seemed to be whispering among each other while giggling and glancing at me.

"What's going on?" I asked as they both jumped onto me, trying to drag me into the water, I in turn was splashing water in their direction trying to get away. Then Senju, Yuzuha, and Momo joined along. There were a lot of screams and laughter causing some guys to get curious.

"What's going on over there?"

"I don't know but they do seem to have more fun." I heard Ran all of sudden.

"Draken tell your girlfriend to stop touching me in weird places!" I yelled.

"And what the hell do you mean by that?" He wanted me to admit out loud in this struggle for survival my chest was touched more than once?

"Take a guess."

"Emma, what's that supposed to mean?"

"It's a necessary evil to reach victory! And put Michi in her place." She launched herself at me, so I tried to run away screaming.

"Just pals being pals." Senju let out.

After a few minutes, we heard some guys complain about how cramped it was over there, so someone had the bright idea to ask.

"There are so many of us here, can someone go to your side?"

"Absolutely not!" Yuzuha was stern but so was Draken, Chifuyu and Takemichi.

Because we were so wild out here, everyone tired out easily, and suddenly I was the only one left and that's when a mission came up.

'Would you rather invite Keisuke Baji to your side or go peep on the guys?" The choice was obvious, so I announced loudly.

"Guys I will climb the wall and take a peep!"

"What the hell, are you serious?" Kazutora yelled out loudly.

"Yes indeed brother, you know why it must be done. So hide, if you want that is!" I gave them like few seconds to process the information, wrapped myself into a towel, and then did as I promised.

"Nice view... Jun how about you come to join me on this side?" Everyone was shocked about my offer.

"Nah, I'm enjoying the views here." His gaze landed on Sanzu causing me to roll my eyes, what did I even expect?

"I can join you," Ran suggested while winking in my direction.


"Me then!" Mikey let out excitedly like a little child.


"Wait! Mikey no!" Draken let out, kind of distressed, as I already reached out my hand to grab him and pulled him over.

This caused Draken and Mitsuya to give us a stern lecture on the matter, both for peeping and daring to suggest such an outraogous idea in the first place. I didn't see the problem however since we did in fact share a bath in hot springs before.