GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

Book&Literature130 Chapters3.6M Views
Author: Pretending_Author
Table of Contents

Waking up to find you have died and are being given a second chance at life can be disorientating.

Finding out you have been sent to a world you have seen on TV can be even more so.

Being sent before the events of the show by a good 100 years is only the icing on the cake when you have to deal with being an infant with the mind of an 18-year-old.

Things are off to a rough start but Aerion Targaryen will give it his best to live the best second life he can.

Alright, that is the introduction, this is a Fan Fic of a person of our time who finished all of the Game of Thrones tv show. He is thrown into the body of a Stillborn infant who is the son of Aegon the Unworthy by his legal wife. This is the same Stillborn who was the twin brother to Daenerys who married into Dorne to bring them into the 7 kingdoms, it's a canon still born I didn't BS this one into existence.

MC is going to have a heavy satire start that is meant more as a joke than anything else because this story is for fun. I repeat this story is for fun and I won't pull random bull crap from my hat too much but I won't take it as seriously as my other GoT fic.

MC does not know the lore of the world and is a casual fan so when he says something stupid it is his own take, not mine. Keep that in mind.

Oh, Daenerys Stormborn the mother of dragons is also reborn into the Daenerys who is his twin. I did it for fun and also because I thought it would be a fun twist.

She was stabbed in the heart by Jon Snow and wakes up in the body of her namesake as an Infant. Cool concept.

53 Reviews
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this novel is very fun to read and i expect a lot from it. The character is very much alive and I'm Happy danny finds someone she truly love and have a happy ending also the the mc is fun character and my only hope is to see the mc harem increase, so far there are only one who is officially confirmed while the other one is still in the middle. I recommend people reading this novel. English is not my mother tongue so i not good enough to write in order to express how i like this novel . I hope the author commit and finish this novel because i will start give stone show my support [img=update][img=update][img=recommend]

2 years ago

I have only good things to say about this fic, in first place a protagonist that is not a maniacal "monster" for no good reason, he don't treat his life as a book or show, or something equally pathetic, but at the same time he is in no way a pushover, one of the most notable things about this author in general is the way he build characters, many harem stories fall in the pitfall of collecting hollow characters, every relevant woman in this story have their own personalitiy and motive, no one fells two dimensional, some characters are simply delusional/stupid(I'm looking at you Daemon) something that is completely realistic(real life never lack dumb people), this is actualy one of the few contexts were a harem actualy makes sense. So, good job and thanks for your effort, don't let any "trolls" desmotivate you, keep going and good luck.

2 years ago

I'm out I said from the beginning that if the old king was not his real father he was out, the novel is called son of the unworthy referring to the old king, in this last chapter at the wedding you confirm that he is not his father when you say that Daeneris was taken away to the altar for Aemon, the dragon knight, who "totally is not our true father", so goodbye what a waste of my time, could I have prayed for you to constantly insinuate that he was not the son of the previous king that is totally unnecessary in the story, Anyway, I'm tired of so many insinuations, good luck to you, goodbye.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

A great start to a GOT story. This review is definitely too soon but I scrolled across this gem today and im very excited to see how this story plays out. I've become a fan of musically inclined MCs I've realized and that may play into my excitement at finding such a story. speaking of, the MC's powers are great and fit well within this worlds mechanics. I like the light hearted feel the story has so far and I like how unique the origin is, especially weaving daenerys into it quite naturally. Im a fan of the MC's personality and mindset as well. he's very open and I think its an intelligent move being friendly and caring to his relatives and those deserving, slowly cultivating his own faction, family, and eventual army within his own giant extended and very dangerous household. I've got great hopes for this story already and I would definitely suggest giving it a read.

2 years ago

Reading your other GOT fic I knew this would be good, though it’s still early this has me interested, keep it up!

2 years ago

It's a really good read. I personally would be very happy to see this continue. please don't give up halfway it's very good. The story keeps me very interested in this. What's gonna happen please do continue writing this.

2 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

9 months ago

So far so good. I didn't expect for dragons to be brought this early especially in the era of when the dragons just went extinct, but I'm still digging the story, plus I love that Daenerys is along for the ride. Since there's clearly music going to be involved, (thank you by the way for going a different route) I thank it would be wonderful if he teaches people how to play the instruments just so he can have a theme song when he completing in tourneys.

2 years ago

Not a bad start I will really have to wait for more chapters to really give it a true review. I do like the premise and the gifts the MC has are not bad at all though it does depend on how intelligent and educated the MC is to tell if I'm going to really like this story premise though. I do have my small doubts mostly because I have a very bad opinion of Daenerys Targaryen after she tried to start trying to be a ruler. In my opinion after she started trying to rule slaver's Bay her character took a real nosedive from being an incompetent ruler then a I know best ruler to finally mad

2 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

8 months ago

The start is really good I hope you continue this work. I hope you make the mc travel to all lands and find magic that he can use to strengthen himself his dragon and his family that he trusts. I haven't seen anyone try to unite the whole world into 1 empire and try to improve the world by getting rid of any current or future threats permanently. Also it will be really good if mc adds schools for commoners and improves hygiene and pregnancy births that are common sense in the modern world. Also dragons will grow more quickly with exercise, good diet and be free to roam around and not be locked up when they are old enough to fly and hunt.

2 years ago

Eu amei a história tanto como amo a outra~ Boa escrita,e um bom desenvolvimento e me deixa curioso sobre muitas cousas~ Primeiro:Os descedentes do mc vão ser Dragom lordes verdadeiros,tem uma chance deles acabarem tomando o trono? Segundo:O império de Valyria não era só magia e dragões,foi inspirado na nossa Roma Antiga,uma mistura do período de sua republica a época de seu vasto Império,tinha o seu fórum,o senado e principalmente suas legiões~o que me leva a seguinte pergunta O mc pode tentar recriar por assim dizer o império de valyria no futuro,com base em Roma,ou tentar fazer Harenhall parecida como roma,tendo o seu centro o fórum e suas legiões? Enfimmm:Amo suas histórias espero anciosamente o próximo capítulo \^¬^/

2 years ago

very good man[img=update][img=update][img=update]

2 years ago

Good story thank you for your work ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-—————————————————_____—————————————-

2 years ago