
187 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


Holding both of my sweet babies I feel a deep satisfaction that can only be matched by one other thing in this world, all worlds either past or future. But I can not have that thing until I 'recover' and it will be a few more weeks until then so I must rest, and rest I shall with my little dragons. Aemon and Rhaella are perfect in every way, they sleep through the night most nights and when they don't Aerion gets them back to bed.

I sometimes find myself thinking all this a dream, an illusion like the ones in the House of the undying. But the screams for more milk from one of my babies lets me know it's real, and I am thankful for it. I said I wanted as many children as the good Queen but after having two in one go I think I might be able to surpass her.

'Princess Daenerys Targaryen, the broodmare.' it does not sound nearly as good as Stormborn or Mother of dragons but I am more than satisfied. If I compare what I have now to what I had then I see just how real this happiness is. Nothing compares to the soft skin of your babe in your arms as you watch them look around as best they can. This is mine and no one in the world can deny me that, I will kill anyone who dares try.

A little screech breaks me from my thoughts as Aerion looks dead tired, a feat that I have only seen a few times in our entire life so far. He rips in half a piece of meat with his bare hands and hands it over to the screeching pair at his desk. A like flame torches the wood of his desk with black streaks in it, he sighs louder than the dragons roaring at the cooked meat.

""This desk is one of a kind, the only Weirwood desk I am ever likely to get with my deal I have with those damn Children of the forest."" The wood is hardly singed and after he rubs at the burn it goes away and he sags in relief. "You better not burn it as well, the meat is cooked just eat it."" He scowls at the purple dragon with golden eyes and horns, tiny dots of gold cover its wings like flakes of gold.

The Lime dragon is the brightest dragon I have seen if I do not count Moonfyre's reflective scales. The solid black wings contrast the lime body and the black horns and eyes give it a menacing appearance even if it's a sweetheart. It curls up with Aemon any chance it gets and is very careful to not injure him.

The purple dragon is the very image of a royal dragon, I would name her something queenly with the appearance she has. Her gold is more reflective like her mother Moonfyre and not the gold Viserion used to have. Both are beyond beautiful and their parents are proud of them, you can see it in their eyes and hear it in the songs they trill at them.

Until they are at least the size of a dog Aerion wants them to sleep with us, after that they will sleep with their parents until they are kicked from the dragon's den. They will likely make their own dens or they might roost on one of the towers much to Aerion's annoyance. The time Drogon landed up there Aerion almost leaped from the window to strangle him, something about 'the dragon's fat ass will break my tower'.

Though these monstrous towers could probably hold up ten Dragons before they collapse if he is not trying to break them.

"What did the raven from Kingslanding say?" I ask after pulling Rhaella off my boob since she was just trying to bite it.

My poor breasts get abused by the twins during the day and at night the real monster comes for them. I do not mind the increase in size though, I hope it stays...

"Wishing the baby's health well and asking about the two new dragons, I sent back everything is fine and invited them to visit. I also told them we would visit within a few months to show the babes off to everyone, we have to do it at least once. But the first person to ask if we will marry them to their heir or something is getting a swift knee to the crotch with all my strength." A visiting Lord from House Beesbury happened to be around when he was carrying the twins and angered my husband.

He asked if someone had the honor of engaging one of their broods with the two new Targaryens. I felt a heat in my chest and in my mind already seen the man burning, only to be stopped when I saw my husband crack him on the head... with his own head. Then he tossed him a small purse of silver and told him to go stay in an inn if he wants to talk about foolish things like that.

Surprisingly after that, no Lords or Ladies who are resting under our care at Harrenhal have asked about the babies. I think word spread fast and everyone knows not to anger the dragons or they will face our wroth. it is not even about who they will marry, they will marry who they want to marry when they are old enough. It is all about not wanting to think that far ahead and just wanting to enjoy the 'now'.

"Tell him I said thank you the next time you send something, I also wish our nephew well with his wife falling pregnant once more." The poor woman had a stillborn and my heart bleeds for them, I know the pain but I never even saw the baby.

After seeing my twins just hearing about a dead baby is enough to make my chest feel empty as if a hole was in it.

