
187 AC

Claw Isle

Aerion Targaryen


"I think you are reaching quite a bit, yes I want it but you know I have no plans on wielding an axe nor any of my children will wield an axe. I will be having it remade into a sword or maybe even two with how much larger it is than I thought it would be." Not that I cant wield an axe, but it's stupidly large, and I would at least want a smaller axe if I was to use one, to begin with.

"Aye, so you are buying 'one or two' Valyrian blades from me in that case and my price should be fair." I resist smacking his fat head, I have to seek out a smith that can reforge Valyrian steel and they are only known to come from Qohor and he has the balls to say something like that.

"Listen, I will be honest with you Lord Celtigar and you might not like it but I am not here to kiss your ass. House Celtigar may be Valyrian but I know landed knights with more political and manpower, it's almost sad. Your family survived the doom and did well to support House Targaryen, but you never grew from it. What a few small council positions and that is about all you can claim and none who held a position are well known. What I am offering for an axe you do not even use, is real power or at least the means to hold onto something real." House Velaryon runs circles around House Celtigar and I am giving him a chance to rise and he actually wants more, its short-sighted.

He shifts in his chair uncomfortably and frowns as his forehead creases, I think I might have angered him. But if he can not see how fair the deal I am offering is, then he is not worth my time and neither is the damn axe.

"I am not trying to anger you, but I can see why the facts would upset you." I see him shift more and I know I might be crushing his pride a bit too much, but he needed an ego check. "The shipyard I am going to build near the 'Whispers' will rival the Arsenal from Braavos once it is manned and supplied. I already have a deal with House Velaryon and they are getting one hundred ships once I complete my own fleet. I am offering you a similar deal and you will be invited to join in the first long-distance voyage to Yin for a fraction of the tag-along price. I am also paying you a fat purse of a million gold dragons. This transaction has the potential to make your House rise far more than the axe ever could." I cut it off there, we have already talked in circles and I am tired of it, he can accept or be bullheaded.

The fleet he is getting from me is worth much more debatably but at the end of the day, he will be paying for the fleet. This whole deal is mainly me ripping him off but also not really, a sword or two is not worth how much I am spending in hindsight. But the prestige that comes with a Valyrian steel weapon is also not small, so it kind of will balance out in the long run. I am expecting this to cost me around two million to three million golden dragons all said and done with everything accounted for, I might be a little off but not by much. But with the Celtigar's growing in power I also stand to gain some benefits.

The scheme hidden in plain sight here is that I am planning a large voyage to Qarth and Yin and making it seem like it is a favor to let him come. The game plan is to attract as many people to send ships with mine as possible, I want massive gains. My own ships will obviously be pure profit once they pay themselves off through trading on the first voyage. But with House Velaryon and potentially House Celtigar, I am making gold off the 'tag along fee' I will be charging them. Long story short it is mainly using the Targaryen name and sigil on the sails to tell people to fuck off and 'grease wheels' and ensure a smooth voyage. No one wants me to fly out on Moonfyre to settle a grudge or dispute and so a lot of the problems of the voyage will be smoothed over easily. It is a lot more complicated than just 'let's set sail' since foreign places like Qarth will want to charge for everything they can. Like passing through the 'Jade gates' to make way to Yin.

Now I am not saying it will be without any bumps but the sheer size of the fleet we will be bringing will also hold its own power. The point is I am trying to send as many ships as possible to both look threatening and scare off the majority of pirates and also 'charge' for that benefit to those riding along. Most people would be too scared to sail their own fleet that far through the jade sea when they have to deal with the pirate lords in the Basilisk Isles and hungry merchants wanting to rip them off.

Long story short, it's an investment I was already going to make as far as the ships go and I am paying 'the going rate' for the weapon. The Shipyard I am building at the abandoned castle called 'The Whispers' will at its peak compete with the 'Arsenal' of Braavos. The goal is a Galley a day and I think with the plans I have it is possible. We also have direct access to forests and will not have to import for wood as Braavos does. The Whispers is also close to Claw Isle and I want to have a good relationship with the Celtigars because of it. I would hate to pass The Whispers to one of my kids once there is a new castle built there and the neighbors always kick up a fuss.

