
186 AC


Aerion Targaryen


Thanking every god that will listen and note down to send an offering into the flames to Nova I clasp my hands that my stiffy left halfway through the flight. I only had to have my aunt's fat ass slam down and crush one of my nuts on a rough turn while in the clouds to put the beast to sleep.

I grimace remembering the pain and how I had to hide it as she looked back in confusion. The horny milf still ground her rear against me but I only had to think about the pain to keep it down much to her annoyance. She eventually calmed down and I was able to relax the rest of the flight resting my head on her shoulder and holding onto the handles.

The position was necessary to see and not because I enjoyed the way she smelled.

Man, I might have a problem building up here.

I just escorted her back to her room so she can change and now I am heading to make sure my gear and horse will be ready for the tourney tomorrow. Roach is likely prancing around like the menacing mass of darkness he is. When a horde of horses show up in the royal stables he knows a big tourney is upon us and gets himself pumped up to kick ass.

I walk into the stables to look for my buddy and much to my enjoyment I see him stick his head out of his stable as far as he can. A high-pitched whine escapes him as I walk up and seeing me stop in place and pretend to turn around he snorts.

"Yea yea buddy, I came to see if you are ready for tomorrow." He levels his head with mine and looks at me.

If horses could speak I am one hundred percent sure he would be cursing me out for my foolish question. He is always ready, he was born and bred for tourneys and to be eye-catching and he wins them with style. His shining black coat looks freshly brushed as I run my hand down his neck.

"Big day tomorrow, my Prince." I turn to see a stable hand nod at me from the side of a silver mare that Danny bought a while back.

"It is, make sure he is ready and looking his best." I reach into my pocket and pull out a gold dragon and flick it at him, he catches it with a smile.

I have seen this guy take extra care of Roach in the past and rarely have coins on my person so it is time I gave him something. People remember stuff like this and a single golden dragon can go a very long way for people who are not out of their minds rich.

I notice some men down a few stalls watch the interaction between us and turn to Roach. I smile as that is another reason I go out of my way and try to look good, people spread rumors about me like a plague. Every little thing I do from frowning at a feast to helping someone who tripped stand up circulates this cursed city.

The better my reputation the better my business and the better my business the faster I can reach my growing goals. My plan to create a network for my family that will ensure they never have to worry about a rebellion again. Ignoring dragons of course, I pray the fools in the future don't try to dance the dragons once more and wipe out the dragons after I am gone.


"Make sure it shines, I didn't pay to have it colored with powders from Essos for it to look dull." I look over my armor as it is carefully getting maintenance.

A good chunk of change went into getting tourney armor that has silver dragon scales with blue tips to the scales. I did not get a winged helmet like some of the dumb people in my House have in the past. I refuse to look like I have wings sprouting from my head like some reptilian elf ears.

"Think you will win?" Balerion asks as he snacks on some sugar crystals with his feet hanging under him.

I look over my shoulder at my brother from another mother and shake my head as he raises his eyebrows. His feet stop swinging off the end of the table and his hand stops midway to his mouth.

"Do you need to even ask?" His lips press into a line.

"Guess not, still can't believe no one has managed to knock you off, Roach." These thighs do not lie, I will never come off that saddle unless I want to.

I look back at my armor as I hear a crunch of the crystals as he goes back to eating.

"Who do you think will get second place?" I purse my lips and close my eyes.

"Most likely Daemon, Aegor would hate to upstage him even though the man could win if he tried in my opinion. Why don't you enter, you have put on more than a little muscle yourself and seem much more confident after your travels." He shrugs as I look back searching for an answer.

"I just don't care for gold or glory, I am here to drop off my findings and restock and recruit some more ships. With you paying the bill I think I will try to get double the amount of men, I can't take too many but I need enough to deter pirates." I narrow my eyes at the cheeky little shit, my gold indeed but it's worth the price.

My brother gets to live his dream and also is acquiring things for me that I am interested in. Trade deals and new resources penciled in on maps he makes himself to be more accurate. He has talent in being an explorer and his next trip will take years before he is back, maybe up to five or more.

