
187 AC


Aerion Targaryen


I set down the lute and slide in bed next to Daenerys with my hands finding her pregnant belly. I have made it a habit every night to sing and play for our baby and it makes us both happy and she says it calms the baby for bed. I doubt it with how much she groans in her sleep and has to get up to pee constantly. The baby is giving her all seven hells and seeming to like it making me fear their arrival. I can foresee a trouble maker and I get excited at the prospect of chasing after 'it' and I also fear the possibility.

When I told Danny we needed to keep up the regular sex she was doubtful of where I got the 'knowledge' of it helping, but it didn't take much to convince her. She is a horny pregnant woman and only puts up a token resistance to the idea until I actually grab her by the hips. I am confident this is actually a thing that helps during the approaching time of birth but I can't remember how it helps. But either way we both enjoy it and would do it regardless of potential 'health benefits'.

So sex and music and then we pass out until she has to get up to pee one of the hundreds of times and she always makes sure I wake up if she has to wake up. Either she will climb over me to wake me up or she will nudge me till I open my eyes. Then she walks off to do what she has to do without even a word, I almost want to cry.

"Good night little one." I run a circle around her belly and feel a bump against my hand, almost as if telling me to leave so 'it' can sleep.

I close my eyes and lay my head down hearing a huff of annoyance and Danny turns away from me. I smile before sliding my arm under her and hooking it before sliding her bare body against mine. I kiss her shoulder as she wiggles against me till she is comfortable and then she relaxes.

"Good night to you as well." She hums in satisfaction and I shake my head at her antics.


"-ake up!" I get rocked side to side and groan in annoyance before I feel her hand grip me much tighter and she groans as well but in pain.

"What's wrong?" I sit up rocket fast and look over to see her with one hand on her stomach and the other still clinging to my arm.

"I think... it's time." She seems awfully casual about it but I don't doubt her as I roll out the bed to go grab the servants.

"I will be back!" She lets her iron grip on me go and I sprint out the bedroom door and down the staircase to the lower floor to our 'living room'.

I make it to the door before I realize I am naked and sigh as I grab a blanket off the couch and wrap it around myself. Once I am covered up I throw open the door that leads out into the hall and spot Ser Richard. To his credit, he hardly reacts to the sudden door slamming other than sliding a bit of his sword out before noticing it is me.

"Danny thinks it's 'time'!" He wastes no time, he takes the baton so to speak, and quickly makes his way down the hall banging on a few doors.

Most of the rooms on this floor is for the family but a few were designated for the family's personal maids and stuff. With the pregnancy nearing its finish we had the most experienced women we could find with our resources to stay on our floor for this moment. But seeing Richard handling waking people up I run back into the room and grab a pot that hangs in the hearth and set it on the rack.

It has been filled for weeks and the hearth has stayed burning in preparation as well, I set it on the rack and head back up the stairs. I can already hear people entering the room behind me and I am still in a blanket but desperate times call for desperate measures. I have the experienced people on the way and a pot of water heating up, I am sure they will have some already heated somewhere but I wanted to make extra sure. There is also a stack of cloth in our room waiting, it is nice to own an up-and-coming fashion business as you have plenty of scrap cloth to recycle.

"Fuck!" Danny curses as I enter the room and see she has kicked the covers off the bed and is sitting against the headboard.

"They are on the way." She groans and not even a moment later an elderly woman enters the room and climbs onto our bed and crawls to her before pulling her into her lap.

I then watch as she sets Daenerys in the middle of the bed in a show of strength I was not expecting from the old woman. She leans Danny up against her and places both hands on the swollen belly. Danny looks dizzy at the sudden and unexpected movement but keeps her jaw clenched.

Women pour in like ants and surround the bed and get to work as if it's an operating table. A well-oiled machine is how I would describe what I am seeing and it brings a tear to my eye. I keep getting odd looks from the women but I stand my ground in the middle of the room with nothing but a blanket around my hips hanging down to the floor.

"Damn it just had to be at night." I hear Mya curse behind me as she enters the room and I look over my shoulder and notice most of the family bumping shoulders looking into the room.

Shiera squeezes through and walks up to me with an odd look in her miss-matched eyes as she scans me. She then looks to the bed and grimaces as Danny is assaulted by the small army of women looking her over.

"You going over there?" I purse my lips and narrow my eyes at the old woman behind Danny who is holding both her hands in her own to prevent Danny from using them, or just supporting her through what is happening.

That should be my job!

"Yea I guess I need to get in there since I did chip in on the creation process." I sigh as I head to the bed and am extra careful to not step on the blanket as I walk and pull it off myself.

I nudge my way between the headboard and a younger woman who is tying up Danny's hair to keep it out of her face. I reach across the bed and take Danny's left hand into my own and I hold it between both of mine. She looks over at me for a moment and her pained look turns into a happy one before she looks forward once more.

"Don't worry my Prince, we will get both of your babies out as soon as possible." Danny's hand goes slack and her worst nightmare is confirmed.

"Both?" She whines as the old woman slides her hand over her belly with her free hand and gives a hum in response.

Danny told me she felt too many feet and I joked about us being twins and her having twins but I was not expecting it to become reality. I tried to feel around and I only felt what I would describe as a hyperactive munchkin. But I guess it would have been wise to listen to the woman carrying 'them' since she can feel the feet dancing on her internal organs.

She gives me an accusatory look and I feel her strength return to her hand as it grips tightly.

