
187 AC


Aerion Targaryen


I kiss Rhaellas sleeping head before I lower her into the cradle beside her brother, they look beyond tired after their long day. They only napped for a little while and spent their day being as active as they could. I am thankful as Daenerys and I need to finish our conversation and they should sleep right through it.

I turn to see my wife in bed with half the sheets folded over exposing her naked side profile. I ignore how my mouth goes dry seeing her like that, her amused eyes notice my odd behavior. I can swear she is enjoying putting me on edge more than she would like to admit, but that is Danny I guess.

I slip into bed after stripping and I flip the sheers over me as she snuggles into my side, my arm wrapping around her. I lay my head back and gaze at the high ceiling above the bed as I try to find the words to navigate this 'talk'.

It is one thing to bring up the possibility and an entirely different thing to talk about making it a reality. I am no fool, if Danny talked with 'them' about what she said she did then I am confident in their answers. Well at least I am confident in three of them but that is more than enough to make my heart race. How does she actually see this working, the current situation we are in will shatter.

"Soooo..." I nudge her with my hip and try to get her to speak first when I can't find words and she chuckles against my neck.

"Aerion just say if you want to do it, if you do then we can talk about it if you don't then I will tell them I changed my mind. I was of the mind that you would jump on the opportunity, not because you are a horny mutt but because of how close to them you are." I am getting that same feeling I get when I stand up on Moonfyres back when we are flying high, like one wrong move and I fall to my death.

"Honestly I would be an idiot to say I do not want to if your offering to let me, but I love you too much to hurt you willing or not. I won't even humor the idea until you tell me how you actually feel about it, not just the benefits it 'might' have but how you really feel." I will just keep it simple and tell the truth, if it sets her off or I step into a trap I will just have to deal with it.

We are both mature enough to talk something out if it goes south.

"I already told you I do not care, it's not that it does not affect me but that I do not mind... if that makes any sense." I shake my head and she sighs against my skin sending tingles through me. "I will be fine if you put your cock inside of the people I am comfortable with, if you fucked a random serving girl I would be angry. But the ones that I point out and I trust I am ok with, it is that simple to me. But I expect you to side with me if one of them starts causing issues, there needs to be an order to... 'this'. Whatever this is anyway, I have a few ideas on how things will proceed as far as making this public." I am trying my best to keep up with her but I honestly can't say I can, if the shoe was on the other foot I know for a fact I would not be acting the same.

I would die before I passed her around just because I 'trust' a select few individuals...

"I am understanding what you saying but the reason why you are saying it does not sit right with me. But continue and talk about how things would work as far as making it public, I am assuming you are talking about the fate of any kid that is born." I need time to process what it is she is saying, I hear the words but I do not approve of them, they are as foreign to my mind as when I see flames come out of a dragon's mouth.

I can understand dragons equal fire after years but I can not understand Daenerys my wife equals sex with other women.

"So my idea was if for example, Mya was someone who accepted my conditions and wanted to pursue something, the baby would be a 'rivers' or maybe a 'waters' since Harrenhal is under the throne now. But either way, if the baby could indeed hatch an egg they would be more Targaryen in everyone's eyes than even our King brother, it's just fact. Growing up a bastard even one with a set marriage to a Princess or something like that would still grate on the child. That is why I believe they need a name from birth instead of a bastard's name, it would stop a lot of potential resentment if the child is acknowledged growing up." I nod along as this is one of the issues I see, she frets over Daemon and him having Blackfyre because it could start a rebellion but imagine if a bastard had a dragon.

Given it would be my bastard and I would never neglect a kid of mine, I would die before I let my child feel so unimportant they need to do something as stupid as claim the Iron Throne. There is a huge wide world to explore and claim if they want conquest and titles, why waste time killing family when Essos is within reach?

That is something I plan to hammer into any kid of mine, never lust after something another has when you are more than capable of getting something of your own. It is just wasteful and opens up the opportunity for other people to try and snatch things during the chaos. I would go full-on Omni-man and show my child what the fuck is up if they wanted to burn down the barely stable realm that is left after the Dance of Dragons.

