
187 AC


Aerion Targaryen


Having a nice meal with the family is something we have done hundreds of times, all the way back since they landed on Dragonstone. It has never been a problem, but today it seems a 'bit' of a problem. Daenerys just threw her hands up after we talked in circles and gave me the go-ahead to pursue what I want. Well more like she said I could do what I want but if I neglect her I will be getting a visit from an angry dragon.

I feel like a dog sitting in the backyard with the gate to the fence left wide open, I can almost a certain 'freedom' in the air. But I am happy in my comfortable backyard, I have all my favorite things back here and I am scared to venture out. Maybe being scared to venture out is not the right way to say it, I am scared my comfort will vanish if I step out. Daenerys and I are a team, a well-oiled machine.

But she is an adult, she gave the green light and opened the possibility when I was sitting back enjoying what I had. Now I can not push down the rising feeling growing slowly in my chest, a feeling that stirs whenever I take a moment to observe my surroundings. The current surroundings are a private room on the lower floors of the main tower we all live in. The table is set with many of our favorite foods and drinks, an average morning by all accounts.

But each time I make eye contact with Mya or when Bellenora catches me checking out her chest I feel my heart jump. If Mya would stop looking my way every few minutes we would stop locking eyes, if Bellenora wore something that did not show off half her breasts I would not find my eyes wandering as much. I feel like the walls are closing in and even with my favorite breakfast sandwich Infront of me I can not bring myself to eat anything.

"Here, hold her for a moment." Danny passes me Rhaella and I feel like a shield wall was hoisted up to defend me.

With my baby in my arms, I feel oddly safe from the hungry looks that should be on the food but are misplaced on me. I kiss her forehead and hoist her up with one of my arms while grabbing one of her tiny feet with my free hand. I rock her foot side to side just like she likes it and she starts grunting with her eyes searching for me.

""Hey sweet girl."" She opens her mouth as she kicks her free foot around when she finally recognizes who is holding her.

I let out a content sigh having my daughter 'protect me' from the awkward situation that was brewing. But when I look away from her I mistakenly meet my gaze with a pair of purple eyes that are now inflamed. It seems my shield somehow backfired and instead of warding off it only managed to light a spark.

Rhaella lets out a soft almost squeal of a shout grabbing my attention once more but I feel my heart racing. I curse Daenerys in my mind for throwing me to the wolves, or in this case to the dragons.


"What have you done?" I practically demand as I watch Daenerys rock Aemon in her arms as she coos to him.

"It's done Aerion, stop making it a bigger deal than it is. If you are putting on an act on my behalf I find it sweet of you but also it's getting old." she stops rocking Aemon and looks back at me as I stand in the doorway to our bedroom. "I will say it plainly, I am fine and I already approved so you have nothing to worry about." She shrugs and turns her attention back to our son.

I take a deep breath before letting it out and taking a step into the room, I nod slowly as I come to terms with the situation.

"You can only blame yourself if I run off and fuck half our sisters." I expect her to whirl around on me with a trademarked, narrow-eyed, furrowed brow look.

But instead, she hums and presses kisses onto Aemon's cheeks and only stops when he starts crying. She stops peppering him with love and goes back to rocking him into a blissful nap, only side-eyeing me once the entire time.

"You can only blame yourself if I actually do father a bunch of other kids of them as well, you know I hate to pull out." She snorts in amusement but still focuses on our son.

I look out the window and toward the God's eye as I fully lower myself into the uncharted waters of what she has presented me with. I am well aware Danny does not say something without meaning it, if she says she is fine with it, she is fine with it. But it still feels like I am in the twilight zone or something.

"Whatever, I am going for a ride on Moonfyre since they will be resting anyway, and it's my day off." I need some time to clear my head and taking a flight is the best way.

"Be safe, I love you." She finally speaks up and I sigh as I head to my closet to kick open one of the chests that hold my riding leathers.

"I love you too..." I mumble in a grumpy tone causing her to laugh and wake up Aemon who just nodded off.


"Going for a flight?" A sing-song-like voice asks from behind me as I walk through the Godswood toward the dragon's den.

"I am." I stop and turn to the source of the voice, coming down a path that leads to the Weirwood is Mya Rivers.

Mya is wearing her personal riding outfit much the same as my own, only hers does not have the three-headed dragon. It is black leather that fits snugly to her form and shows off her curves, with red trim around the arms and down the legs for accent. She closes the distance between us with her boots clicking against the paved stone road I had made.

