45 R18


187 AC


Mya Rivers


Getting back to my room with Aerion close beside me filled me with a lot of nervousness, I felt like the servant knew something. We only kissed and felt each other through our clothes but I felt like they know something more. Their eyes as we walked past were locked onto us and I almost started to feel sick. But Aerion slipped his hand down my arm and grabbed my hand as we walked in silence, I felt better after that.

I do not understand how him practically showing everyone that something is going on made me feel better but it did. I now only have to deal with my heart beating in my throat as I think about what we are about to do. I wish I could just be horny like I was when we were on Moonfyre but now I am horny and scared. Scared something will go wrong or he will not like me as much as he does Daenerys.

The biggest part of the deal with Daenerys was that I did not attempt to push her away or steal Aerion. I have no intention of trying to hurt her or him but I feel like I am in a vulnerable position. But I want this anyway and I know Aerion desires me as he closes the door to my room and locks it I can practically feel his desire. His eyes traveling my body scream how much he wants my clothes out of the way and his hands slipping around my waist will soon give him what he wants.

"You seem nervous..." He kisses my cheek and then kisses downward one soft peck at a time until he is kissing my neck. "Just relax." His hands grab my hips and keep me in place as he sends tingles through my skin with his soft lips.

"Aerion..." I try to speak up but lose the words when his hands slide beneath the leather pants I am wearing and he grips my ass in his hands.

"Mya, poor little Mya." He pushes his forehead against mine before he steals my lips in a passionate kiss that makes my legs feel weak. "My poor little Mya, you are in too deep and are at my mercy now." He slides his hands off my rear and around to my stomach before he grabs my breasts.

I have to take slow steps backward as he pushes me toward the bed behind me, a hungry look in his eyes makes warmth pool in my guts. I feel my leg hit the bed and am about to stop before Aerion pushes me onto it on my back.

"Wait... I need to catch-." He leans over me with his hands pressing onto the bed, covering me with his body making me feel smaller.

"I told you, you are at my mercy now." I bite my lips as he stands back up and starts to undress, his defined chest looking like the statue of the warrior.

It is no wonder he wins every Tourney he is in, he never loses a fight and his body shows it. He tosses his silk undershirt away before looking back at me with a smile I have seen thousands of times, but this time it feels different. I feel like his smile is 'for' me and not just 'at' me or someone else. The thought makes the warmth pooling inside me burst into flames as I clench my thighs together.

He starts sliding down his pants and his cock comes out and I am left wondering if he will be giving me any of that 'mercy' he was talking about.


187 AC


Aerion Targaryen


I am going to fuck her stupid, a pooling mess of orgasmic bliss, a stuttering fool drooling over my cock.

But then I look into her eyes and see the worry and I feel the wind in my sails take a hit, not that I still won't wreck her. She got me fired up and all the memories of all the times she has teased or tempted me are flooding in, it's payback time. I am going to claim her and give her that love she craves whenever she looks at me from over the dining table.

That and I am going to knock her up as my duty to my King to repopulate our numbers... or so I will say to anyone who asks...maybe not. I could just say the truth, I want to fuck the hell out of my half-sister and get her fat with my kid. Lying or hiding behind Daeron just seems cowardly but I doubt anyone will ask anyway, I will just be another of the horny kin fucking Targaryens to everyone else.

Which actually makes me wonder why I don't just pull a Maegor and marry her like he did his second wife in a Valyrian ceremony. It would solve all the problems of our kids needing a name, bastards can't have dragons, it's a bad combination. Just look at the dragon seeds from the dance, the ones who flew Vermithor and Silverwing, nameless fools who lusted for more. The children Mya gives me won't be like that, I do not know if they will hatch eggs but I do know they will be mine and I want them to be Targaryens.

I shake my head and put the thoughts aside, for now, I can ask her after we finish fucking. If we even finish, I have the urge to rut her into the bed till I pass out near dead.

I place a hand by Mya's head and lean over her bracing my weight on that arm, my other hand goes to her pants and starts unbuttoning her pants. I lean in and kiss her lips as she gives me an expectant look with her hazy eyes. Once I finish her pants off I slide my hand up and start undoing the top she is wearing so I can take it off at the same time.