"The faith would freak out if I married someone else..." I can still remember the High Septon face the entirety of the wedding as he wed together a pair of twins, almost like he ate a lemon.

I can see where he comes from, I had siblings in my last life and I would not look at them romantically even if they were the last people alive on earth. But there is just something different about being a Targaryen, just built differently and different things are acceptable. I mean honestly, I have had almost zero interest in women outside of my family, it is a bit freaky, to be honest at times. I can still see a woman with a nice rack or a nice behind and think 'damn that looks good' but it just does not hit the same as well... God this family is cursed.

"I know they would, you already are working hard on keeping a glowing image to stave off any mud-slinging on your good name. If you took more wives they would call you Maegor before you could ever even succeed in seeding someone else. Not that you wouldn't put in a good effort..." She mumbles the last part as I imagine my economic empire taking a hit from grumpy old men calling me a freak.

I am confident I would burn down a few big septs just to prove to them how much of a 'Maegor' I can be.

"So what is your idea?" She sits up and leans over my body before pressing her much larger breasts against my chest, damn pregnancy did her a lot of favors.

"Three plans, but the one that would be most publicly accepted is also likely to piss you off." I nod as I admire my wife's more plump form and I compare it to the past before she gifted me my twins, and damn am I happy about the transformation. "One option is just having Daeron legitimize them as Targaryens, they would need to have a dragon for that option. The second is to have the mom, let's say Mya for this one, she needs to start a house similar to Daemon starting House Blackfyre. The third option is they get married to someone that is obviously not going to have a real relationship with them, like Mya marrying an old man who already has heirs and would only be giving his name for a purse of gold and having a legacy of 'fathering a dragon rider' that option would be widely accepted... but your frown shows how you feel about it." I would rather not even have the kids if someone else was their father through a 'claim'.

"Fuck that last option, let's talk about the second for a moment though since it sounds nice and I can already see some benefits to it. Some downsides as well but some huge upsides, other houses with dragons sounds bad but I see potential as well." House Velaryon had dragons and it was never a problem because the crown also had dragons, and the crown will have dragons.

I am confident one of my future kids or even Aemon and Rhaella would approve of a match to the crown prince or princess when the time comes. Given there is no crown prince or princess for Baelor as of yet, his wife is pregnant again and we are all praying for a healthy baby. With the crown regaining dragons it will not be that bad for another house to have dragons, so long as they have no claim to the throne as well. But I can not say that for sure as well, one ambitious dragon rider is all it would take for things to get shaky so that plan may not work...

Sometimes I wonder how the Valyrians kept the peace between each other with no documented civil wars. They had hundreds of dragons, some said to be bigger than even Balerion and they managed to not tear each other to shreds constantly. But honestly the more I think about it the problems would mainly start when other Houses try to get involved. I could see multiple Valyrian Houses living in peace with one another, but if someone like Tywin got a marriage to a dragon rider it would collapse like a house of cards.

Maybe make it only possible for a House claiming descent from Aegon himself to be allowed to have a dragon. If someone marries into a house not being from Aegons blood, like a Targaryen marrying a Lannister, they would not be allowed eggs and their kids will be banned from claiming a dragon. Any who breaks this law would be gelded or forced into a vow to not have kids or maybe even outright killed for treason. There is a lot to work on as far as that goes but there is still time. honestly, I do not see many dragon-blood houses wanting to marry non-dragon blood anyway.

It could even solve the problem of Targaryens needing to marry Targaryens to keep the blood pure. In reality, it would still be Targaryens marrying Targaryens but one Targaryen would have a different name and a single different ancestor, like either Daenerys or Mya. But the faith would be a little less ruffled about marrying a cousin to a cousin since that is actually done quite a bit all over Westeros. People are so weird here, a cousin is fine but a sister is crossing a sacred line, seems so stupid if they are already kin-fuckers.

"We will need to discuss this with both Daeron and the woman in question, a few things still need to happen. We need an agreement to the terms I put forward and you need to decide if you are going to go through with it anyway." I purse my lips and nod as I roll to my side bringing her with me.

I wrap her into my embrace and pull her close as I weigh my options and give them a real honest consideration.