"That is great news, double the trouble for the price of one!" I do my best to sound excited and it seems to work as her features soften and she looks fondly at her belly.

The old woman holding onto Danny gives me a surprised look before nodding with a knowing look. I nod back as we silently exchange words with our eyes about how slick my deflection was. I chalk it up to skill even though I am aware it is mostly luck, you can only have so much 'skill' when it comes to the RNG of women.


"They are so cute, look at their little noses." Danny coos over the twins in her arms after she was cleaned up and put on a cleaned-up bed that was flipped and fresh sheets added.

The hustle and bustle calmed down after eight hours, by all means, a pretty short birthing for twins, and Danny held out like a champ. First was a boy who only has a little tuff of silver hair and light purple eyes. His sister was not far behind with similar tuffs of silver hair but with darker eyes.

The boy was named Aemon after arguing about what she wanted after actually seeing him, she wanted to name him Rhaegar or Viserys which I rolled my eyes at. Her name sense is as bad as mine but we decided on naming him Aemon, but it is after an Aemon who is not born yet and not the Dragonknight. Aemon Targaryen who lived well past a hundred years old, I hope that he can emulate the one whose name he wears before the original.

My cute little daughter is named Rhaella after her first mom, we agreed to name our next daughter 'when' we have her after our current mom. This Rhaella will be spoiled rotten and never face even a fraction of the abuse her mom suffered, I will see to it myself. I will burn anyone alive who tries to use foul or fair means to steal away my daughter's heart.

"Let me take one." I reach in and scoop up Aemon while she whines at losing one of her little ones. I shush her and rock my boy side to side as he squirms in his little blanket keeping him from flopping around aimlessly. He is definitely the little kicker, Rhaella seems content to sit still and sleep but Aemon is a wiggle worm so far. I hope that is how they grow up to be, a hyper boy who I can teach in the yard how to fight and a patient and calm girl who will relax and listen to her dads 'old' stories.

But knowing my luck they will both turn out ADHD and bounce off the walls and try to escape to fly on their dragons. Dragons who I hope will hatch soon and bond with them so we can put to the test if more will ever hatch. A purple egg with some gold mixed into it was picked along with my favorite-looking egg the bright lime egg with black swirls. They will sleep with them for some time before we swap eggs out.

If nothing hatches then we will put all five of them in the cradle at once but I think it's best to go with the flow. It felt almost natural to pick these two eggs and I had a gut feeling as I carried them into the room that it was the right eggs for my children. The eggs are still in the warmers and will be placed in the cradle when the babies sleep but will go back into the warmer when they are not in there. I am concerned about the eggs going belly up and then turning to stone so I have been babying them as Moonfyre would.

My son seems to be getting tired which is likely after everything he has been through, after being born he was cleaned and fed and then passed around to my half-sisters and aunts. They did not get much time with him before Danny got territorial and took him back but I am sure it drained his energy levels. I know for a fact our mom was upset she did not get to hold them long but she was too tired to put up a fight.

She stayed here when we first moved here but she also traveled back to Kingslanding for a few months until it was closer to the birth. She only has been here a few weeks and was looking forward to her grandkids, I expect her to be here in a few hours to 'check up on us'. Her eyes practically begged Danny to let her watch the babies as we both got some sleep but Danny wanted some alone time with the babies before she handed them off to anyone for too long.

"You would think with having carried them inside your womb for so long that you would be tired of holding them." She shakes her head slowly before pressing her lips softly against Rhaellas head.

"I will never get tired of holding them, I almost want to sleep with them in my arms but I am scared I will hurt them in my sleep. Pull the cradle closer to the bed so I can watch them as I fall back to sleep, I feel my eyes getting heavy." I slide off the bed and head to the corner and cradle Aemon to my chest with one hand as I drag the actual cradle with the other.

I push it up against the bed on her side and lower Aemon into it gently, I nestle him in safely and can't stop the smile on my face. For months I have sung to them and rubbed my hands and cheeks on her stomach trying to be as close to them as possible. Now I can see them with my eyes whenever I want and it is a very nice feeling that spreads over my whole body.

"Put her in as well." I scoop Rhaella up and place her next to Aemon with a small pillow between them.

With them both already sleeping away and in the cradle I head out of the room to grab the eggs that are downstairs by the hearth. They needed to be able to vent the smoke that comes out of them so I keep them near there and it works fine. The pot of water was emptied and the fire was put out but I am still careful as I open the warmers up. The eggs are a nice toasty warm but nothing that will burn someone, but I will still keep them well away from the baby's bodies.

I can not wait to see these eggs hatch and my children have their very own dragons, the food cost for feeding them will double once they get some size but I am still excited. I know Moonfyre will be happy to see her babies, it is not documented but I get the feeling she is a brooder hen type dragon. She likes to see her eggs every now and then and sniff them so I am sure she will be happy when they hatch. Drogon is just along for the ride, he enjoys life no matter what he is doing so I worry little about him.

"Keep them at a good distance from them, they may be dragons but they were just born and I don't want the eggs to roll over and hurt them." Danny frets as I enter the room with both eggs and head around the bed for the cradle.

Setting the eggs down at a safe distance toward their feet I nod in satisfaction before heading back to bed. I slip in behind Danny and stack an extra pillow under my head so I can see over her head and watch our babies as well. I can foresee doing this quite a lot in the future, nothing as calming as seeing my kids sleeping and I have only seen it for a few minutes.