
Naturally, I woke up before Keisuke on this peaceful New Year's Eve morning, we couldn't possibly have it any other way. However I didn't feel like moving outside this cozy bed, so I decided to wait for my boyfriend so we could go together to find something to eat, but after a few minutes, I realized how bored I was. So I started to ponder of a way to entertain myself in the meanwhile and upon further consideration chose to braid my boyfriend's hair. Obviously, the task was hard since he was sleeping on his back, so I chose to make them tiny.

When I was finishing the second one, however, his eyelids moved, so I quickly retreated my hands and acted like I wasn't the one to make them.

"Michi, I know it was you, there is no one else here." He pointed out as I tried to shrug it off still playing innocent, attempting to come up with a possible culprit then it hit me, and with the most serious tone, I stated.

"Maybe it was one of your many stray cats, that came during the night thru the window and concluded you needed a new hairstyle asap." He didn't buy it.

"Sure the same cat that I let inside my house, that was sleeping beside me throughout the night, which now tries to put the blame on someone else." 

"Really? Where is it?" I asked now looking around and then proceeded to lift the covers, making it seem like I was actively searching for it.

"I found it, it's right here," Keisuke said before he put me into an embrace, I found his action amusing.

"For once you should let me wake up first, perhaps I also want to see your peaceful sleeping face in the morning." He said it like I was deliberately stealing this possibility from him. I just smirked and shook my head.

"Sucks to be you, this is what the universe wants, you will never witness such a glorious opportunity, you're forever cursed to wake up after me, so give up on your foolish dream while you still can." I joked.

"We will see about that... I will catch you slipping someday, there is plenty of time. " He muttered.

"So what you say is, I need to maintain a healthy sleeping schedule for the rest of my lifetime, so you never get the chance to see it, noted." His brows furrowed in annoyance while hearing this.

"Then one of those days I will simply forsake sleep." He voiced his crazy intention to reach his goals.

"And that be the day I won't let you inside my house," I responded, it seemed like he had more to say but the system cut him off, which just meant I no longer paid attention to what he said.

'Would you rather ask Keisuke Baji to be your cooking assistant or make breakfast for him and his mom on your own?'

"Michi, are you listening?"

"Sorry, a mission popped up and it's hard to focus on what the other person is saying when you hear a robotic voice in your head..." He nodded his head understanding where I was coming from and since he didn't repeat himself I stood up and let out.

"So you were just promoted to a cooking assistant, so let's dress up, go fetch some ingredients from the store, and let's begin our kitchen journey together."

"You will not even ask me if I want to?" I narrowed my eyes, it wasn't the first time I was cooking for him so the least he could do was help me out by cutting some vegetables in the process.

"I mean I'm up for the job, I'll become the best cooking assistant you ever had."

"I'm not so sure, the competition is hard... Emma is a pro you understand." He nodded his head.

"You're right, I couldn't possibly be able to defeat her so easily." 

"Yes, better luck in the next lifetime." I heard once from her that she wanted to become a stay-at-home wife, how could you possibly defeat her if you weren't planning to become a professional chef yourself? Unless you of course branched out from Japanese cuisine.

So once we dressed properly and got everyone's opinions on what they wanted to eat today, we headed out in search of the best ingredients. Nah not really we just hit the nearest store we could possibly find.

When we were heading back however Keisuke decided to strike up this conversation.

"We should give each other some affectionate nicknames." 

"But you already have two, why would you want more? So greedy." 

"No, neither of those will make the cut, find something better to address me." It sounded like he was serious in his demands.

"But Moth Boy and Snow White are so unique, it's like an inside joke between the couple. Why would you want to forsake those?" 

"No! You will not call me either of those in front of the Toman members." I just laughed because he would probably be picked on by the other guys, I could just imagine someone putting Smiley and Angry beside him telling him he already had two of the dwarfs.

"Babe then?" It rolled off my tongue so easily.

"Love it, and you be my Kitten." Did this nickname come from the fact that he already called me a cat on a couple of occasions before?

"Hopefully not all the time, it's a little too much."

"Teacup?" He sounded so unsure, was it because I was prone to drink a lot of tea.

"Actually you know what? I dig it. But you be called Chicken Nugget as well, just a warning." 

"Do you always need to get one nickname based on food?" Was he mulling over the fact I was calling Kisaki my Dumpling?

"Yes, there is no other way... if chicken nugget is unsatisfactory then you can be fish fingers instead." I gave him a choice.

