46 R18


187 AC


Aerion Targaryen


I guess I should not be surprised, a young Targaryen woman with fire in her blood being able to go for multiple rounds without stopping. But the real surprise is how quickly she recovers after a drink of water and closing her eyes for about half an hour. I thought she was knocked out for the rest of the day, but when I close my eyes to drift off with her I suddenly feel her sling a leg over me.

"Stay down, I am going to ride the dragon now." I shake my head in amusement as she 'mounts' the dragon.

She presses a hand on my chest as she leans forward to raise her hips, her other hand grips my shaft and aims my tip. She gets it with a little effort and accidentally knocks her head against mine as she tries to look down between us. But she shakes off the headbutt as she sinks my cock into her hot folds.

"Mmmm." She mewls as she slides herself up and down on me and I sit back with both hands behind my head to watch the show.


So that was certainly something, I am still processing after the post-nut clarity hit me like a brick. But I certainly am finding that most of my stress was for nothing, or rather the gains outweigh the risks.

Mya is certainly a valiant bed warrior as she went toe to toe for much longer than I would have expected. Though it also felt like she was maybe 'pent up' and finally had a release to vent on. Further 'testing' will be needed to know for sure, but in all honesty, I am kind of shocked at how wild she got.

It was like watching Danny after she had to deal with something that annoyed her, she just refused to stay down and tap out.

"Mmm." Mya groans as she lays on my chest, she is thoroughly drained of all energy and is like a puppet with her strings cut.

"You ok?" I kiss her head and she barely manages a small nod before she yawns.

"Tired and hungry..." I chuckle as I look toward the large window on the far wall, which seems to be close to dinner time.

"Want me to get some food brought up?" She whines and her arms tighten around my neck as she rubs her cheek against my chest. "How about food and I get them to bring some hot water so we can get washed up a bit?" Her whining stops as she rolls off me and takes the blankets with her.

"Quick." Her head sinks into the pillow as soon as it hits it and she only manages to mumble a single word.

I shake my head as I sit up and look for my clothes, I can't walk out there naked and spook the working staff.

I grab my pants and slide them on as I plan to run by my room to grab some clean clothes before heading back. I am feeling a bit nervous about seeing my wife's reaction but I am also wanting to see my twins. I push the flicker of guilt down as it serves no purpose, everyone involved in this approved of it so there is nothing to be guilty of. Danny is fine with it and both of the people who actually fucked enjoyed themselves, no reason to overthink it anymore.


187 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


"Nice to see you so soon, I thought you would be rutting with her until the sun rises." I stuff Aemon's hand through the sleeve of one of the shirts Narha made him.

"I plan to go back, I sent for food and for her tub to be filled but I did not want to put on dirty clothes after washing." I nod and pull on the edges of Aemon's little outfit to smooth it out as he looks around for his Father after hearing his voice.

Aerion walks over and hugs me from behind smelling like dragons and sex, an oddly arousing smell but I bump him back with my rear. I step aside to give him room to see his son as I head to pick up Rhaella who still needs to be dressed. She has her head stretched at an almost painful angle to look at her Father making me roll my eyes, these babes always show who their favorite is. I can't help but be annoyed even if I know it is mainly because he is the only man in their lives and he sounds and looks different compared to all the women in their life.

It became even more obvious when they heard Ser Richard speak the other day and they both cried. I am sure they will grow out of it quickly but these two little 'hatchlings' sure are in love with their father.

"Let me, I got her." Aerion slips his hands through my arms and takes his daughter before setting her on the blanket on the table.

"I will grab you a few outfits, you should leave some clothes in there for in the future." I eye him for his reaction and he nods while making faces at Rhaella.

I smile seeing him finally make up his mind and accept... accept whatever this is. I felt annoyed with his back and forth even if he was just being mindful of my feelings. I think I am going to take longer than I expected before I have any more babies, I want to focus on these two as much as I can. If I am pregnant and going through the pains and suffering that come with it I won't be able to show them as much attention as I would like. I was not expecting to have two right off the start, I feel blessed and it gives me some room to take maybe a few years without being pregnant. I still want to have a lot of them and my desire has not changed but I can take slower steps when I already have these two.

This is just another reason why I am fine with him having more with the people I approve of, especially when ours are still young. I want all the kids to be in similar age groups so no one feels left out. Daeron is much older than me and Aerion and we were fine with it because we are older in 'mind' and we had our nephews, but a normal child might feel lonely.

"They look cute in matching clothes." I look over my shoulder as I fold a couple of Aerion's pants to put in a pack for him to take, he is holding the twins one in each arm with a wide smile.

