
187 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


Passing the twins off to my Mother for a bit and Aerion off to do his own thing I have some free time. Time that I am going to spend getting some 'exercise' as Aerion calls it, I have been neglecting myself since late into the pregnancy. The only sweating I did was on the bed either under my husband or pushing two fat heads out of my body. But I am going to start getting back into my rhythm and I have the perfect help to get there.

"Come on let's just get started, you both have been getting lazy since I stopped joining you both in the morning." My half sisters Gwenys and Shiera who I used to wake up and meet every morning for the last few years with and start the day.

"I do not even know if I can still bend as I should." Shiera pouts as she rolls out the mat with an unwilling look on her face.

"Can't we just watch the babies until lunchtime when they take a nap, then we can join them in a nice sleep? I like spending the days as they do, being a baby seems so peaceful and free." I glare at Gwenys and she sighs as she rolls her mat out and takes a seat on her rear.

I nod in approval seeing them both sit-down and we start doing the various stretches Aerion taught us. My breasts feel a bit sore as I lean over and press my forehead on the ground and I also feel my back pop. I have really been putting this off but now that I am doing it I can feel fire in my limbs that both comfort me and drain me.

"So are we not going to talk about Mya planning to ambush Aerion?" Gwenys speaks up as she leans sideways with her legs spread and grabs the toes of her left foot.

"Daenerys set the whole thing up, there is nothing to talk about since she already knows what's happening." Shiera bends and flexes as if she has no bones even after she complained not long ago, her words are not wrong though.

"He is still unsure about if he will even pursue anything, I am just helping a situation come along that gives him a real choice. He is attracted to Mya and Mya is attracted to him, she also has been mooning over him for quite a while." Mya is not much different from the two across from me in that regard, but Mya is the most prepared for something real to happen.

"I see." Gwenys answers but soon whimpers as she sits up and sets a hand on her lower back.

"Come on it's not that bad, I carried two babes and I am able to do it." I complete the first half of the stretching and stand up to start doing the other half.

"Yea well they kept you on your feet as well, I have been reading over different reports from Aerion's singing minstrels searching for useful information. It is mainly just some Lord's wife cucking him by fucking one of his knights and the Lord being unaware. The good secrets are few and far between, like Lord Lannister having an inclination for feet and getting stepped on." I shake my head and can't help but imagine how that man's line will end up creating a monster named Tywin.

The Lannisters I have seen in person in this life have all been a disappointment compared to who is to come in the future. Well, he won't likely show up now since Aerion recruited some Lannister boys to his sports training camp. Just them learning sports and stuff like that will ensure they turn out different and so will their kids and so on all the way down the line to Tywin. Tywin might even be born a girl in this life if he is born at all, or House Lannister could go extinct before then...

"Why would he like feet?" Shiera stretches her legs and wiggles her toes while furrowing her brows, her mismatched blue and green eyes narrowing toward her feet.

"Some men just have odd tastes." I respond evenly and Gwenys snorts.

"Don't forget women, there was one Lady in House Redwyne I think it was that liked to be slapped around. Apparently, she would wail like a whore each time she was given a harsh slap, I could not imagine." I try not to blush as I remember Aerion slapping my own ass and finding it not unpleasant.

"That sounds... odd." Shiera mumbles as she looks toward me and I keep my face stiff so she can't pick anything out. "Does Aerion like to do anything like that, feet or slapping?" I bend over and touch my toes while humming in 'thought'.

I feel my face get hot even when I am resisting the embarrassment, it is not something I really want to talk about. Some of the things we get up to in the bedroom are best left in the bedroom and away from other's ears. Though I am sure some that have rooms close to us have been able to hear something even through the thick walls of Harrenhal.

"He likes to do all kinds of things, nothing, in particular, catches his fancy other than wearing me out. He takes great pride in having me gasp for air and unable to move as I should be able to, so there is that." I ignore the shiver up my back as I lift my arms up high and stand on my toes.

Both my half-sisters go deathly silent and I choose to ignore them for a few moments and focus on finishing my stretching. How it got to such a conversation I do not even remember but I hope they don't pester to know more.


187 AC


Aerion Targaryen


There was quite a long strip of road needing melting but it would take a few hours and I do not know if I can manage it with Mya in my lap. It was fun for a pass or two but as she heated up she started to get 'heated'. Her hips rocking and rolling around 'casually' as we make a pass over the road hitting it with a concentrated stream of silver flames.