"I will." I nod as he lets the two dragons escape his clutches and they scamper toward me and the twins.

They let out little trills and whistles that will one day scare armies when they are grown, they will always be with my babies. They will protect and care for them as if they are siblings, I am proud and grateful they hatched. I know my children will have someone on their side no matter where they go with their dragons behind them.

Though the nagging voice in my head keeps bringing up the idea our brother brought to us, expanding the numbers. I am confident I will have many more children but I can only have so many at once and I will need breaks. I was uncomfortable with the idea but not against it, I know Aerion's feelings and after seeing him with our babies I know he would never hold one over the other. He loves them more than anything, the way he acts around them screams that simple fact.

The idea has benefits beyond the obvious of more dragons and riders, there is also the matter of Aerion's future plans. Even being a dad has not hampered his passion for gaining more, a pursuit of legacy if I had to put a name on it. Something to give to our children and their children's children and so on into the far future. He knows how things turned out in the last future and he wants to construct an impenetrable wall to all threats even if he is no longer alive.

His ideas and plans spreading into Essos will need quite a force of dragons and dragon riders if he really wants it to work out. But that is just one of the thoughts in my mind, the more I think about it the more I want to accept but I hold off. Aerion has a 'problem' as far as obtaining things goes and I am worried it will expand into women if he got the chance.

He is faithful to me that much is not in doubt, but once the gate is open there will be no closing it and I am concerned. I need to talk to a few of the ones I have in mind if I end up agreeing to this. They need to be prepared on their end and be ready to completely overwhelm him so he has to stop and manage what he has.

If I even let him have it to begin with that is.


187 AC


Shiera Seastar


Knocking on the door to Aerion and Daenerys room I wait for them to let me in, I am eager to see my niece and nephew once more. The tiny little things have the cutest faces and love to be carried around and kissed on. I can not get enough of their cute little faces scrunching up in joy even if they are not understanding what is going on. So innocent and perfect, they bring nothing but baby love and it is all I need to brighten my day up.

The door opens and when I see Aerion is not holding what I am seeking I push past him, he grunts behind me in annoyance but I ignore him. The little babies being rocked by their mother on the couch is what I seek.

"Take Rhaella for a bit, my left arm is going asleep and it needs a break." I smile seeing her willing to hand over my prize without me even having to speak.

"Come here little one." I scoop her up and she wiggles and looks ready to scream losing the warmth of her mother.

I rock her gently and she tucks herself against my chest just like she was doing to her mom, she face that was about to go red eases and she closes her eyes. I take a spot on the couch and admire the baby before a purple troublemaker starts climbing up my dress. The sharp claws ruin the fabric as the golden horns reflect the light from the window.

""Can I not just hold her without you clawing up my legs?"" A silent stare is all I get from the little gold eyes before the dragon curls up on my lap with its eyes resting on its bond.

This unnamed little dragon could have the whole world fighting to enslave it, and it sits around like a house cat without a worry in the world. I remember nothing of Moonfyre and Drogon from when they were little as I was born after them. But I am still surprised to see how they managed to fit in those eggs, they must be packed in tightly.

"Sometimes I think they only do it to annoy someone, just earlier they ripped up some books to bring the shreds to the babies. It looked like birds trying to make a nest or something, they piled the pieces of the books around the baby's when they were napping." I snort and shake my head, I bet Aerion is ready for them to be ready to move in with their parents.

The less damage to his castle the happier Aerion is, though he also seems worried for their safety even if he is ready to kick them out. Guard towers are being thrown up and trusted men are being put into them. By the time the dragons move into the dragon's den, that location will be one of the safest in Harrenhal.

A knock at the door awakens me from my thoughts and I look over my shoulder to see Aerion sigh and leave the table he was drawing a map on to get the door. Ser Richard pokes his head in and whispers something before Aerion motions to let the guests in. He does not even bother to greet them as our half-sisters step into the room looking around. I recognize the look as their eyes land on the bundle in my arms and I cradle her protectively.

"I just got her." I huff and look away while kissing Rhaella on the forehead as she rests against my chest, they will have to wait if they want her.