Duel Time~

On Wednesday as I was checking my stats which looked something like this, right after I was presented with a brand new mission to accomplish for the day.

Intelligence: 99

Luck: 96

Endurance: 95

Agility: 98

Strength: 97

'Would you rather go obliterate your master or Mikey Sano in a duel, and after take your rightful place as the Toman leader?' First of all, who would be crazy enough to steal Mikey's seat? How could I possibly do something this cruel to my adorable baby?

Also, did Venus mean Wakasa when they mentioned a master? I looked at the annoying robot fairy creature that was flying around my head for confirmation, and after it nodded its tiny head by reading my mind I already established who I wanted to bother on this nice snowy winter day. Additionally, three points to get on Wakasa's nerves? Sign me up baby, who would be crazy enough to say no, to such a sweetened deal?

"Great after this mission gonna be over I will only require twelve more points and then freedom will be mine!" I cheered in sheer delight, that I no longer needed to bend my knee to an annoying system.

"But how exactly do I prank the guy?" I asked myself, going around in circles inside my room to speed up the thinking process and then I received nerdy enlightenment.

"Yes, this is the best idea you had so far Michi!" And I packed all the essentials for this trip and left the house to make a visit to a shop.

An hour later I arrived at Wakasa's gym, thankfully it was open. There was a hood draped on my body, making me look like a Jedi. I was holding onto a pair of light sabers, each hand griping its own. Pepping myself up, I stormed inside, and my eyes darted around the room before locking onto my target. I realized someone was having a training session, but I hardly cared, just stared at Wakasa that was chilling on a chair overseeing the customer's workout.

"The time has come!" I yelled with a mighty voice causing him to sight.

"What do you want Michi? Can't you see I'm working?"

"I came to surpass you master and to do so I need to challenge you to a duel." After the speech, I proceeded to toss him the blue lightsaber while I kept the red one for myself. It hit his leg and then bounced off, it seemed like Wakasa was having none of this circus, he just crossed his arms and looked at me in disappointment.

"Are you scared of losing?" I asked, smirking in his direction trying to provoke him.

"If I entertain your idiotic idea for a couple of minutes will you simply go away?" He asked as I nodded my head in agreement.

"Fine." His attitude reminded me of a moody teenager.

"Then when you're ready." I wasn't expecting everyone to stop what they were doing to oversee our fight, but that's exactly what occurred. We heard some cheers and at first, it looked like Wakasa wasn't even planning on getting serious in this ridiculous lightsaber fight, that was until Benkei yelled out.

"She's seeming to have an upper hand!" It must have rubbed him the wrong way because my opponent's face suddenly changed and he seemed more focused than ever.

"You finally recognized my greatness?" I tried to joke but I got no reaction from this stiff man.

"Fine have it your way." It took like fifteen minutes to finish this battle but the audience seemed to have loved it. I became the winner of this saber fight, so it needed to be celebrated in a victory dance.

"How about we settle it with a serious fight?" It appeared like Wakasa was salty because he lost to someone like me. I guess the weak image of me was still stuck in his brain, so he had a hard time accepting this outcome. But this just mean I had time to settle in a prized agreement beforehand.

"Can we bet on something? Like the loser needs to grant the other person's wish?" I asked, he seemed to be cautious at first, wondering how to even proceed, but some encouragement from Benkei that wasn't aware of the system, got Wakasa to change his mind and proceed with the idea. Once we shook our hands to seal the deal I smirked, making him aware he just made a pact with the devil itself.

"Prepare yourself, you will lose terribly." Per my promise that's exactly what happened.

"You really surpassed my expectations Michi, great work," Benkei said while he helped his friend up.

"Don't tell me you will ask for something unbelievable." He had all the right to be wary of me and my creative ideas, but the system beat me to it.

'Would you rather make him kiss Shinichiro Sano or Takeomi Akashi?' I could use Wakasa to in turn mess with Takeomi, for once this system seemed to have fantastic ideas.

"Kiss Takeomi!" I let out, jumping up and down like a kid on Christmas. I could only see the dread on the guy's face.

"It doesn't have to be on the mouth does it?" Since the system didn't specify the requirements probably not, but I truly wanted to take this joke further.

"Yes, I should probably  give you more specifics than that, so a whole make-out session with the tongue would be ideal." His face displayed disgust and disappointment, which caused me to laugh out loud.

"That expression was great!" But it looked like he was still waiting for me to take it back.

"Don't worry I was joking, just kiss your homie goodnight on the forehead." He sighed in relief.

"And I will be there to watch this fantastic spectacle." I mused really pumped to see it with my own eyes.

