75 R18


198 AC

Essos - The Demon Road

Aerion Targaryen


"I think this is the closest I have ever been to Valyria..." I mutter as I look off from the cliff I am standing on while railing my Wife from behind.

"Focus!" I roll my eyes feeling her legs shaking and knowing she is close to finishing I drive my length into her harsher than I was while admiring the surroundings.

I wonder if any other dragon riders have had sex right here?

Danny throws her ass back in a frenzy as her cunt tightens to an absurd degree that makes me groan as I lean over her to take both her breasts in hand. She whines as I press my chest against her back since she loses some of her range of motion but as I squeeze her breast she ends up reaching her goal. A breathless moan is all she can manage as I hold her from falling forward and off the cliff not far away as she wets my thighs with her juices.

Her spasming walls milk me toward my own finish as I lift Danny up and kiss on her neck, the feeling of her wetness running down to my knees drives me to rut her faster. The loud wet smacking no doubt can be heard from a far-off distance as I hear it echo along with my wife's sweet voice.

"You are a horny bitch you know that." I scoff at her as she whines once more taking one of her hands down to her feminine mound and rubbing it in circles. "I bet you do our ancestors proud with those pitiful noises." She stiffens as I pinch her nipples and pull them lightly, the suckling of her cunt driving me insane as I bury myself in her massaging depths.

I can only imagine if someone like Visenya or even Queen Alysanne could see us now... though maybe Alysanne would approve. She had to be a freak in the sack, there is no way she had that many children and was not obsessed with sex. It's got to be why Jaehaerys lived so damn long... keeping up with the hot wife keeps you in shape.

"Fuck." Danny curses as I ram deep and bury myself inside of her with the intention of once more knocking her up.

Not only does pregnancy just look good on Daenerys but I swear each baby has made her breasts like half a cup size bigger and she manages to keep the extra 'weight'. My goal is to swell her tits up to where they are bigger than Shieras who has some of the biggest natural breasts I have ever seen in both of my lives.

"It's warm..." Danny groans as I fill her womb, or it could have to do with how I slumped back against a very displeased Moonfyre who is rumbling and emitting heat.

Who would have guessed that dragons do not like it when their riders lean against them while fucking?


"You tired?" Danny asks after yet another banshee-sounding scream echo through the cliffy terrain, some kind of animal is likely dying and it's slowly pissing all of us off.

"I would be asleep if it was not for that damn YELLING!" I end my words with my own shout that earns me a slap on my bare chest.

My words echo and are met with another banshee screaming that makes me sit up and look over at Drogon who huffs out some smoke. The big man needs no words from his rider as he stands up and practically falls off the cliff with a roar that even shouts out some black and red flames coating the valley's wall.

"That will leave a mark." I look at the scorch mark and smile wondering if I should carve Drogons name next to it so in hundreds of years people will know he was here.

Might become a tourist destination... if they pay extra the tour guide could lead them up here on the cliff where a Price or Princess was created as well.

"What is so funny?" Danny asks as she lays me back down by force as she lays on top of me and pushes me flat onto my back.

"Nothing." I shake my head and look up at the stars and smile hearing a choked scream and a bright light as Drogon kills the nose maker. "Nothing at all." This trip may have been planned because of a 'problem' but I am certainly enjoying the 'spontaneous vacation'.


198 AC


Mya Targaryen


"Three days! In just three days we have had at least ten ravens requesting to stay as guests." I shake my head with anger boiling in my belly as I know the one from House Tully is with foul intentions. "Before these fools can even get here traveling as fast as they can Aerion and Danny could be back. Yet they think because the two biggest dragons are gone that we are suddenly 'vulnerable'. I can practically smell the schemes coming with the blowing wind, and it smells foul." I clench my hands into fists wanting to strike someone down but I release the tension in my muscles when I remember my Husband is not here to wear me out if I get myself worked up in a huff.

"Can you shush?" Visenya asks as she keeps trying to play one of her father's guitars, she does not even look my way as she whines at me to not distract her.

She has an eye closed and half her tongue sticking out as she leans to the side trying her best to play the guitar. I shake my head at my sweet mischievous girl, she can only keep one thing on her mind at a time. Aerion likes to call her his 'ADD Baby' lovingly when she is like this, it means the world to her how he helps her focus when she can't do it on her own. The Maesters in Westeros could learn something from Aerion when it comes to teaching children how to learn and keep them focused.