"Think you are ready for Sothorios? No one will say anything if you change your mind and head for someplace in Essos, you haven't even seen the grass sea." I know his aspirations, lands unseen by anyone in Westeros or Essos, at least in living memories.

"I am confident with what I managed to acquire in the Summer Isles, the guide I hired is going to tag along with me and he has mapped the whole west coast of the continent. He knows of a river easily the size of the Rhoyne and has been wanting to travel it and see what he can find. I am interested in taking a look as well so that is the destination." The continent with more diseases and bugs than Westeros and Essos combined.

We don't even know what the far east of Essos looks like or the North of Westeros and he wants to see Sothorios. I got to admit I am just glad he doesn't want to go to Valyria or something, no one returns from Valyria.

"Just remember what I told you about traveling in the ju-." A groan escapes him cutting me off and I can't help but smile.

"You don't need to keep reminding me, trust me I get it. Boil the water always and never eat anything bright unless someone else eats it first. The silk nets over my tent have been lovely with avoiding getting eaten alive by bugs though so thanks for that, smoke also seemed to help. I got everything I need except brave men to go and I am narrowing it down so no need to worry. With you paying fat sacks of coins I will find plenty of willing explorers." I just hope he can find some worthwhile so he can settle down that energy he has and settle peacefully in the future.


Waking up I stretch and blow the hair of my bedmate out of my face, Danny made a valiant effort to keep me up but only managed to knock herself out.

"Good morning." She mumbles as I stir beneath her.

"Awake already?" She grumbles as she lifts her head and looks up at me.

Seeing her nod I lay my head back on my pillow and look up at the ceiling, today will be a big day.

It's supposed to be my nephew's big day but I will be taking some of his thunder when I announce my wedding to Daenerys after my win. We could go for a quick small wedding but I also want to have it while the Lords and Ladies are already gathered. It will also be a good opportunity to further spread my net of influence and friends as the guests come to talk with the couple getting married.

"You are going to knock that arrogant shit off his horse and on his back, right?" I hear her annoyed voice and nod causing her head to relax back onto my chest.

"I still can't believe he has not just moved on." Daemon went out of his way to ask Danny to keep her favor so she could give it to him.

"He has some problems that much is for sure, I can't wait for him to see me hand my favor over to you." Even with my engagement to Daenerys, there has been wiggle room for people to try and get her attention.

I can't just go around killing people for talking to her or seeking to talk to her at least. But once we are married I will have some 'power' to legally fuck Daemon up for trying his little games. There won't even be a warning before I let the dragon out on him like a truly mad Targaryen. Lots of repressed feelings held back that I have held onto for this moment.

I don't get how anyone could have the balls to try and court the woman of a guy with a real dragon.

"Want to take a bath together before we head out?" Danny asks with a seductive purr that doesn't need a vocal response as my answer is obvious.


Cheers from the crowd fill my ears as I walk toward Roach to climb onto the saddle, Ser Richard holding Roach in place. If my trusted knight did not sit with Roach and held him back he might just charge the opponent down on his own.

Firmly in the seat, Ser Richard nods and walks to the side while keeping a firm grip on his weapon and his eyes scanning for any threats.

Roach knowing things are about to start calms down his anxiety as he goes still as a statue.

I look down at my shield and see my arm covered in 'favors' and I can't help but shake my head. Danny tied hers onto me Infront of everyone and almost looked like a territorial cat as she lifted her chin while doing so. Shiera being Shiera walked up and refused to leave until I let her wrap hers around my arm. Soon more and more people from the box kept coming out and I had to run off to do some 'last minute preparations'.

People will think I am a man whore at this rate.

Looking across at my opponent I recognize his Arryn sigil and give him a curt nod he responds with his own seeing. He slips on his helmet and I follow behind as we prepare for the joust to begin. My excitement slowly bubbles up, even after all the jousts I have done I still can't get over the excitement. I honestly hope I never do as it is one of the few pass times that does get me excited.