"They do." I can't help but smile seeing how good they look in matching black with red.

I stuff the outfits I picked out into a pack and toss it onto the table before I reach in to scoop up the nearest baby.

"You got a message from Lord Celtigar, he just sent a simple message saying he would sell." I raise a brow questioningly and Aerion looks confused as he looks up from the babies until his eyes widen in understanding.

"Lord Celtigar sent a message saying he would sell?" I hear excitement boil in his voice as I start nodding.

"He did, it did not mention what or how much it was, I assume you already know?" He nods as he sways side to side on his feet with a wide smile, he kisses Aemon's head and whispers soft words to him. "What is it, I am dying to know now." I can't help but feel some excitement seeing Aerion get this happy, I wonder what it is he is trying to buy now.

"Valyrian steel battle axe, I was surprised when I heard the stories of it were even real and I made a few offers over the course of this last year. He held firm on not wanting to part with his ancestral weapon but the thing has not been taken out of the vault since even before the conquest of Aegon." I raise my eyebrows, no one sells their Valyrian steel so if they are selling it then it must be expensive. "The reason they do not use it is that they have no one who can use it, well they could but not as well as the founder of their house. I think the story he told me was the axe was acquired by the founder of his House and he was a very large man who was once a guard to a Dragon Lord before leaving Valyria with a large sum and the axe being a part of it." In his excitement, he has not mentioned the price and I have some dread growing, I know it will not be cheap.

"How much though?" He stops pacing and looks back at me with a sly grin.


187 AC


Mya Rivers


Aerion said he would be back but I am feeling a bit cold laying in the bed alone, the servants just set up my meal on the table after filling my tub. I look up and see the steam coming from the tub and groan as I roll out of the bed. I feel an odd chill I never usually feel and I know it has to do with the lonely feeling swimming around inside me.

I take slow steps toward the tub as my back aches and my legs throb, I might have overdone it.

I stand beside the tub and try to lift my leg and feel a sting that causes me to set my foot back down. I almost curse Aerion but I hear the door open and cover my body with my hands, seeing it is Aerion I drop my hands as he looks around the room.

"There you are, I went to grab some clothes and check up on the twins." I nod as he tosses a pack toward the bed and walks toward me. "You ok?" I try to lift my leg again and wince.

"Can you help me?" He nods as he strips out of his clothes and drops them into a pile on the floor before approaching me.

He stands behind me and wraps his arms around me bringing back the new warmth I was enjoying until he left. I lean back against him and turn to kiss his cheek causing him to grin.

"Let's wash off and eat, I asked them to make your favorite so let's not let it get cold." He picks me up with one arm beneath my legs and one behind my back.

He steps into the tub that is a bit too small for two people but we manage to fit as he lowers us into the water. I am sitting on his lap with my back to him and after we are fully in the water is close to spilling out the sides of the tub.

"I missed you." I speak up even though the chill is gone and the loneliness was blown away I still feel a bit sour.

I just got to have him and he left me alone for too long and made me miss him, I dread how the future will be when he sleeps with his wife. Before we crossed the line I felt the desire to be with him and to be loved by him, now that I have had it I want more and more. I promised Daenerys I would not cause problems and that is why she agreed that I could even do this at all, but I can not help the sting I feel in my chest.

"I was not even gone that long." He pushes my hair aside exposing my neck and leans in to kiss it softly, his lips send waves of pleasure through me. "But I missed you as well." He stops kissing and leans his head against mine.

"I almost feel like it would have been better to just never indulge than to taste it and have to share." He snorts and rubs his cheek against my own bringing a small smile to my face. "I envy that Daenerys has had this for as long as she has had it." I wonder if she will let me sleep with them some nights, I am sure if I asked she would allow it.

"I am sure we will figure something out that leaves everyone involved satisfied." I nod and lean my head back against his shoulder as his hands start to explore my chest.

I am sure we will as well, I already have many ideas coming to mind with some involving me moving into one of the many rooms inside their 'room'. Their room is half of one floor with steps going up to another and being a bit over half of the other floor as well. It only has one entrance which they like since they only need to have the one door guarded. I remember Aerion once saying it was a fire hazard but Daenerys just told him dragons don't fear fire.

I still remember the dumb look on his face before he went off to plan to build a 'fire escape'.

"Want to go to Claw Isle with me tomorrow to meet with Lord Celtigar? We will be staying the night, I am going to discuss a deal to get their Valyrian steel axe. Daenerys said I could not take the twins and she will be staying to watch them, I would appreciate the company." I nod as my smile grows wider, a little adventure with just us two.

"I would love to." I have never been to Claw Isle but I am suddenly looking forward to seeing it.