"Rather than waiting for the evening, I will just go for it." I guess if Takeomi knew what was coming he would escape the second he could.

"Approved." I gave my consent to proceed in this fashion.

"And later we can go eat as a group." I wanted to eat Korean BBQ with those guys once more.

So once Wakasa was finished for the day with his work, I returned back ready to oversee the chaos that was about to take place.

"I can't wait to see his expression... also why are the three of you here again?" I asked looking at the trio containing Keisuke, Kazutora, and Chifuyu.

"Heard you were going to dine with Benkei so we decided to encourage him to spend some time with him."

"Ohhh thrilling." They were supporting this guy on his journey to becoming a new stepdad? Fascinating.

So we met up with Takeomi right in front of his house, because Wakasa insisted on picking him up at the doorstep. As soon he came out Wakasa went to greet him, with a simple kiss on the forehead. Our smoker friend looked mortified, and that's when he blurted out.

"I'm not gay!" Before a full fight ensued I stepped in with this brilliant idea.

"It's not gay to kiss your homies goodnight, if girls can get away with such a stunt why can't the opposite gender as well?" 

"You're kissing my girlfriend?" Chifuyu let out sounding offended.

"Yep." For some reason, it looked like this guy got the wrong idea.

"On the forehead dumb dumb. It's like a protection spell of a sort." I always thought such a mindset made it even more adorable. He sighed relieved as the two others laughed at him.

"Anyway let's go Takeomi, today we dine like kings." I let out, encouraging him to join us because it seemed like he changed his mind.

"Alcohol?" Was his straightforward question.

"If you pay for it, I don't think they will let me purchase it myself even if you're the one drinking it." I pointed out.

"I guess you're making a solid point." And then suddenly we saw Senju running out of her house.

"How dare you not invite me to this grand feast you're speaking of when all those guys are here." I wasn't so sure which guys she was mentioning, but I was quick to point out.

"Never asked these three to come they invited themself over." 

"Then I'm inviting myself over as well, do you have a problem with that?" She questioned but I shook my head.

"Great, let me just change my outfit." We waited for like five minutes and then departed to the restaurant we visited previously.

"It's great they had seats for such a large group." With my luck in hand, it transpired that someone canceled their reservation right before our arrival.

"I'm on grilling duty." I declared but it so happened that Benkei decided to help me in that endeavor. Because of this Keisuke decided it was his time to shine and he was trying to feed me every time he got the chance.

"Thanks but shouldn't you worry about your own food intake?" I questioned him.

"But I enjoying this." He refused to elaborate on why.

At some point, Benkei escaped to the toilet and Takeomi went for a smoke break? He knew although he was allowed to smoke inside the restaurant he refused to cross me and that's precisely when Wakasa decided to tell me this.

"You should know that the fight wasn't fair, you didn't achieve your strength by putting your time into training, like normal people." My other friends were a little bit shocked to know he knew about the system and its perks.

"So what? I needed mental strength to get to this point in life, I mean would someone like you want to lose dignity to achieve a few points from a system and remain to do so for a couple of months? I certainly doubt it." And then I gave him a list of missions I had to do to come this far.

"I take it back, you had your win fair and square." I nodded my head pleased to hear this awesome response.

"You did all those things? I'm not sure whether to cheer you on or pity you, sister." Kazutora let out as the rest of the group nodded their heads.

"Don't worry about it, let the past be in the past, I just need to survive a few more points and I will be free," I explained already tasting the freedom on my tongue.

"Right that reminds me, have I ever said how the system let me know that once I will die here, I will return back to my previous life?" Multiple people shook their heads in unison.

"Now you know." 

"Is this an invitation to follow you there?" Keisuke asked.

"Let's see, even if I do recognize you by a miracle in the far future, your ass won't remember anything."

"We could always create new memories." He pointed out.

"I don't even know if I will survive five years with you and you want to add another lifetime on top of that?" I asked as he agreed.

"No thank you... I need at least one peaceful lifetime." Kazutora busted out laughing and that's when the other party returned back to our table.

"Come on Michi, don't you love me?" He asked rubbing his cheek against mine trying to act cute.

"We can discuss this in the future, now stop pestering me." And we left that topic on that. Then a mission arrived.

'Would you rather feed Wakasa Imaushi or your boyfriend?' I quickly made a nice-looking wrap and popped it into Keisuke's mouth.

"Just returning the favor." It looked like Takeomi was on a personal mission to make a dent in my wallet but didn't succeed.

"Better luck next time." It's not like I was planning on giving him such an opportunity by ever inviting him to a high-end restaurant, I didn't enjoy eating in those anyway.