"My son..." He looks down at the table and trails off in thought after mumbling some words. "My son had a daughter a few years back and I would accept your deal if you will foster her at Harrenhal. You are right about my House, we have had some strong members but for the most part, we are a pale shadow compared to the other surviving Houses of Valyria in Westeros. I would prefer if I had a grandson but I only have the one granddaughter for now and I want you to foster her to help educate her." Holy shit I was expecting him to try and jack up the amount of the purse, not this.

As unexpected as this is, I also see a lot of potential in this.

"How old exactly?" Maybe a potential bride for one of my sons, should I have other sons and not an army of daughters.

"Four name days but soon to hit her fifth, she will be eating dinner with us tonight where you can see her for yourself." Surely he has thought of this before and not impulsively offering it.

It's young to be separating from her parents for long periods, almost too young and I stand to gain from it. She would see my family as her family more than her real family if they do not make an effort to keep in touch with her. But I am sure he also is seeing the potential of her doing just that and maybe getting so close to my kids that she snags the heart of one of my sons. Everyone wants dragons, I would expect no less from a Valyrian house that has never been graced with dragon lord's blood.

But this deal can be done for less than I was expecting for accepting this and also it helps push along my plans with involving the Celtigars. I am not against it but I need to make sure her parents are actually fine with it and that this is not going on without them knowing. If I was in their shoes and had no power to stop my kid from being taken I would find a way to stop it. Even if it meant trying to slit someone's throat or poison them and I do not need a crazy Mother coming after me and my family.

"Let me sleep on it and I will let you know in the morning, it is a lot of responsibility to raise someone else's child." I wonder if it would be easier to just offer some more gold and tell him to keep the girl.


187 AC

Claw Isle

Mya Rivers


"Word will be out after this." I watch him closely to judge his reaction to my words and he smiles while shrugging.

"I could care less, I would not have brought you and asked for one room if I was scared of what people will say. I made a decision and I am going to stick to it, there is no backing out now that it is done." I nod as my heart soars and I wrap my arms around him tightly.

"I see." I feel the familiar heat pooling in my stomach as his arms slide up and down my back but I still have some questions before we get lost under the sheets. "Why did you seem so interested in the granddaughter of Lord Celtigar?" He told me some of what went on during his negotiation but I found his questions to and about the little girl odd.

"I think we will be fostering her at Harrenhal in the near future." The small girl named Prunella Celtigar seems to be a part of the deal it seems. "I believe he is fishing for a marriage but is happy if she can form a close relationship with House Targaryen regardless. I also think he is hoping I will teach her some of my 'secrets' in making gold so she can help her house after the fostering." His hands find my rear and he lifts me up and sets me on a table.

"That makes sense, I suppose you are not against the idea with how you kept talking with her Mother and Father." He nods before he sets his forehead against my own while looking into my eyes, his lips slowly closing in.

"If I say yes to the fostering then the deal will go through and I will get the axe I want, I will need to find a smith from Qohor though. I am glad I have been making some friends over there and it should not be too hard." He kisses my cheek and pulls back before kissing it again going closer to my ear. "Want to know a secret of mine?" His voice is sweet in my ear and sends shivers down my back and I find myself nodding without noticing.

"I want to know your secrets." He smiles before kissing my lips, he breaks it off and as I open my eyes I spot the lust forming in his own.

"I plan to have the smith stick around for a bit and experiment with the dragon's flames to see if they can recreate Valyrian steel. I am confident any smith who took the time to learn the secret art of reforging Valyrian steel will have hopes to crack the recipe themselves. I imagine getting my offer would be enough to have most of the magic metal workers grow roots in Harrenhal." My eyes widen and I find myself dumbstruck at the possibility.

If it was not for him running his hands over my body once more and silencing my questions with his lips I would want to know more. But Magic Metal can wait when my body is aching at his touch and my heart stirs with desire.