"Do you mind company? I want to see how far the road has made it, it has been a while since it extended beyond what I can see from the tower." The mixed floral and pine smell that usually accompanies her fills my nose and I wonder once more what she uses to smell so good.

I have asked before and she just told me it was a 'girl's secret' and left it at that, I think she is scared I will try to start selling it for gold.

Not that I wouldn't...

"Sure, I don't have a problem with it." I want to clear my head but I can also use this as a chance to talk to her.


"I got it." She climbs up the last bit and makes it over Moonfyre's shoulder and onto the more flat part of the dragon's back.

She walks on her knees toward the saddle before turning to face forward and slinging a leg over. She plops down onto the saddle before me and runs her hands through her hair blasting me with more of her smell as its ends slap across my face. She mutters an apology as she bunches her hair up and pulls a strip of cloth from her wrist and ties it back.

I throw the straps over our legs and make sure they are properly fastened before I grab the rein and pull it enough to let Moonfyre know we are ready. An excited rumble from Moonfyre vibrates us and she soon is stomping across the ground as she opens her wings. The wind blows against us and Moonfyres wings soon flap as she pushes off the ground with a roar.

""Take us to the end of the road!"" I am sure Moonfyre is excited to get to melt some more road as she trills hearing our destination.

"We are going to fuse what they have got prepared?" Mya leans back against me as she turns her head to ask.

"Yea, at least a little bit of it at least." I ignore how she slips back in the saddle and presses her rear against me. "I have been busy with my new babes that I have not been keeping up with the workers." She nods before turning to face forward but she remains pressed snug up against me.

Well, Daenerys at the very least emboldened her, I realized awhile back that Mya had feelings but pursuing them meant angering Danny. I would be lying if I said it did not make me happy and swell my ego to have Mya think about me like that. But with Danny suddenly flipping the script I am forced to confront how I really feel about it, or more accurately how I feel about her romantically. The entire point of all of this is to have more dragon's hatch and riders to ride them, I would never give either to someone I did not at least care about.

Mya Rivers is on the short list of people I can firmly say I care about, the list mainly only extending to family. She looks mainly Targaryen except for her dark brown hair and lashes, but other than that she is all Valyrian. She can be serious at times and dead lazy at other times but she is reliable. That is one of the main reasons other than her being extra close with Danny that I think has my wife in her corner. Mya is dependable and close with Daenerys and is only second to Shiera when it comes to wanting to 'babysit'. But even with the positives I can list off for hours, she would still have to want to be in a relationship before I try anything.

But the subtle way she is moving her hips tells me she is at least somewhat interested.


187 AC


Mya Rivers


Gods when Danny told me earlier that Aerion was overthinking this new turn of events I thought she was joking. I even thought she was starting to regret and wanted to put a stop to it by blaming Aerion saying he didn't want to pursue anything. But then she told me I will have to put in some work on my own to get him to commit to the idea, I was intrigued.

I was not expecting him to actually be this twisted up about it, I can practically feel him overthinking behind me. It is like a storm is raging in his head and he does not know which way is the shore, Danny was not lying. Which means she is serious and that means I have a real chance.

It would be so much simpler if he was anything like our father, he would just snatch someone into the bed bedroom I guess he wouldn't be Aerion then. But at the very least he could attempt to get handsy or something, I am too nervous to do more than present myself to him. I am on a silver platter or rather a silver dragon and all he has to do is slip his hands into my clothes and I will melt right here and now and come undone for him. I have imagined this before but never thought I would really get the chance to see it become a reality. Getting fucked on a dragon by Aerion has filled more than a few of my dreams and had me flustered during the night.

But now that it is here I do not plan on letting it go, if I have to be more direct then that is just what I have to do. From what Daenerys told me and she has ample experience with him, all I have to do is get him started. She said once he gets started I will have no problems from then on, but her mischievous look at the time concealed something. I am not sure what she is planning but I could care less at this point, I will just fall for her trap if she is setting one.

I want Aerion to look at me the way he looks at her, I want him to hold a baby from my womb and kiss its forehead the way he does Rhaella and Aemon. I feel a fire inside of me when I think about it and I have to bite my lips before I spin around on this saddle and attack him. I do not want to look desperate or like a whore, but I can not lie to myself about how badly I want this. If he does not attempt to go forward by the time we land back in the Godswood I will shove him to the ground and 'get him started'.

His arm suddenly brushes against my side and I clench my legs on the side of the saddle as I bite my lips harder. Warmth spreads from where he touched me and I close my eyes as I feel tears form. The aching feeling grows and my chest feels tight as I take shallow breaths.

If I can even last till we get back...