"Chicken Nugget sounds better, does it mean I need to come up with a food-related nickname as well?"

"Up to you." He started to deeply consider it.

"I think I need some time to think this thru." I nodded my head agreeing.

"Yes there are many choices out there, the selection process may be too overwhelming on your brain, so take it easy homie." 

"Hey!" He looked offended, while I giggled at his silly outburst. Once we reached his house, we went straight into cooking, but someone was less serious than the other.

"Yo Keisuke, you were supposed to be the assistant, not a back hugger."

"But it's so cozy like this." Was his argument to appease my anger.

"Yeah? But the vegetables will not cut by themself, are you trying to take advantage of my kindness, you know I don't really need to be doing this right now." He immediately went back to work.

After half an hour the food was finally finished and the mission was marked as complete, but then from nowhere, the system decided to grant me an additional reward, which was a gender-changing potion from all the things.

"What I am supposed to do with this?" I asked myself and then glanced at Keisuke.

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a girl?" He shook his head so I left it at that. But there was this one particular person that came to mind, one that loved it when strange things were happening around me. Ran Haitani.

"Yep, that will do." So after finishing breakfast I decided to return home change into my Toman uniform and head to my turf to see what was happening around Roppongi. 

The first thing I did over there was scaring some teenagers that were going around harassing girls, and then I made a stop at Haitani's place, Rindou being the one to show me in.

"You're here to see my brother?" He asked as I nodded my head.

"Well he is still asleep and I don't dare wake him up." I could see terror being showcased on his face.

"I can always wait... I brought some food on the way." Rindou started to explain how the day I turned Ran away as promised he came back and asked some guys to purchase some booze for him.

"I wish he had better methods at dealing with such feelings." I let out being worried for the guy, suddenly I wasn't longer sure whatever seeing him was such a good idea.

"Well he did say he already got over you, but what do I know," Rindou admitted as I nodded, but then he looked up and when I followed his gaze I spotted Ran standing there having terrible bed hair.

"Yo, sleeping beauty... I have an offer just for you." I put the vial with the gender-changing potion onto the counter.

"You said you wanted some thrill in life, how about living as a woman for a day?" He looked confused.

"No way." Ran just took it right away and gulped it down to the last drop, and then poof and suddenly he had a pair of boobs.

"Shit, it worked." He grabbed those melons and it seemed like he wanted to brag about how his were bigger than mine.

"Are you jealous perhaps?" Suddenly he entered some playful mode and tried to grab my hand to make me feel them.

"I think I'm good." Instead, he decided to hug me.

"Wait as girls we should attend the hot springs together!" He had this hopeful look like there was no way I would refuse since we were both females now. I felt a little bit conflicted, considering when I was a boy I wanted Takemichi to treat me as such, which never happened. Which begged the question of whether I should be following my own expectations or if was it right of me to not trust this guy at all.

"Girls should be supporting other girls' dreams." He gave me puppy eyes, or rather she did.

"Okay fine, but I will be covering myself with a towel and you will not tell a soul about this."

"We have a deal." We shook hands.

"You really will say yes to him?" Rindou asked perplexed.

"So in case I once again change into a guy I will have someone to bother..." Then coughed while adding. "Comparing dick sizes." And then coughed once more.

"You're unbelievable." So I did in fact go to the hot springs as promised, but it seemed like Ran had many intriguing questions, which meant that he didn't stay for long and that's how I received a call from Rindou. After we exchanged some words, the conversation got abruptly heated.

"And you let him leave after he said that?!" I agreed, I mean I couldn't possibly control Ran and his growing curiosity about the more sexual stuff.

"What if he gets pregnant?"

"In one day? I don't think so." He would be changing into a guy tomorrow there was no way it was possible, right?

"What if it happens and he will be the first man to give birth in history?"

"You do say some funny jokes. But if you're so worried you can track him down if you want." And that's what he decided to do.

So once it was time I headed to the Toman meeting, of course, Mikey had to question or make remarks about Ran missing.

"You broke his heart now he no longer wants to hang out with us." But I shook my head.

"No Mikey the truth is so much stranger, I saw your dad today... he is experiencing womanhood, right as we speak, worry not tho, he will return, maybe as a reborn person... or traumatized one I can't tell." 

"What have you done now?" Draken was quick to ask.

"I just gave him a choice... and he took it and now he is experiencing life from another perspective." I tried to make it as vague as possible.

"So you got him high to help him deal with the heartbreak?"

"Excuse me?" And this is how the both of us got into a fight.