She slides her hands around my chest with her nails lightly scraping against my skin as she traces my muscles. she takes her time on my abs as she draws circles on them before her hand lowers and bumps my stiff cock. She freezes and even her tongue stops swirling around with mine as she thinks about what she is touching.

"Take your top off." I stand back up with a knee on the bed beside her as I grab her pants and start tugging them off.

She goes wide-eyed as I pull her pants and purple thong right past her knees, I stop for a moment to admire the craftsmanship of the thong. I can spot Narha's craftsmanship even if the string-like underwear is almost nonexistent. I mentally make a note to thank Narha for being so good at what she does, I did not even notice they were there when Mya was riding my lap on Moonfyre.

To be honest I kind of find it a bit kinky that she wore a thong with leather pants to ride a dragon, the thing must have dug into her ass the whole time, or else I would have seen it.

"Nice choice in 'small clothes'." I joke and by the time I look up at Mya she is gripping the sheets in fists and her chest is bare causing me to gulp.

Fucking hell she is busty, as far as Targaryens go they usually at best get medium is premium treatment. But Mya Rivers soon-to-be Mya Targaryen has a full-on rack, a rack that is hard to look away from with her pink nipples distracting me. I almost jumped her to take one of them into my mouth like I do Daenerys's but there is something else I want to kiss on first.

"Spread'em." I tap on her thighs which are locked tighter than a vault as she focuses on my length.

"Huh?" She mutters and almost like she is free of a spell she blinks her eyes and looks down at me sinking my fingers into her thick thighs.

I tug her to the edge of the bed before lifting her legs from behind the knee, she squeals in confusion before I kneel by the bed. The only time I get on my knees is this, and I can not say I hate it. Mya finally spreads her legs and looks at me between her thighs with wide eyes. My intention is obvious, even someone who has never had sex has heard of the 'lords kiss'.

I have probably hundreds of hours logged in between Danny's thighs polishing my skills and Mya has no idea what is coming. Well, I know what's coming and I look forward to working her to that peak.

Leaning in I licks around her slit as I taste her unique flavor and she makes awkward noises with her mouth shut tight. Like a mix of a seal dying or a cat being run over she has no idea what to do as I split her slit with my tongue and glid from top to bottom. But the real noises start when I hit her bundle of nerves and she fists my hair in both hands pushing me against her sex.

I have to push her off my face with both hands as she tries to hump against me and I narrow my eyes at the girl. Seems she needs some training but I guess I can let her enjoy her first time.

I push her legs back toward her chest as I get back to work devouring her cunt, her noises turn from unintelligent to breathless moans. I will chalk it up to my skills when she reached her peak in my record time, it had nothing to do with her being extra sensitive at this moment. With her knees pushed back toward her chest her ass is slightly raised and as she shakes from the pleasure rocking through her it jiggles hypnotically. I can already imagine my red handprint across it marking it as mine but I will wait till she is more comfortable.

I stand up and she keeps a hold of her knees by wrapping her arms under them as her head lays back with her eyes shut tight. I put a knee on the bed beside her as I line my cock up with her entrance and rub it up and down her slit wetting it. Lubrication will never be a problem with how drenched Mya seems to get, the sheet beneath her ass looks like someone spilled some water.

"You ready?" I stand on one leg with the other kneeling on the bed as I lean over her with my dick pressed against her entrance.

She looks down in between us, a feat with how her breast must block the view, and slowly starts to nod.

"Go slow, I am worried it will hurt..." I remember the sight of Daenerys slamming herself down on my cock not long after taking it the first time, Mya should be fine if she has even a fraction of those genes.

I kiss her as I press forward with my hips and split her open for the first time, she winces and I feel her teeth clench behind her lips. I come to a stop as I let he calm herself down and when I feel her teeth unclench I thrust deep into her folds. She groans into my mouth and pushes my head away as she looks down at our joined hips with a faraway look in her eyes.

"It didn't really hurt..." I roll my eyes as I push her head back down and take her lips once more.

Seems she got those same Danny genes after all.