"You missing your Father?" I ask as I comb my fingers through the wavy silver locks of my Daughters hair and she nods a little as she keeps playing with the strings on the instrument.

"He said he would be back fast, that there was nothing to worry about." She pouts her lower lip as she narrows her one open eye at the 'sheet music' Aerion has been teaching her to read.

"Good, I am already getting sick you having to deal with you on my own." I playfully joke and she scoffs picking up on it without needing any hints.

She knows I love her, this is just how we show it sometimes.

"I am going to go check on your Brother." Little man is being the 'Man of the House' as their Father put it, having duties set on his shoulders he need not have if not for the urgency of the trip to Qarth demanding it.

But Aerion thinks it will be good for him, maybe he is right.


"Why are there so many ravens!?" Aemon whines but soon notices me and goes red as the Dragon on his doublet. "Mother." He quickly tries to distract me by calling me as I like to be called but I shake my head and walk over toward him.

"It's alright, let me help you." I ignore his little frown and grab a few of the raven scrolls from the desk beside him and tear the seal off one before he can speak up.

Reading over it I sigh in relief that it seems to be a report from Dragonrest and some news about the castle on Skagos. It seems the castle is coming along well and the report is mainly confirming they received their orders to ensure everyone in training passed the minimum recruitments. Aerion does not want any 'half-assed infantry' messing up his future plans that after his trip to Qarth might be rapidly approaching.

"This one is fine, just mark down on the book that it was received and looked over, it should be under Dragonrest and 'boot camp' with it being-" He waves his hand slowly, not rudely but also in a way to tell me he understands as he keeps reading the scroll he just opened.

I roll my eyes at him but of course, he does not see it, but I am happy that he no longer seems about to jump out of the window from the stress. The little man seems to be doing just fine, but a little help never hurts, I also know Gwenys is secretly doing a lot of the 'Lording' on her own without anyone being the wiser. She loves these little troublemakers as much as anyone else and wants to make sure when Aerion comes back that Aemon can show off how good he did.


198 AC

Essos - Old Ghis

Daenerys Targaryen


Looking at the remnants of the long-gone slave city of Old Ghis I can't help but feel a bit good. Even if I know the Valyrians just turned around and enslaved everyone themselves I still am happy that this city was melted to nothingness other than a few harpy statues that have withstood the test of time.

"Missing the good old days?" Aerion asks as he passes me his waterskin and I grunt before I down half of it in one go.

"I miss how I used to not get so thirsty so fast, I was used to this killer heat." Man but I do not miss the conditions of the water I did drink, it was nasty, and most of the time I had to get someone to carry water from way upstream.

"Oh come on... I know the 'Breaker of Chains' is just itching to give hell to Slavers Bay again." Aerion loops his arm around me and pulls me against his sweaty and sticky side that makes me scowl at him.

"I am." I grit my teeth for a moment remembering how the cities I had once taken looked now... years before I would or rather should have taken them again.

But this time will be the last time, I have Aerion and we will take everything if that is what it takes to free everyone. No one will be born with a chain linked to a collar on their neck, no baby will have its throat slit and drop on the ground to train anymore Unsullied. Maybe I will even be able to stop my future companions from ever even being taken from their homes and they can grow up where they should have without being forced into the cruel side of the world.

I hope so at least.

"We will get them, I got plans upon plans upon plans on how to get this place up and running after you explained how you took it and then failed to make it productive." I scowl even more and he ignores it with a smirk on his face that I lean over and wipe off with my own lips sealing his shut.

"Less than ten or so years." I mutter as I break the kiss and he nods, by then we will have more dragon riders than there are cities in Slavers Bay... hell, we will have more riders than there are Free Cities as well.

Essos won't know what hit it until it is too late and we are already consuming the map turning it Targaryen red and black. They will have to bend their knee and join the new world or they can die in their old one, it matters not to me. So long as what I set out to do can be completed this time around, then I will be happy with it.

I already have the dream, all my babes, and a loving husband... but I still feel I owe it to Essos to come back and finish what I said I would. Maybe not breaking the wheel in Westeros but I can damn sure smash it in Essos and build something better in its place. With my family beside me, I feel it's many times easier than it ever would have been in my 'first life'.

"Good God above you are hot as hell when you are thinking about mass murder... and that is so morally wrong I almost feel guilty for being aroused." I chuckle and pass the water skin back as I stand up feeling a 'itch' between my legs that will need 'scratching' before I get back on my mount.

I am certain my loving Husband will be able to help me with this just like anything else I ask for.