"I am getting kind of thirsty." She turns her head and speaks softly directly into my ear sending a shiver down my back.

""Let's go back!"" Moonfyre lets out a sad trill but obeys as she shuts her mouth with a loud snap. "I got a stash in the dragon's den we can grab something before we head back." She nods as Moonfyre makes a wide turn to head back toward the Godswood.

The restless stirring on my lap driving me slowly insane might be another reason I am eager to cut the trip short. The workers might be pissed I only melted half the road mainly making it inconvenient for a few hours to work around, but they can deal with it. If I can resist whatever rain dance Mya is doing they can put up with a half-melted road.


"The good stuff." I mutter as I drag out a sealed chest that contains some of the better Essosi 'liquors'. "Though you said you were thirsty this might make it worse instead of quenching..." I shake my head as I work on the custom locks on the chest.

"I was thinking about getting some water but I suppose anything would help." She mutters as Drogon shoves his snout into the little tunnel I had Moonfyre dig for the flammable objects I stash in here.

I throw the top back off the chest as I get the lock off and look down at the various bottles of different flavors and 'brands'. I had people search out anything they could find for me to invest in and spread around Westeros as a main supplier and these are samplers. I grab rum from the Summer Isles that has an odd coconut taste to it even though it has no coconut in it.

"This stuff is pretty good." I bite the top and pop it off with a tug before I tuck the stopper into my pocket. "Pretty rough on the first few swigs but it gets better." I take a sip before passing it over to her and she grabs it.

She looks back at the massive red eye looking into the tunnel as she lifts the bottle to her lips and drinks some. She grimaces but takes it like a champ and lowers the bottle with a sour look. She looks down at the bottle once before taking another sip and passing it back to me.

"It burns, but it also has a hint of sweetness." I nod before I drink a little more and kick the lid to the chest closed and set the bottle on it as a mini table.

"Yea out of all the different drinks I sent to be sniffed out to potentially buy in bulk to resell in Westeros this is the only one I really like. A flower-tasting one from Pentos was odd and enjoyable at the same time but most people in Westeros would rather buy cheap wine instead." just making idle conversation as I notice she has been increasingly getting fidgety.

The reason might as well be slapping me in the face after the ride on Moonfyre, that and the likelihood this was a setup, to begin with. I believe my wife helped her plan this, likely knew I would want to take a flight after all the thinking I was doing. Clearing my head by taking a flight has become a habit after all and she knows that better than anyone. So Mya being on my path to getting to Moonfyre and being in a riding outfit screams this was planned. So Mya is being forward with her intentions after everything that was discussed, a tempting prospect.

Not to mention the blue balls I have from her practically giving me a lap dance on the saddle. So her shifting and hesitation all are telling me she wants to do 'something' but is holding back, either nervous or second-guessing herself. But I have thought about it enough and have concluded I will just do what I desire. I never have given it much thought since I knew I would marry Daenerys and I never wanted to hurt her, but she obviously is fine with what I am about to do.

I meet her eyes after she takes one more glance at Drogon who seems to be sniffing at the smells in the air. She freezes up as I close the distance between us and slide a hand behind her head keeping it in place. I press my lips on hers and she melts as she slumps against me with her hands weakly gripping the back of my head. Her fingers comb through my hair before interlocking to keep herself held up as I deepen the kiss.

The rum taste on her tongue is sweet as she attempts to 'fight back' but is helplessly at my mercy. Experience rules out as I guide her along, one hand holding her head and my other sliding down her back to her leather-clad ass. She whines into the kiss when my hand grips her ass cheek but she does not pull back.

Instead, it seems she regained her strength as she pushes against me with her body. Her breasts press against my chest as she attempts to shove me into the wall of the tunnel.

"Aerion." She takes a deep breath after breaking the kiss and her eyes look hazy in the poorly lit tunnel.

I am about to press further and take her right here in the dark and humid tunnel but a rumble from both dragons gives me pause. When I stop and turn away from her I hear Mya whine as she steps back.

"Do you not want to-." I cut her off with a quick peck on the lips before grabbing her hand.

"The dragons are telling us to clear out if we are going to fuck." I can't see her face as I guide us out and past the judgmental looks from the dragons but I am sure she is dumbstruck.

I guess if someone came into my house and stashed their stuff as a favor I would be ok with it if I was close to them. But in no way would I ever be fine with them fucking in a closet in my house, and that's basically what we're about to do. So I need to slide out of here and back to a private location with hopefully a bed, stone floor in hindsight is not the best.